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Merry Christmas ... dad only

gmd867's picture

I'm new here, but have been dealing with this problem for ages. My SD was 16 when her dad and I began dating, 16 years ago. We've been married for six years now, and nothing has changed. When she graduated from college in San Francisco, my husband was having financial problems, so I paid for her brothers, my kids as well as myself and husband to go for the graduation. At the last minute, she told my husband that she didn't want me at the graduation because it would upset her mother. I lied to my kids and told them that there just weren't enough tickets, and we spent the weekend having fun. My husband told me that his ex wife brought along her boyfriend to the graduation and the dinner afterwards. When she got married, my husband and I paid for half of the wedding. Neither me or my children were included in any pictures from the wedding, formal or informal. She invites her dad out to visit (they live on the east coast we live on the west coast), but never me.

Over the years, I have been the one who buys gifts for ALL the kids for birthdays, holidays, etc. For me, it's more fun to give presents than get them, so I've never even expected anything in return. However, this year she sent a present ... not a "couple gift", but a present just for her dad. It was a framed collage of pictures that says "Love you Dad!". One is just herself, the other is her and my husband, another is my husband and his sons, and another of my husband holding his granddaughter (her daughter).

My husband was upset when I put the picture frame next to his side of the bed instead of in the living room. He feels I'm making something out of nothing, but I feel the gift was purposely exclusionary. Also, my oldest daughter died by suicide a few years ago, and seeing photos is just too painful for me, I prefer that they are not prominently placed. Given that my mother died just a few weeks before Christmas, her "gift" certainly stung a bit more than usual.

I've decided I'm not going to be the gift giver to this SD and one of my SS's, who just shows up long enough to pick up his present and leave. My youngest SS and his fiancee have always shown appreciation, and have gone out of their way to include everyone.

notasm3's picture

The message that they do not like you nor are they even willing to tolerate your existence could not be more glaring. They might as well hire a broadcasting truck to drive up and down your street announcing it.

So on your part - just be glad they live across the country and erase them from your life. Don't spend time thinking about them even - much less spending any time or money on them. But maybe most importantly don't discuss them with your DH at all. He doesn't want to hear anything negative and you don't want to hear anything period. Just nod and change the subject if he brings them up.

I agree with you about giving - but there are so many worthy places where one can give presents to people who will appreciate them. And don't just think about Christmas. There are needs all year long.

Is there a Children's Hospital in your area? The families who are dealing with some of the most severe horrid illnesses are often so consumed that they can't find 5 minutes to buy presents for their other children - even if they have the funds. Battered women's shelters often have children living there too. These are usually women and children who often have NOTHING to their names.

I helped organize a group that provides home cooked meals every month to veterans who are living in a group home to get their lives together. Otherwise they are fed hospital food from the VA hospital that is sent across town to them - it feeds them but is pretty grim.

Of course I am now retired so I have time to do things like this now. But even when I was working lots of hours and traveling internationally for business I still found time to do certain volunteer activities. It can be time or money.

enuf's picture

Pay back can be a b*tch. For her next birthday send her a framed collage of pictures of you with dh, both of you with your ds and the other sd. Do not include her in any of the pictures. Then write "we both enjoyed your Xmas gift so much, we thought you would like one in return. Happy Birthday." Make sure you dh also signs the Birthday card. If your dh questions why there are none of her, say "why would she want a picture of herself". Do not send anything else along with it or ever again. Erase her out of your life, she no longer exists.

whoaminow's picture

I wouldn't either. I would never spend one penny on her or her family ever again, NEVER!! Your husband would have gotten a lot from me than just putting the picture on his side of the bed. He would have also gotten an ear full of what I thought of his daughter and how she treated me.

hereiam's picture

I find the peg board in the garage is a great place for pictures that I don't want in my house.

still learning's picture

Same here. Anything that I don't want to see gets put in the void of DH's man cave. DH has his old BM/skid photos downstairs in a box, in a corner, that is covered with tools, parts, dust, grease, rat droppings... No pics of (s)kids, by our bedside! Our bedroom is ours, Dh has skid and gskid pics on his cubby by his desk but that is it.

notarelative's picture

I won't say it doesn't sting, but is it worth the space in our life we give it?

