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I am trying's picture

DH and I got married in August and I recently put the pic of our wedding kiss as my profile pic on FB. Well, doesn't BM immediately change hers to a similar pic from her wedding...8 years ago! She even cropped the original so it's like zoomed in on their almost-touching lips.

I feel stupid for even commenting on this because when it comes down to it who cares? But it just seems a little convenient that she happened to do this right after I did...It just made me roll my eyes a little. That is all.


Bojangles's picture

That is hilarious and shows a remarkable lack of dignity on her part. I absolutely agree with Elia, make your profile private and restricted to your friends, and block her and if possible any relatives connected with her. It is a sure route to intrusion and annoyance to give someone who resents you, access to your private pictures and activities.

bi's picture

i have to agree with this as well. it amazes how people do this stuff and don't realize that they are showing everyone how jealous and insecure they are. :O

StickAFork's picture

She would have to block her. Otherwise, the profile pic is visible to everyone.

BM is just being a booger...trying to get to the OP. It seems to be a common thing with BMs.

Tired of being 2nd's picture

The funny thing is she will probably some how turn it on you .. Just how my life goes .. I end up .. Why do you care ? Why you so jealous? .Where i mind my busines .. and ex's mess with us ... it's my fault ...

I am trying's picture

Yeah, I think I'll block her. If she asks about it, I'll tell her that I went off FB because students were getting nosy. We don't have any friends/relatives in common so she won't know. There was no reason for her sending a friend request to me in the first place. I made the mistake of having a decent conversation with her and, just like SD, she thought it meant we were besties so she added me. I felt like it would be rude to refuse, but we've barely ever spoken on there and she tags me all the time in pics of SD (bleh! I remove them right away - I do not want my name associated with them in any way) so there's really no reason for me to have her on there...and this is a perfect example of why. LOL!

StickAFork's picture

FYI, if you're feeling stalker-y, you can add her and then restrict her from seeing your stuff. }:) It works for everything except the public stuff...

Conflicted's picture

You guys crack me up. I need to take the tips from all of you. I'm too nosy myself and just can't seem to resist the urge to take a peak so often (okay very often) of the ex... I must seriously have issues.

I am trying's picture

I admit I have been curious and peeked a little at first, but then I started getting newsfeed updates about her ALL THE TIME. I am seriously sick of seeing every single thing that happens in BM's life. It's really not that interesting. Everything she posts on there is designed to get attention and by getting annoyed at this latest stunt I'm just letting her win. I'm over it.