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SO is down on himself about SD again

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

He's mad at himself for not texting or calling SD yesterday to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. He said he forgot and it is very obvious that he's upset over all of this. Best I could do was tell him that, at almost 13 years of age, SD is more than capable of taking five seconds out of her day to text SO to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving, too. Especially since she spent half of her time here over the summer texting with GUBM's boyfriend. He's deserved of contact at times when it doesn't directly benefit her. So, if he's "wrong" for forgetting then so is she. That's all there is to it.

Then he got all upset over the fact that I brought up Xmas gifts, and was trying to nail down a cap per person we're buying gifts for. I suggested a cap, he said "OK" but said it all weird. I asked him what the problem was because I can't tell if he's saying "OK" to my idea because he thinks it is a good idea, or, if he's just afraid to disagree about it. He said he feels bad because he doesn't know his kid anymore and, thus, doesn't know what to get her for her bday or xmas, so, everytime we talk about presents, it just reminds him of that. Nevermind the fact that he could easily contact her to ask, but, he's getting annoyed with the fact that all communication with her centers around her wanting something, so, he's hesitant to call or text to find out what she wants for her bday/xmas lest it just reinforces that dynamic.

Luckily, he was texting his sister to find out what her daughter, his youngest niece, wants for Xmas, and she had NO idea, and she lives with her daughter. So, at least that was able to assuage any guilt he had over not knowing what to get SD for Xmas.

I wish he would just realize that this is one of the main reasons why he needs his own counselor, so he can have someone to talk to about this stuff because he has NOBODY to talk to about it besides me, and, I'm biased because I'm his partner, but, I'm still going to call it like I see it. I'm not going to coddle him and say it's totally acceptable that he forgot about his daughter yesterday, but, I'm also not going to avoid telling him that she could have reached out, too. She has a cell phone, she has fingers, she knows how to text (she might not know how to spell...pathetic school system...but she knows how to text).

I'm sure it doesn't help that we've been fighting a lot lately, mostly because of his tendency to yell, snap, and cuss when he's upset or feels wronged (which, largely, is leftover from his relationship with GUBM and the frustration of not dealing with his issues surrounding GUBM and SD seeping out into OUR relationship).

Just wish there was something I could do for him, but, I know there's nothing I can do. And that's what frustrates me.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Too bad GUBM isn't more like you, trying to bridge the relationship between the kid and SO. Your ex is the type of ex GUBM wants whereas you sound like the type of BM SO would rather have in that respect. He has tried so hard the entire time that I've known him, and, GUBM has fought and pushed back against it since the moment she realized that I was sticking around for a while and that SO was moving on with his life.

I'm sure you're right and that SD didn't care, I'm sure between the lack of presents and her picky eating habits, Thanksgiving is just another day off from school for her. I think SO's fear might lie with GUBM, in the fact that she likely made a big deal out of it to SD or even her family since SHE (GUBM) remembered to tell SO to have a good Thanksgiving.

StepDoormat's picture

Well... My DH did text his daughters on Thanksgiving. It was also DH's bday. They didn't respond. At all.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Ugh, I can't believe they didn't say anything to him on his bday. That's ridiculous Sad

I think this would have likely been the result of SO texting or calling her. Phone would have gone to voicemail, text would have gone without a response, the usual with SD when he tries to contact her. And then, rather than SO feeling guilty for not getting in touch with her, I'd have an SO that feels crappy because his kid didn't deem it necessary to acknowledge him back on Thanksgiving. Until he gets to a place of understanding with it, he's going to feel crappy no matter what, I think :/