LADIES ONLY: The Importance of Good Support!
Funny Vent. Just venting.
Came home early this afternoon to get a jump on supper & to take my SD-17 to get her eyebrow waxed.
Yes, eyebrow, singular. We're in eyebrow re-hab, and she's banned from tweezers...
Anywho, SD16 came home first & we chatted about her day. She just started cosmetology this semester, AND has a date tonight, going to her first rock concert. So lots to discuss...
SD-17 walks into the door, and we do the same thing, chat about her day, I ask if she has homework, let her know we have an eyebrow appt in 30 minutes.
Then I hear SD-16 ask her sister, quite loudly, "SD-17! Are you wearing a BRA????"
I then notice my sd-17's double-Ds are hanging down to her bottom rib. OMFG!
And SD-17 replies, NO, she's not wearing a bra!
I asked "Why NOT?!?" and told her, you CANNOT do that, we've discussed this, many times! You are far too heavy chested to get away with going bra-less!
Then, it dawns on me, OMFG, she had GYM class today. PHYS-ED with no bra, and curse/blessed with a huge rack. AND NO BRA.
Please tell me, today was a "Health Day", not gym. Nope. Full-on Co-ed gym class. :jawdrop:
This reminds me of the time, a few years back, I busted her wearing a spaghetti-strap camisole in gym class.
She has no idea about what is appropriate. Can you guys imagine her gym class today? I cannot believe the child doesn't have two black eyes for her trouble, or chapped nipples, for that matter.
I buy her the best bras, with the most support for a reason! And it is harder than hell to find DD-34! Why? Why? Why?
She says because she wanted to wear a cami under her shirt, and it was too bulky, so she ditched her bra. I said, "What would have been wrong with wearing a black sports bra?" Well, the damned kid has soo many bras, she didn't realize she had a sports one in black.
I'm awful, I ORDERED her to go put on a bra. And I told her, you're 17 y/o, if you don't take care of those puppies, they will be trashed by the time you are 25. As it is, the poor child's nipples point to the floor.
I have tried sooooo hard & have spend soooo much $$$$ on bras for her, I just don't think there's anymore to be done here. And I buy her pretty & functional ones, too.
Despite my best efforts, again I am thwarted.
- IronRose's blog
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It's ok Rhyleigh. It WAS
It's ok Rhyleigh. It WAS meant to be humorous. Just a sneak-peak into my daily life.
I tell ya, we have made great progress in 4 years. Just not enough.
Hahaha!! I was laughing at
Hahaha!! I was laughing at the eyebrow, but the boobies got me, too!
Just tell her, they'll be all stretch mark-ey and saggy if she doesn't take care of them. By the time she's 25, she'll be able to tuck them into her pants' pocket
SAF, I DO! And I think they
SAF, I DO! And I think they already are...
I'm trying soo hard! However, the child doesn't care about herself like she should.
Poor thing has low self-esteem, and I worry it'll just get worse.
Plus, I am surprised some jack-hat teen boy didn't make fun of her today. Geez.
How do you protect a child from herself?
Sigh. You don't. The beauty
You don't.
The beauty of teenagers.
Fortunately, for me (thus far!) the one with the big knockers always wanted them covered and supported...and the one with the bitty boobies liked to flash them.
Waiting to see how girl #3 turns out...
*sigh* SD-17, where IS your
SD-17, where IS your REAL mother??? }:)
I also have three SDs. 12, 16 & 17.
Trying to teach them all I know about being a woman.
So hard when their BM is a whole-hog heifer. Been trying to make up for lost time.
I've got a great bunch of friends who like to do things with me & skids.
It helps to hear these things from other adult ladies my skids respect. I think?
I will look into the cup
I will look into the cup transfer, have a friend who may want a cup herself! Sure would help me out for getting SD-17 bras. SeriouslY DD34? You gotta order that shit from SEARS catalogue! They don't have those every day in Canada's Wal-Marts!
I don't want anymore than my single D. I am also a 40, so they look smaller on my barrel chest LMAO. She must of inherited them from her BM. *sigh*
Eyebrow rehab- She started with a uni-brow. Shaved them. Over-Plucked them. Wrecked them.
I want her to look and feel her best. I really do.