In the past SD2 sent a card that was printed "to Dad", but addressed the envelope to both of us (Mr & Mrs). This year she sent a collage card with pictures of her kids addressed to her father only. Was I upset when I saw it? Of course. But, then I realized I am not surprised and just don't care any more. I don't need their approval.

DH looked at the card and left it on the table. I took it and put it under the other picture cards we received. Eventually it will land in the trash. I am sure SD2 was waiting for DH to call and say how cute the kids looked. However, since they don't answer the phone (you have to leave a message and maybe they'll call you back) DH rarely calls.

I can't change what she does. I can only control my reaction to it.

furkidsforme's picture

I think the main one hurting your feelings is YOU.

The truth is, when you and your DH met, your SD was almost an adult. You weren't her new Mom, you didn't raise her, she doesn't love you, and that's fine. Your expectations are unrealistic.

If I had to guess, I would suppose the last 16 years of you trying to force emotions that aren't there, rather than relaxing, has likely driven wedge even harder and bigger than it ever needed to be.

It's perfectly fine that she doesn't see you as a parental figure and never did. The only issue I see in your whole complaint is that DH was excluded a guest but BM was not. However, that issue is for DH to take up with SD, and actually doesn't really involve you much. If DH doesn't have a problem with it, why do you expect MORE from SD?

It seems to me your anger is projected on the wrong places, and on the wrong person.

grace8205's picture

I don't think gdm867 expected to be her DH's kids new mom. However I think we all the expectations that we should be treated with kindness especially when we got out of our way to show kindness to these skids. In no way do I think of myself as a mother to my DH's son who is now 21 years old. I have been in his life since he was 16 years old. I do however thing he should treat me like a human being, be respectful and kind. However that has not been the case. I can go out of my way to do things for skid, cook meals for him and his friends, clean up after him, drive him when his car is in the shop, buy nice b-day gifts and Christmas presents. What I got back in return is being disrespected in my own house, drinks my beer and other booze, brings drugs into my house, leaves a mess for me to clean and swears at me.

I gave up. I figured why even try when I will get treated the same way no matter what. Since he has been kicked out he has never been over for a meal or event, I told my DH he needs to give me a real apology before that will ever happen and since it will be a year this February, I am sure that he will never apologize which is fine by me because I don't have to deal with him that much, only the odd family function that includes my MIL since she has no clue what a POS her grandson can be and I am not going to be the one to break her heart.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Time to let go of her. When people show you who they are, believe them.

Sorry for your loss of your daughter and mother.

Disillusioned's picture

I think it's very clear your SD does not like you. It is so normal in step-world, and I would not take it personally. I know that sounds ridiculous, because it does hurt so very personally, but put it down to the wonderful world of step-life and try to move past it

stepinafrica's picture

Let go of any expectations Re SD. Especially since she is an adult. The best thing to do with such pictures is do not say anything about them! Then you can slowly move them out of sight.

sandye21's picture

I could have written your post 5 years ago. I supported DH while he put SD through college, and paid for her gifts, meals out, lodging, etc., for years. I never received a 'thank you' from either she or DH for my efforts, and never once received a decent gift or card or kind word from her. She even became angry one year when DH acknowledged that it was my Birthday - I guess I stole the spotlight for a few seconds! The more I paid in money or time or thought, the nastier SD became. I finally got tired of it, told DH he could pay for his family, I would pay for mine. Plus, I quit reminding DH of birthdays, etc. DH was not as generous when it came out of his pocket, nor was he good at remembering dates.

One year SD gave DH the same 'collage' with pictures of he and SD, and a picture of her wedding, along with a large unframed photo of SD and her husband. DH handed them to me to take care of framing and hanging. His mistake. First, I hung the collage in the guest room, the wedding picture on the TV, and the large photo in the hallway. As SD's behavior worsened, the pictures moved. The large photo was moved behind a hallway door which hid it most of the time, then to the back of a closet along with the collage. The wedding picture was 'lost' when I replaced it with Christmas decorations and then "just couldn't find it." There have been a few times DH has asked about them, and I calmly say, "They're around here someplace", and leave the room.

