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Update to SD's "graduation" blog. SIGH.

StickAFork's picture

I can honestly say that stepparenting is the hardest thing I've done.

We still haven't given SD an answer yet...but DH spoke with her the other day for various reasons. I don't care, didn't ask. Smile

In telling me about it later, he says he told her he wasn't sure yet if he could go, but if he did, he'd be coming alone.

:? Gosh, I hadn't realized we'd discussed it. This was news to me. Now, I'm not exactly dying to go hang out with his family, but I'm not exactly dying to send him alone, either. I feel like since he's made such a big deal to them about us being a "team," that I should attend and support that.

I DO have an event with DD first thing the next morning, so I'm guessing that's what he was thinking. However, we live in a major metropolitan area with SIX airports approximately an hour's drive away.

I asked him why he said that, and he said he just can't do this right. I asked when I got disinvited. According to him, I wasn't.

Frustrating. ESPECIALLY since I make crazy efforts to include him and respect him when it comes to MY kids.

BTW, if I find out the call had to do with what she wanted as a "gift," I'm gonna be pretty pissed. I'm thinking we'll just send a card...sans money.


Willow2010's picture

I asked when I got disinvited

WOW! What is wrong with him? Why does he not want you to go? I would be very angry.

StickAFork's picture

He said he "knew" I couldn't make it... which I get, given the circumstances, I said, there are airports everywhere around here!

He responded, "well, I just wanted to tell her when she called last time that I couldn't go, and you told me to wait."
Um, yeah, DH, I did. Why? Because you were going to tell her you couldn't go because you had a committment to MY daughter the next. That statement would have gotten you a horse's head in our bed by morning!

RedWingsFan's picture

Don't you just love it when DH makes plans with SD and doesn't include you? Or just "assumes" you can't make it?


Great Mom but horrified Stepmom's picture

He doesn't want the 'drama' around his princess and her moment. Ugh. No wonder you feel slighted. You were. Sometimes I can't blame our DH's as there are times I don't want whatever drama is happening either.

As long as you and your DH are solid don't put much thought into it. You wouldn't enjoy it and they don't want you there.

Take the time to yourself and enjoy it!