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O/T What A Difference

thinkthrice's picture

Losing weight makes.  Yes I feel more energetic, GERD symptoms gone...but the general public treats you better.  An older gentleman helped me with my shopping cart... men hold doors open for me...cute UPS guy said "Hi" to me.

Chef hasn't seemed to notice but he could be feeling a smidge guilty about his eating habits. 

Very interesting. 


notasm3's picture

I am about 90 pounds less than I was 20 years ago.  To me I almost forget that I ever got that heavy.  Since I no longer live in that area the people that know me now never knew me as being heavy.  But it never affected how people treated me.

To me it was always about age.  When I was young a cute men rushed to help me.  When I was middle aged I was invisible. Now that I am an old lady men rush to help me.

Cooooookies's picture

It might be your weight but it's probably that you have far more confidence now.  That always shows and is felt by people.  The more confident you are, the more approachable you become.

Congratulations Smile

ESMOD's picture

Yay.. glad your seeing results.  I'm down about 25 pounds myself.  Not quite at the point where tons of guys hit on me.. but have noticed somewhat of a shift in other's actions as well.

SacrificialLamb's picture

I am down 15 lbs and notice a difference. I like how I feel and the reduction of unpleasant symptoms. I notice more attention from men too.