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Such strong denial in DH....

Simpleton21's picture

Yesterday DH's SM came over.  I love his SM.  She is the only parent he had that I think tried to parent him and teach him right.  Anyways we are all talking and of course DH had to bring up his wonderful little SD even though she wasn't there at the time.  He tells SM.  SD didn't make cheer this year.  It was the first year she had to actually try out.  There is still a lot of political BS going on there like the previous years.....Mmmmkay....that denial is strong DH.  Maybe it isn't political BS and mean cheer coaches but the fact that SD forgot 1/2 the moves and words to the try out dance.....UGH!  I almost barfed on him right then and there but I held my tongue.  Thankfully SM is a bit like me and I loved her response.  She basically said it was a good thing b/c kids need to learn how to accept failure and it teaches them to try harder and that she really isn't a fan of cheerleaders b/c they usually seem to have that mean girl mentality and since SD tends to take after BM so much it is probably best she isn't in cheer anymore! LMAO!  I know SM said that in the nicest possible way as to not put DH on the defense but she still sees what I see!  SD is just like BM and they are not nice.  They are fake nice!  I also know that SM knows that SD is a complete spoiled brat.  This is why his SM is my favorite.  She finds a way to sugar coat saying your daughter is a big brat without pissing DH off! LOL!  


grace8205's picture

I love your  SM- inlaw, she rocks!

Simpleton21's picture

Agreed, she is always trying to politely wake DH the hell up but he is oblivious!  One time she told DH the difference between him and his super trashy, dramatic sister was discipline.  His dad disciplined him and not his sister.....she told him SD would be the same if he didn't do something about it.  I'm pretty sure it went in one ear and out the other though :/

sunshinex's picture

This is great.

I wish there was another stepparent in our family who is realistic. 

Both mine and DH's fathers were "stepdads" but you would've never, ever known it. They treated all kids totally, 100% equally and honestly, I don't think either of them loved their biological kids more than their non-biological kids. It sets the bar so high for me, even though I know my situation is more realistic and common. It sucks. 

sunshinex's picture

My dad even has all his kids names tattooed on him, including my brother, who isn't his biological child. He still visits him, despite being divorced from my mom and not speaking to her in 10 years. Ugh. Damn good stepparents making me look bad lol. 

Simpleton21's picture

I think it is different for step dads.  My son doesn't try to compete with DH and doesn't have to constantly be the center of attention.  I think SMs, especially with SDs and crazy ex BMs to contend with have it a bit harder.  

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

My MIL loves informing me she was a SM... Of 2 girls... That were so PAS'd out... I've never met them and they're my DH's half siblings... I don't count it... DH said growing up they NEVER came for weekends. Only visited like once or twice.  All it made me think of (since FIL is one of the nicest, amazing, level-headed people) is that their BM must be crazy, and DH's sisters are probably spoiled brats...

Your DH's SM sounds amazing!!! I wish we had someone with blunt honesty and who bring some actual reality to the situation!!!

Simpleton21's picture

Ha, I love when people try to make a comparison like that to tell you how you should act/feel/behave towards these little monsters poisoned by toxic BMs or being overly spoiled.  Ugh!

Yes, I love his SM, she is the best!  I think having to deal with DH's sister and DH's mother had to be tough on my SM.  They are both very trashy and love drama.  DH's mom is also the one that once said to him, recently, "SM isn't your mom, I am"...really?!?! SM has been in DH's life since he was in HS but his mom is still that crazy and insecure about it! His SM also knows what a piece of work DH's ex wife is and is the only person that tried to get him to fight her in the divorce with the most messed up CO but DH was dumb and didn't listen.  Ugh!

Siemprematahari's picture

Simpleton does no one see that SD simply sucks in cheer? Her parents need to look into another activity and give this a rest.  I mean really......