Ended up with FOUR eyebrows, two on two. Like two sets or parallel lines. I tried to tell her, just clean out the middles!! Took her to the salon, and she was told; eye-brow re-hab would consist of NO plucking, or shaving and bi-weekly visits for waxing. Prolly for at least 3 visits...
Guess who picks up the bill for that?
Oh, yes! You can count on
Oh, yes! You can count on SD-17 to "wear the HELL" out of her clothes! At least I know she appreciates them?
Next time, I'll tell the story about the time she cut the crotch out of a scooter, so she could have a skirt...
:snickers: I STILL hate
I STILL hate wearing a bra. It's the first thing off when I get home.
I was always a solid C,
I was always a solid C, pretending to be a B. Spent many years wearing wrong bras.
Now I've given up & wear D. I think it stands for DAMN, I wish I could go with out a bra!
That's awesome! I remember my
That's awesome! I remember my mom having that conversation with me.
FYI -you should try fredericks of hollywood. I'm a 36DD and that's where I get mine. The bras are moderately priced and last forever. You always get a discount if you buy 2 or more and several times a year they have the sale if you spend 50.00 you get 15.00 off, 100.00 you get 30.00 off, etc. They have full coverage and demi bras.
^^^ This is where I get mine
^^^ This is where I get mine too 36F aka 36DDD- Freds also has a clearance section online and in the stores! I have picked up bras from them for $7!
Great! Any solutions on how
You know I don't know...I
You know I don't know...I have to tell 30 year old women at my job that they need to wear a bra. I tell them "You do not fall in the bra-optional category." One woman said she didn't wear a bra because she was wearing a racer back tank, didn't have a racer back bra and didn't want her bra straps to show. I said "honey, I want to see the bra straps." Seriously, if your ta-tas hang down to your belly button you need something to hold them up. Maybe do bra checks before she leaves the house? Make her pick out her clothes the night before?
Land Sakes. If you're not an
Land Sakes. If you're not an A or a B, put a damned bra on. Nobody wants to see floor ta-tas.
And there are strap-happy-s for hiding straps, for racer back tops. Besides, who cares if your straps are showing?!? Match your bra colour to your tank top. Figure it out!
Y'know, a good bra is the foundation. Keep them girls UP for as long as possible!
Advise her that it is her
Advise her that it is her responsibility to wear one daily. It is not optional. Failure to handle her responsibilities = no priviledges. aka brow waxing she can go back to looking like Bert off Seseme Street.
At least DH is involved here.
At least DH is involved here. He told her ~never~ to leave the house w/o a bra! }:)
I wish she cared about herself more.
I have told her "failure to handle your responsibilities = loss of privileges" and she just goes and does without, and doesn't complain either. Suffers in silence. She went 6 months with no cell after drowning hers in the community pool. Never said boo about it. Hard to make her care when she so clearly doesn't. Why? Why? Why? Why? IDK.
I have a average sized chest
I have a average sized chest but I LOVE fredricks!!! They have a strapless bra gurdle thing that does freaking WONDERS!!!!!!
LMFAO!!!! This cracked me up!
LMFAO!!!! This cracked me up!
Cannot believe she had gym with no bra!!!! And they are huge!!! OMG, the kids probley stare and talk about her!!!!
How about chaffed raw
How about chaffed raw nipples? THAT would stop me dead!
Agreed. I can't figure her
Agreed. I can't figure her out. I am the same way as you. Used to sleep in my bras when I was younger! I want to keep as much perk as possible for as long as possible. I wear old lady bras!
Maybe since she doesn't want
Maybe since she doesn't want to wear the bras due to wanting to wear the cami's: get rid of the cami's? Eliminate that as an excuse not to wear a bra?
Make it funny and tell her to start earning money now for the "lift" she is going to need later in life so she doesn't step on her nips. All allowance, bday money christmas money etc goes in a big jar on the counter labled "SD's future boob job!"
Yep, I'll confiscate the
Yep, I'll confiscate the camis and burn them in the yard!
One morning, I asked my DH to take me out for breakfast.
He said "Sure. Put on a bra, and let's go!"
I gritted my teeth together, and said, "I'M wearing ONE!"
So I told Sd-17 we'd start giving her the same line!