I put my kids first and left due to his
I'm really lost right now.
I have been dating on and off a widower for a year with three children aged 5,6,9. I have two boys aged 7 And 11.
My (now ex) has the children full time where as I have mine half of the week.
I took on his kids with open arms..I even visted their mum's grave at Christmas to support them. I played with them, chatted with them and treated them as my own. I also had my boys too and tried too treat all the kids the same which I did. I was fun and exciting. My ex doesn't have rules with his kids and they trash his house, they kick, spit , fight and name call their dad and my children. Their dad also smacks the two boys a lot which I don't like.
I have also had my ex call me nasty names too.
He says sorry and says he will make things right and he knows he needs to sort a routine with his kids as they stay up until 10pm most nights. But nothing really comes about. I did reward charts etc but my ex never followed it through so I stopped helping.
I did notice he guilt tripped me over his children a lot too and seemed to forget about my boys ? When myself and my boys stayed at his, his children would kick, hit and call my kids. I tried to be fair and tell all the kids it's wrong. I feel my ex put a lot of pressure on me to be mum to his kids. He didn't really like me doing my own thing and put his children on me emotionally a lot.
As the months have gone by his kids have gone worse and his 6 year old bullies my 11 year old! He calls him fat, ugly, I don't love him, he's rubbish at everything . My son knows he can't hit him as he's only 6... His same son and his youngest does it to my yougest too. My son hits back but I then have to tell my son it's wrong to hit! I tell my ex what his boys do and he just smacks them!? Yet with my boys it's toys taken away, time out, teach them right from wrong!
Things got so bad last week on holiday because his 6 year old picked on my eldest so bad my eldest went mental at me. Turns out he was so angry and hurt at constantly being picked on.
I approached my ex who called my son a big baby and started saying it's because my sons hates women he's angry. It hurt me very bad!!
Next day I went to the beach alone with my boys, had a great time too! But my ex followed with his kids near us...to top it off my ex bought his kids a toy beach rocket knowing my kids wanted one too. My boy's watched upset as they played asking why my ex just sorted his kids out?
We didn't speak for a couple of days as I was so upset. We eventually sat and spoke but his kids started again with mine. I can't tell his 6 year old as he just laughs at me. When my kids tell my ex what his son has done he turns a blind eye ...
It's been such an eye opener as to how he feels I should be with his kids 247 be their mum and feel their behaviour is acceptable? They don't clean up after their mess, have no toilet manners, greedy with sweets and food, trash the house...yet I teach my boys manners and my boys show it too as they are good boys on the whole.
We came back from holiday on Sunday. His two boys called each other fat, stupid, thick, fighting, calling their dad stupid for 10 hours. They cried for drinks food , loo stops and they went crazy if it wasn't now... My boy's and his daughter just sat in the back behaving.
My boys went to their dad's that evening and my eldest couldn't wait to go which hurt me.
The Monday we all saw each other again. My ex's kid started yet again on my son! My ex also undermined me with my other son and sweets.
At this point I'd had enough! I could see how hurt and angry my eldest was! I text my ex saying I can't see you again until you sort ur boys out!
I was then called horrible, nasty, it's not his kids but mine and he called my eldest son and my youngest a liar. Today he asked if my boys were happy at his. I told him the truth and said no. Again my ex called me nasty names and blamed me and my children...
Turns out my ex had also organised a birthday party with another woman for his 6year old sons birthday and not told me too. My son's birthday is on the same day too...My son is with his dad though but my ex told me he was sorting my sons birthday and doing something my son doesn't even like!.. I think I'd had enough at this point??
So it turns out I walked away from the man I love to protect my children. Funny though, I can't help think I've walked away to protect myself too because he can be nasty with words....
But can't still help but feel sad...Even though I know my kids have to come first in this instance.
I just want to talk to someone as my ex has made out I'm a bad person and he's a great parent. I think very differently.
Your ex is a HORRIBLE parent.
Your ex is a HORRIBLE parent. He is also a horrible partner.
IMO, he wanted a mother figure for his hooligans. Congratulations on escaping the chaos. Please do not entertain any ideas of reconciling with this guy. He's a jerk and he's raising little bullies.
Thank you. Glad you agree. He
Thank you. Glad you agree. He is refusing to acknowledge it's him and the way he brings his kids up . It's all me. He uses his position as a widower on a regular basis to make me feel bad.
Have you blocked this man
Have you blocked this man from contacting you? If not, you need to do so immediately.
He's blocked
He is a major piece of crap!
He is a major piece of crap! You deserve better and you need some therapy so you can understand why you think this is a man worth your time and love and how to chose better next time. Spend some time alone so you can learn to love yourself first and foremost so you won't fall under the spell of another jerk!
Totally agree. I was in a
Totally agree. I was in a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. I grew up with a narc mom and an alcoholic dad so it was always clear that my needs didn't matter, so when I got with someone who also treated me like my needs didn't matter it seemed right. After therapy - a short stretch even - and a lot of self reflection and some time alone I realised I didn't deserve that. I'm now with someone who treats me really well. No name calling, no constant critcism, backs me up on rules for kids, helps me make better rules for kids, is loving and supportive and kind. We have a calm household. As calm as it can be with three boys between us.
I'm changed for the better too. I used to yell too much at my kid. My SO's neighbours yell at their kids way too much (that house is out of control) and I was talking about it with my stepsons (my BS wasn't there). They were shocked when I told them I used to yell at my son too much. It's not like I don't get angry at my steps and my BS. I do. They do stupid stuff. They don't listen. They don't do as told. They act up sometimes. All kids do (they're all mainly pretty good kids, but even good kids do bad stupid stuff). I discipline them - my SO disciplines them. But voices are rarely raised. And most discipline is done calmly. I couldn't have done that without some reflection and a bit of help from therapy.
Sounds like
Life has turned a corner for you @elkclan. Im so pleased for you.
I am a good mum and thats the frustrating thing with him so why should i stay and lower my parenting standards and be called names just becasue I love him?
I know love fades and I can easily meet another man who will do things right. and treat me right..
We all deserve love and happiness!
You are doing the right thing
You are doing the right thing, dumping this guy.
The fact that you have been dating on and off should tell you something. I did that (a long time ago) and the reason it was on and off was because we were not meant to be together. Otherwise, it would have just been "on".
Your kids are young enough that I think you DO need to put them first, they don't deserve to grow up in such an environment. And, will resent you for it.
This guy is not that great, even though there are things about him that you love. Focus on yourself and your kids, you will meet the right guy.
Why exactly are you spending
Why exactly are you spending so much time with and exposing your own children to your X and his toxic spawn?
And why in God’s name do you choose to love this abusive kid bullying POS?