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Schools are STUPID!!!!

AshMar654's picture

Ok. So in the last year and some months I have not had an issue with being a soon to be SM. Well today it finally happened where I got denied and the most stupid way possible.

Last year when we enrolled SS into the new school we put me down in all the mom information and SO gave full permission for me to have access to everything. Well this year they decided to go all digital so in order to find teacher and all that fun stuff we had to go on-line. Of course we had to set up an account and blah blah blah. I had not gotten anything because I did it, because SO is horrible with checking e-mail and staying on top of things like that. (yes it is frustrating but I also know what takes him forever to figure out I do in like so much less time.) I call the school because I had not gotten anything.

Well I am not allowed, though SO said ok, to get a stupid access code. Only bio parents can have that. Not even a step parent. I was annoyed but OK. She asks me do I want to know hid teacher, I said yes, and she tells me. I am not allowed even though the paper work we gave the school SO told them to give me information.

Also I can pick him up from school early, I can go into the school and take him out. I have even sent a note to the school, that I signed saying his g-parents can take him. I allowed to do all that and call and get information about SS, I am not allowed to have access to a thing on-line that has the same info I can call and get.

This school is stupid.

Sorry just a annoyed rant. I really do not get it.


justmakingthebest's picture

I have to say that putting you down as "mom" is wrong. I get that BM isn't around but you can't just pretend that you are mom. It would be slightly different if you and DH were married. It would be totally different if you were on legal paperwork siting that you had parental rights. BUT as of right now, you are disposable in your skid's life.... just like me, just like most of us. 

At least the school works with you and knows your value. 

WalkOnBy's picture

Yah, I gotta co-sign the comment about about putting your information in the place for the bio mom.

I never put myself in any of that crap, we just left it blank and told the school we had no idea where she was. 

Even if/when you get married, you will still run in to this issue.   Stay in your lane on this one and let your boyfriend handle all of this.

The school isn't being stupid, it is making sure that a person who has no legal relationship to one of their students doesn't get access to them.

It's called being responsible

AshMar654's picture

I filled out the paperwork like a year ago. I am pretty sure I put down step-mom. Like I said I get the whole thing about not releasing the access code. She still told me information over the phone. That is the part I think is stupid.

What the hell is the difference. SO gave the school a copy of the custody agreement and birth certificate. They know I am not the bio-mom.

fourbrats's picture

your ability to access information as an umarried partner is very limited. The school should be giving you only a fraction of the information and only if your boyfriend has given them written permission. 

Also, we don't regularly look at a child's BC or even the custody agreement. Only when necessary. Honestly those of us who work for schools have better things to do, like educate and put on small daily fires amongst students and parents. 

AshMar654's picture

He did give permission when we submitted all the registration paperwork. That still does not matter I asked.

Livingoutloud's picture

No school isn’t stupid.

School has to protect itself.  If you are allowed access to things, then everyone’s boyfriend and girlfriend should have access to everything.

In fact school would be wrong giving access to info to significant others.

Putting you as “mom” was very wrong as you aren’t mom and aren’t even married to dad. Why would you claim to be his “mom”? It’s deceiving,. Just because you think things should work certain way it doesn’t mean that’s how it should or would work. If you want online access, then use your SOs account. 

Its a shame that SO is not good staying on top of his sons Education but it doesn’t mean school has to give his girlfriend access (even if you are engaged, that’s nothing in the eyes of the law)

AshMar654's picture

Yes stupid. Because if I am not allowed to have the information digitally than you should not tell me over the phone either. That is the part that is stupid to me.

If I remember correctly, I filled in my info there but labeled it step-mom just to make things east at the time. Seriously you had to bash my SO in this as well. He is on-top of his education he just sucks at e-mail. Guess what first year the school went digital so he probably thought like I did it would come in the mail. Really simple mistake.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Is there any reason you need your own code? Why can’t you use dads? It seems like when it comes to everything else they aren’t stopping you. They just don’t want to have to generate 4+ codes for every child.

