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Epic mothers day FAIL

Kmommyof388's picture

So last night my mil got into a fight with the sister in law that she lives with, and decided to drop by at my house *at 11pm*  and we don' exactly live close to her (like a 2 hour drive) anyways, I feel terrible that her own daughter kicked her out the day before mothers day. So in my feeble attempt to make it up to her I spend most of the morning attempting to make a really good mexican breakfast,complete with making my own tortillas and guacamole.. it all went well...that is until we get to the avocado slicing...I had a really stubborn pit and welp long story short my blade went right thru the pit and into my thumb and thumb nail...guacamole ruined and had to spend the majority of the morning to get the bleeding to much for trying to show of my basic knowledge of how mexican food works lol next time I'll just do store bought! Im embarrassed 


Kmommyof388's picture

Should have gone to hospital but I didn't want to appear weak 

ESMOD's picture

They say that Bagels and Avocados cause a lot of ER visits.  Don't feel bad.  I'm sure she appreciated the effort and the welcoming home.

marblefawn's picture

I'm sure your MIL appreciated every drop of blood you shed for her breakfast! You did a great thing. Don't be embarrassed. I can't cook a thing Smile

I'm sending my mother to your house next Mother's Day. After her performance this year, I won't be wasting any more days on her!

hereiam's picture

Hey, you tried. I am a danger to myself when holding a sharp object so I know the feeling.

I hope you are okay!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That was a lovely gesture, but ooooooowwwwww!!!

You may want to have that checked out, hon.

Kmommyof388's picture

I guess I'm more disappointed than anything else this was my one chance to prove "a white girl" can cook mexican foods...still kinda sad that's how iam referre to in his family but oh well.. thumb is fine now but I suspect that it has some nerve damage  (I cut deeper than I had originally thought) oh well maybe next year