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newtothis03's picture

So the BM let SD go to a birthday party this weekend for her 3 yr old cousin on DH side of family. The BM was on this organic kick (or so made it out to be) and would get all over my fiance's butt about feeding SD anything she didn't approve of. Wanted us to use certain eggs, fruits, etc. she completely freaked out when DH had told her I had made mashed potatoes and gravy and we gave some to SD. Since the gravy was made from the powder mix from the store it wasn't organic and went on a rant on how he didn't care about te future of SD. All the books she read supposedly say an organic diet helps support better habits later. And I agree, it's easier to teach a child a better way to eat early on. And we do give her bananas, peaches, cut up apples,etc as snacks rather than sugary candy. Anyhow, I had gotten to the party early to help set up everything. When she got there, she brought in SD and the breakfast she wanted me to feed her. It was a McDonald's breakfast. Now the last time I checked, nothing about McDonalds is organic. And perceeded to tell me it's what she has for breakfast on a daily basis other than when she stays with us. Needless to say I got completely annoyed with her. She had just yelled at DH not 2days prior to that about letting her eat gravy but McDonalds is ok. WTH


newtothis03's picture

She just dropped the SD off. She refused to let me take her myself. BM felt she needed to know who all was at the birthday party.

dysfunctional in va's picture

McDonald'!! Very healthy! :? Love the idea of printing off nutritional guide and giving that to bm...

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Oh man.

newtothis03's picture

Trust me,I try my best to avoid any conversations with her if possible. And had all the little ones not been there, I probably would have said something. Wouldn't have been the first time. Early on when the SD was a month or so old, the BM started crap and wanted DH to return some furniture she had purchased cause she decided she didn't like it. I told her real quick she would be returning it herself. Needless to say, she didn't like my comment but her brother returned her crap furniture.