One of the best gifts I gave to myself was to stop investing into the relationship with SD - especially any mental energy. It's been 5 years since I've seen SD (after one of her extreme tantrums),and I'm not planning on renewing communication. It gets better with each year that passes, and I can guarantee it will get better for you too.

sammigirl's picture

It's amazing when you have finally had ENOUGH. Please read and do what Sandye21 post here. I have come to all of these stages. Pictures are displayed on a nice oak bookcase, in the hallway. I put pictures of DH and I out to been enjoyed, by us; don't care what anyone else thinks.

DH pays for everything for his family, I pay for my family. I have a small day planner by the phone (work station), with everyone's birthday, anniversary, etc. If DH doesn't take care of those occasions, not my problem. I don't remind him or assist him in any purchases or giving. DH always adds my names to any cards (his choice). I, like Sandye21, have misplaced a few items, that SD55 has give me (yard sale gifts). They go to charity; I can't stand to have them in my house. I don't make an issue of it, they just go in a bag and await my next trip to the charity center. The gifts my SD55 gives me are very insulting in nature.

The nicest thing I ever did; disengaged 6 years ago and moved forward. My SD does not exist in my world and never will again. I put 30+ years of energy into nurturing our relationship and SD55 treated me worse each year, until it got out of control, and I stopped it.

My life is so much more peaceful and I smile again and laugh more. DH and I are putting it all back together. The only problem we have EVER had was SD55; so I threw that problem away.

I understand your frustration.


notasm3's picture

SS30 and his GF gave DH a picture of themselves last year. DH never took it out of the car or showed it to me. I found it under a seat when I was looking for something. I didn't throw it away. But I haven't a clue where it is now, nor I'm sure does DH.

RodgerDodger's picture

You’ve doing nothing wrong. Your own advice at the bottom of your post sounds perfect --I've decided I'm not going to be the gift giver to this SD and one of my SS's, who just shows up long enough to pick up his present and leave, so on.

Of course SM or dad’s wife is going to want to be included. It doesn’t matter when you met. And you are not at fault for having high expectations, as if to be treated like shat should be every SM’s expectations from the get-go with Stepkids. I don’t think so. Although I admit some of us here do feel that way.

But, what you do need to do is, and I’m saying this to myself too because I’m also struggling to move on from shat treatment myself: 1) Realize that SD is not going to change. Her dad has given her permission or the power to treat you like shat over the years, so SD thinks this is okay and she will continue to do so. Even if dad were to try to correct or put his foot down now, it probably won’t do much good.

2) Work on educating your DH. Let’s face it, men will get away with what they can, and of course they are going to want their wife taking the heat. Tell your DH if he won’t support you as being treated as a couple with his kids, he gets to deal with it all and I do mean it all himself. No more you buying presents, giving reminders, gift wrapping, you giving any money towards anything involving them, etc. Believe me it will be a much longer list than either you, he or stepkids realize. No more you being a doormat and paying the price for someone else’s divorce.

3) Like so many others have suggested here and keep suggesting, go where you are celebrated, not tolerated or treated like shat. Another thing, is that kids can have a lot of contempt for their dad after the divorce whether he was truly at any fault or not. A lot of going after from the stepkids has to do with them trying to get back at their dad by going after you! If you are not doing things for them, stepkids don’t have a target.

Modernworld1011's picture

I am so sorry for the loss of your child and the death of your mother during the holidays making the time bittersweet. For your own sake, stop doing anything for these people. This daughter of his makes it patently obvious that she wants nothing to do with you, so give her that. It will ultimately be a gift for yourself as well. I am the same way, I love giving gifts, and don't expect in return, but when flat out hostile messages are sent I think it's time to stop. If you feel the need to truly do something, contribute funds to whatever your husband purchases. You will both know that you did it even if his daughter refuses to acknowledge it. I would get that collage out of the bedroom. Why do you want them in a space that is supposed to be about you and your spouse? Put the darn thing in the living room, but someplace inconspicuous if it causes you pain. Hopefully your husband realizes that you have made the effort, and will understand.

