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Christmas gift drama already

wheretogofromhere's picture

When I was a kid, I never used to understand why my mother would always say she hated the holidays. Fast forward 20some years and here I am today, stressed out of my mind over how we're going to afford a "good Christmas" (DH's word...whatever that means) for the skids in addition to the birth of our first baby in January, and me quitting my job to stay at home with her! Now here comes the drama...

Earlier this year, SD8 dropped her iPod touch in the garage, forgot about it, and guess what happened...DH ran over it with the SUV, completely cracking a good portion of the screen. To me, it was debatable in the first place whether she was mature enough for such an expensive gift, but DH insisted she have one for her 8th birthday, and look what happened. So here we are almost a year later, and SD is demanding a brand new iPod for Christmas (the ones that just came out that go for around $300 a piece!) since Daddy ruined the first one! Of course DH is all about getting his little princess exactly what she wants, even though she completely trashed the one she has. Granted, she's a year older now than she was when she got it but believe me, she has gained no skills in respecting others/her own personal property and taking care of expensive items.

If it were entirely up to me, there would be no way in hell we'd be purchasing another one! When DH brought the subject up this morning, I told him I didn't think it was good idea. Maybe if SD was willing to accept the iPod as her ONLY Christmas gift I would consider it, but I know for a fact she'd still expect a ton of other toys in addition to it. When I made this point, DH insisted that he'd be willing to forego any gifts for himself just to have enough money to get her the iPod. I said no, absolutely not...we did that last year and I felt horrible about it...we are not doing that again.

We eventually dropped the conversation and went on talking about something else, but this has been bugging me all day. I appreciate that DH is selfless and wants to give his children a good Christmas, but I refuse to make him go without any gifts again this year just so his spoiled kid gets what she wants.

Someone please affirm that I'm not a TERRIBLE EVIL STEP-WITCH! Blum 3


hismineandours's picture

Well I posted my own ipod drama under "christmas gift bullshit" and most of the responses were positive-but I guess according to some our dh's should just buy the damn ipods if that's what the little kiddos want.

Have you tried to get the screen fixed? Personally I think 8 or 9 is too young for a 200 or 300 item. JMO. My 10 year old wants one, but we are not getting her one as I am afraid she will break it-and while she would like one-she would also like a whole slew of other things that are far less expensive.

If you are spending 300 plus on here at 9-what do you think you will be spending on her at 16?

And while I feel like I like to get my kids nice things and they are more fortunate than alot of kids-I try to be reasonable. It really, really is not about the cost of an item. This truly is NOT what christmas is about-find a balance between getting her something nice and yet something that is affordable and fits in with the family budget.

smithsgirl's picture

As the post above said, get the screen fixed. Can get it for about £40 over here. Partners youngest (SS10) wants an I phone 4s!! It's like, I don't think so, especially considering he has no one to text or call.

imjustthemaid's picture

My SD16 is on her 2nd ipod touch. And she is asking for the newest $300 one for Christmas this year! I'm sure he will give in and get it. She is just as irresponsible as an 8 yr old, trust me!

She dropped her ipod in the toilet last month. Luckily it was saved by a bag of rice so why does she need a new one? Oh, she wants to brag to her friends that she has the newest one!! She will lose it within a month!