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Okay this is too good not to share. Got home from work and DH is telling me SD18 called him. Apparently she finally filed the paperwork to have the RO dropped between her and BM.

The judge DENIED her request to have it dropped. Pointing out that she failed the intervention program, has already been arrested for breaking the RO, is in deep shi+ for not attending school etc. He will not drop it until:

BM completes all her sentencing/ punitive measures.
SD18 completes her hearings and sentencing/ punitive measures from the original charges and violating the RO AND being truant at school. He will not consider her withdrawing from school as a "completion" of her truancy.

That based on the evidence before him, BM IS a bad influence on SD18 and considering she encourages SD18 to break the law (violate the RO and break into my house) he does not feel comfortable allowing such a dangerous influence back into her life.

Welcome to the real world kid. Where you have to follow the rules and laws.

SD18 is apparently PYSSED.

Couldn't happen to a "nicer" skid.