Sadly, this situation never seems to change. My one friend had two adult children, grown, married, children of their own, and they go out of their way to make any woman he meets uncomfortable. I know because I have witnessed it. The behaviors range from just pretending the individual does not exist to remarks like "who asked for your opinion" to "dad, what do you see in her?" To his discredit my friend will either hang his head or say something week like "now girls." He never defends them. It is truly dreadful. The daughters are both in their mid 30s and show no signs of changing. He also shows no signs of taking control of his own life. When I asked him why he subjects these women to his daughters he always says with great disappointment, "I thought things would be different, this time would be better!"

Save your sanity, don't deal with her.

ldvilen's picture

He is one of those messed up "parents" who lets his children parent him rather than the other way around. Initially, I think dads like these think it is cute, but when they find themselves sad, lonely old men whose children don't have any time for them, and they only have a bottle for a friend, it will come back to haunt them. These type of parents never teach their children to have any kind of respect for anyone, and that includes themselves.

peacemaker's picture

dr joe Dispenza...utube...awesome information on how the stress these step relationships is making us physically sick if we continue to allow it...lengthy, but well worth your time....

sandye21's picture

Dr. Dispenza has several videos on Youtube. Can you let me know which one has this information?

peacemaker's picture

revive and evolve your brain addresses external toxic relationships and the necessity to separate yourself from their influence in order to get out of survival mode and into creative mode and move you forward to your purpose..(we call it disengaging on this site)....although he does not specifically refer to step kids...some of ours would certainly fall into that category...

He also discusses how long term stress can literally create disease...hope it helps...peace

WSM wants peace's picture

I, too, received a Christmas gift from the SD. She had DH and I sit together so that we cold open it together. It was a collage of SD, SKIDS and even one of DH with the SKIDS, of course no picture of me. I smiled, told her it was lovely and moved on.

I need to go back to therapy to have someone to talk to. I had done really well keeping her at a distance but her manipulative ways have reared its ugly head even more than before. She recently told DH that I'm pretty much responsible for everything that's gone wrong in her life (story to be posted later). Funny, because she's 40 and I've only been in DH's life for ten years. I never knew I had that much power.

sandye21's picture

"She recently told DH that I'm pretty much responsible for everything that's gone wrong in her life (story to be posted later). Funny, because she's 40 and I've only been in DH's life for ten years." Talk about transference!! This takes 'scapegoating' to a whole new level. LOL LOL Time to 'up the notch' with your disengagement. Also, tell her you no longer want her to feel obligated to give you gifts at Christmas so it's just between she and DH. Do not contribute to or put your name on any more gifts to her.

ldvilen's picture

Ha! I had something similar happen. About 1 1/2 years ago I wanted a picture of SD at wedding with my husband (her dad) and myself. Never got it, despite the fact that several were taken, tears were shed, etc. SS was photographer. There's more, but to make a long story short, that and a couple of other eye openers surrounding wedding is what drove me to this site. SO-o-o, what does SD give us this year as a Christmas gift, a gift addressed to Dad and ldvilen, a collage of four pictures of her and her husband. Pictures were taken by SS.

Admittedly, even I'm not sure what to make of that. 1/2 of me thinks it was just a coincidence. After all, it was just pictures of she and her husband, but the other 1/2 of me thinks there was some kind of malicious intent. Either way, I've come to the realization that what the issue really is is an issue of control. SKs want to control their dad. They don't want some other woman controlling their dad. It is about power and control and possession and really has little to do with love. If they loved their dad, they would clearly see that he is happy with this other woman and respect that. SDs or SSs like the above see dad as their little object/plaything, and unfortunately, some dads just feed right into that.

So what have I learned over the past 1 1/2 years, love your husband, but when you are around your SKs, be sly. When my SD gave me that picture, I immediately thanked her and her husband for such a thoughtful gift and said the fact that SS took the pictures, made it even more special. I didn't hang the collage, but placed it on a book table in the den, a more out of the way place where hubby can still see it, but no one else would probably even notice. And, if there are places or events that bring out the worst in you, your husband and your SKs, avoid them. I've pretty much got it down to just Christmas and B-days now as grin-and-bear-it events. I'm not planning on attending much more than that, and I don't care what other people think about it. My life is with my husband. My life is not about putting on a show for others.