The kids’ school has a system where the teachers can post pictures of the classroom, notes about children’s daily behavior, contact parents directly as a whole or set for each child, and so on. I just use my partner’s code to access it so I can see the photos and keep up with dates. This same system can be used to contact the teacher directly but I leave that up to him because like you I’m not the children’s parent. That’s his role. I can still do everything else. I’m even apart of the PTA because they will take all the help they can get.

AshMar654's picture

They are not giving out multiple codes. I put in my info to just get one code for us. They said no because I am not a bio-parent. Fine whatever. I just do not understand why I can call and get all the same info that they are making available on-line. That is the part I think is stupid.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Becuase you aren't the parent or legal guardian. If the program is set up with those rules they can't break them to give it to you. It's that simple. There's a good chance its already set up to accept dads info and they would have to go in and enter yours also. If you had legal rights then they would have to do that but an ok by dad isn't legal rights and there for they don't want to take the time to enter you into the system. Then do it for grandma of some other kid, and hey lets get the baby sitter for little Jimmy. Legally you are no different and it is extra work for them.

Have your partner sign up like he's supposed to and move on. You can chose this as a hill to die on or make expect dad to be dad and do what he's supposed to.

AshMar654's picture

I get it just think it is stupid I am allowed. I am allowed to vent and get it out and think it is stupid. Hill to die on...... wow just cause I am venting. Thanks again for the dig on SO not being a a good dad. Some on here just always still like to get that dig in and try to make him seems lazy and like he does not do stuff.

But he does. Yes I will defend him here. I am just better at the computer stuff than him. I know it and I am ok with that.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

My first comment was that they didn’t want to create more codes. You argued that they wouldn’t have to but clearly identified that dad’s information was already in the system. Maybe my exact words are wrong but the idea was still there and you’re trying to pick it apart. They put dad’s info in. They would put in mom’s info. They chose that was enough because they didn’t want to have to enter the information for 8+ adults for one child. They made it so both dad and mom could access and from there they can give that access to who they want.

My point was to explain why it’s happening. You don’t like it and that’s fine but instead of trying to understand and accept it you want to focus on why it’s wrong and your right. That is what I meant about choosing your hill to die on. You can continue to be angry at the school because you’re not a bio-parent and take offense. Or you can accept that they have their reason for not just making it where you can get on. Considering how much is outsourced I’m going to bet that there is a good chance that they don’t set up the access to the system. I would bet that they send a massive list to the company running the program or have one person for the school district in charge of setting up access. What seems like nothing to you is more than likely a long process of paperwork.

It’s hard to hear this and I’m in the same boat but we aren’t parents. We aren’t even step parents. I’m going to take a stab in the dark and guess there’s not POA filled out giving you rights either? You think this is bad? Wait till a kid gets hurt and you can’t do crap at the ER because you’re not a legal guardian. Dad needs to do things because you can’t do it all. You may be better but he still needs to do it himself because he needs to know how to. He needs to think about it. He can’t depend on you. I’m not saying he needs to do it all but if the system wants him to sign up then let him and get the access information. I’m in the same boat where I’m better with technology then my partner. When it comes to this stuff we sit down and do it together so he’s informed about what’s going on. I’m the one who set up the account for him with him right beside me. Yeah he was annoyed but I don’t care. He can do it himself if something happens to me.

advice.only2's picture

I had a friend once who went to pick her daughter up from school and her exes current girlfriend had come in and completely removed her from all the school forms and put her own name in the "mother" boxes, the girlfriend also tried to do this at the pediatricains office. That school was stupid for not checking to ensure that the girlfriend was a bio parent of the child.
So though it may appear stupid there are reasons schools must work so hard to ensure only the bioparents/legal guardians are listed for information.

Livingoutloud's picture

Exactly. There are ton of scary stories out there.

Also even if parent isn’t existent, it doesn’t mean someone else can claim to be a parent. Schools cant and shouldn’t allow such things 

Also being able to pick up a child from school isn’t the same as having access to info. People on emergency contact can pick up a child from school 


fourbrats's picture

and it is scary the number of SOs/stepparents/partners etc try to change information, pick up kids when they know it's not their partner's time, try to access private information etc. And I work for a very small school. We also have aunts, uncles, and grandparents who try to do the same. 

AshMar654's picture

I get all the stuff out there that can be scary. Yeah there are crazy people out there. The school has his birth certificate and copy of the custody agreement so we are not hiding anything from the school. SO just filled out the info so I could have access. That was it.

If there was a bio-mom in the picture trust me I know my role would be way different in this situation.

fourbrats's picture

to fill out the "mom" portion with mom's name and the remainder N/A or leave it blank. It should absolutely not have your information in that section. As I said, no one at the school is looking at the BC or custody agreement unless necessary. They have better things to do. 

AshMar654's picture

That is really good to know, that they would never look at the custody agreement. Kinda glad we never put her name down at all as mom.

If we had who is to say that she would not be able to come and just take him from school at some point. Even though they custody agreement does not allow it.

fourbrats's picture

I said unless necessary. Someone who shows up to pick up the child? Yes, they would check and no they wouldn't allow mom to pick up. Putting your name down as "mom" or even "stepmom" when you are not either is fraudulent and opens the school up to legal trouble. Plus mom (as are all parents) is entitled to basic school information under federal law. Even if she doesn't have legal custody or visitation. 

You are playing games with the school and honestly if you continue they will simply allow you nothing but emergency pick up. Schools have the right to do this. They can tell dad that they will no longer speak to you or allow access to any information. 

AshMar654's picture

I get what you are saying. Yes I know she is allowed information I read the CO so I get that. Yes SO and I both know we lied a little. We will be married in less than 2 months now. I get what I did but it really only becomes an issue if BM comes back around which in theory she has such limited access and I do not think she even knows what school SS goes to at all. She knows nothing. That is on her. She stopped contact and nothing in the CO says SO needs to notify her if he moves.

I did not push it over the phone or make a big deal about it. Simply said ok and went back on and filled in SO's name and info got him set up. I am not trying to play games just make our lives a little easier and knew I would be legally step-mom when I signed. I knew I was not going anywhere.

ldvilen's picture

I'm pretty sure your name is not on that custody agreement; or is it?  I can't see a court awarding custody to dad and his GF sans BM, but who knows?

fourbrats's picture

to put yourself down as mom. That just is what it is and it opens up the school district to a ton of legal trouble if mom were to exercise her right to school information. Schools have to protect themselves and the students. Stepparents are typically put down as an emergency contact and given the ability to pick up but are not allowed access through online systems and such. You can use your husband's log in if you need the information. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I'm raising the skids. Psycho is a useless POS. I'll be the one involved with school stuff. I get your frustration. I can sign things, I can volunteer, I now have all the rights at SD5's school. I'm still not allowed an online account either (so I use DH's). I don't understand either.

I think the weirdest thing was me finishing registration adn them telling me no. I had all her papers, social security card, vaccinations, etc. And while I partially get it. The other part of me says. I have all the documents... I'm just registering a kid for school... Not like I'm even checking them out and tkaing them somehwere. I have the kid with me for crying out loud...

AshMar654's picture

Yeah, I get it but it just does not totally make sense to me. You will tell me on the phone but I am not allowed access on-line. Schools are so weird and strange when it comes to some stuff.

moving_on_again's picture

I just use DH's code. My info is nowhere on SS's school stuff. 

However, the teachers and principal are always telling me things about SS that I don't think I should probably know. They know his mom is worthless, though. 

ldvilen's picture

Yes, Virginia, there is a difference between being married and just being an SO, sometimes.  Maybe this isn't the best place to say this, but I sometimes I get PO'd when women who are just living with their SO and babysitting, try to act like they have equal legitimacy to a married SM.  I get that like a married SM they have made an emotional investment with DH and with his children; however, that begs the question as to what gives someone SM status?  Is it just hanging out at the guy's house and hanging out with his kids?  Or, is the full committment of a husband-wife relationship necessary to qualify for SM status?  I sure as H- don't blame schools for not giving any sort of nod to boyfriends and girlfriends regardless of whether they are living together or not.  How is the school supposed to keep track of who's on first this week?  Doesn't matter who filled out the forms.

Anyway, people can think what they want, but I've blogged here for years and my whole point of legitimacy for a SM is that she is married to her DH and deserves to be at least treated like her husband's wife, because that is who and what she is.  And, I know times are a changing and SOs, like SMs, come in all shapes and sizes  But, it really seems like a dig for all SMs when a SO comes here, and some even come here while DH is STILL MARRIED to BM, and acts like she/ SO should just instantly and automatically be given full SM or even BM status just because they are living with a guy, who has children.  Something just ain't right about that.  Yeah, like schools and everyone else are supposed to somehow just know who is shacking up this week and who isn't and which BM is a POS and which BM isn't and shools are supposed to have no problem deferring to the whim and will of bio-dad and his GF or bio-mom and her BF at the drop of a pin.  Not very realistic, to say the least.  Maybe in so-and-so's mind there is no difference between being married or not, but for pretty much everyone else, it is truly a logistical nightmare.

AshMar654's picture

I think I followed all that. I agree if the person is just a girlfriend and there is no commitment there I agree. My SO and I bought our house together both names on everything. I have SS on my health insurance and pay out of my paycheck to have him on it. He lives with us everyday all day since BM is not around and has not been going on 10 years.

While no legally we are not married will be soon in 1.5 months. We would have done it sooner but we have a lot of family from out of town and needed to give them time to plan and make arrangements. If I was the flavor of the week I would agree. I would consider me a step-mom because I care for him, I provide for him, I do everything a parent does.

notarelative's picture

Schools follow federal FERPA law. Permission for step parents (grandparents, significant others, nannies, etc)  has to be authorized each year. It does not carry over from year to year. 

It can seem archaic and unfair when you know that you are the one doing the day to day work and the bio parent is nowhere to be found. But, the school needs to know that the situation is the same. They need to know that the bio parent continues to grant you the permission.

In one infamous case, the school followed the law and would not let the person who had been on the form before, pick up the child. However, the child went to after school day care, and the parent had not updated the form there, and day care let the person pick up the child based on last year's form and information. Google Emily Brendel Barrington RI and read why schools should take FERPA seriously.

AshMar654's picture

I get it I do. Just thought it was stupid she would tell me over the phone his teacher's name. SO strange to me.

ESMOD's picture

I'm guessing that knowing a kid's teacher's name is a LOT less risky than any number of things a bio parent can do via the log on information.. perhaps even change permissable pickup names?  Imagine if the wrong person had that access?

twoviewpoints's picture

Ash, let it go. You're taking it too personal. Giving the name of the teacher to you via phone is far different than telling you the entire contents of the online access file. Asking the teacher's name is basically a generic question. 

The difference between giving you access online authority by the school and your SO letting you use his access is huge. In that legal world . Don't let it make a difference in your day to day 'real' life world. What SO does with his access the school can not control. School must follow rules, laws and regulations. They won't give you your own access code because you aren't the child's parent or legal guardian . You won't be even when you marry. However SO, soon to be DH can allow you all the access to the online portal via his account all he pleases. 

So in the end, once Dad sets up his account (usually his email and a password) you can go in and see all you please. 

I 'get' it. It sucks that you basically are 'Mom' to the kid, in both the kid's eye and your own. You've built and continue to build a good relationship with the child and he is fortunate his Dad found  lady who not only loves his Daddy but loves the kiddo too and thinks enough of the child to take him on as her own. 

But none of that changes anything in the eyes of the legal world. There are some things SO is just going to have to do. So Dad's name is the account for portal. It's no biggie. 

Your wedding is getting really close. How exciting! Is SS going to be in the wedding? You've come a long way since you first joined here in building and forming your little family and a good home for your 2bDH and SS. Embrace what really counts and let the little stuff go. 

Livingoutloud's picture

Teacher’s name is a very general, not personal information. It’s not stupid that she gave you that over the phone. It’s also not stupid to not give online access to all his records. It’s done for safety reasons and because they must follow the law. They aren’t mom and pop shop, they have laws to follow.

I get it that you feel like his mom but you have to look at things more realistically. If you want to have legal rights, you need to petition for it. Go through legal channels. Become legal guardian or adopt (after marriage).

But please understand that just because you feel something should be your way or think something is stupid, it doesn’t make it so. It would save you lots of headache if you look at things the way they are, not the way you want them to be 

AshMar654's picture

I see things the way they are I really do. The only thing on the portal is his teacher's name and his bus schedule. That is it for now. There is no personal information on there.

I just thought it was silly to give me all that information over the phone. I get not setting up multiple access codes and what not. IDK whole things just odd to me.

Livingoutloud's picture

There will be more info later like his grades etc but that’s besides the point. Their policy is not to give online code to people other than parents and legal guardians. That’s all. No conspiracy just conmon sense policy 

ldvilen's picture

I didn't accuse you of scheming.  I just asked.  And, considering it appears you had no problem putting yourself down as your child's mom on school paperwork, it was a question that should have been at least raised.

I agree I have not read much of your past blogs and believe me, I am very pro-SM.  However, having been heavily involved with both school systems and the healhcare system, I know fully well the legalities of mom vs. SM.  Many of the things you are claiming as justified rationale above, are things that have not happened yet.  They are things that you are just thinking will happen or should happen. 

You stated Schools are stupid in all caps with four exclamation points, largely because they didn't jump to embrace what YOU saw as your motherhood, no matter how you want to swing it.  If someone wanted to be POTUS and put that on a school form because they thought that was just around the corner for them, and the school refused to accept that label, would you think that person had any right at all to call them "stupid" for not accepting that proclamation?

And, I see above you already have your legal case settled and won, despite not having yet gone to court.  You are jumping the gun here.  Why?  Me and others are simply trying to get you to slow down and wait until you are at least a wife and SM and ideally legally mom before hurling insults at others for not "getting it."  And, yes, you should not be proclaiming in writing anywhere that you are this child's mother until that is legally the case.  Again, what you want the situation to be in your own home, is up to you and your DH and your SS.

I guess the legal person in me in this case overrode my pro-SM stance, because as much as I am for SMs and as much as I understand their struggles, I am not for jumping the gun and committing fraud in the name of anyone wanting to replace a BM so much, that she is putting "mom" labels on forms AND expecting others to blindly go along with that, else they are somehow STUPID!!!!  Wait until it is legal.  Your own home is a different issue.  Glad you had a good day today, 8/22.

AshMar654's picture

I get what you are saying. I did not put mom. I said step-mom the reason I put that on the forms back then so it would make it easier for me to pick him up from school and what not. Again I think the school is stupid in the fact they will give me all that information on the phone. Yes they are stupid, if they want to keep that information private via a portal for only bio-s and legal guardians, then do not give me the information over the phone. That is the part that I thought was stupid. If you think about it, it is. I did not insult anyone I vented that I think they were stupid who did I insult. I did not say that to them.

The case is not settled and won. Really I know I have not gone to court or done any of that stuff. I do know as of right now if she wants to see her SS at all she would have to get a lawyer and get the CO changed. That is fact. My SO will not allow her to see SS at this point in time. Yeah I am confident on that because I know my SO. Regardless if she does not sign the papers or does not contest it. Unless the CO is amended by the courts my SO will not allow her the choice to be in SS's life. Now if SS asks and wants to know who she is and meet her that is a totally different story.

As of right now she gave up her right to have a say in this boys life. I never proclaimed anywhere in writing that I was his actual mom. I put step-mom on the stupid paperwork. Yes still a lie but never did I actually say mom. If people ask I say yes I am mom. His teacher asked me last year because she knew the situation and was confused when SS talked about his mom and dad. We told her that I am who is referring to when he says mom.

I may have jumped a gun saying step-mom a while back, I just did it so I would be able to get him from school if I needed to. My SO is not the easiest person to get a hold of at his job. If it is an emergency we wanted the school to also be able to contact me. Yes I can fill out emergency contact info every single year and blah blah blah. We just did not want to do that. We both knew we were getting married we both knew that we would go make it legal tomorrow if need be. Trust me we only waited so all our family could be with us.

I appreciate what you are saying in slow down and all that stuff I get it. You have made a lot of assumptions about me. Saying I am super gun ho to replace BM. There was no one there to replace. I filled a spot in my SS's life that is what I did. As for paperwork no I do not put me as mom. Not even on medical stuff. Not even when I added him to my insurance they just asked if he was a dependent and under the law in our state I am allowed to claim him as one.