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i just want to claw my eyeballs out............................arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

cant win for losin's picture

Yes ladies it is PMS week! Right on time! Of course it has to come when I am already exhausted. This natural monthly occurance is extremely draining as it is. It can almost be described as a 1st trimester of pregnancy. Just plain exhausted, drained of all energy, almost lethargic, body desperately crying for a nap. It's awful for me, and some months are WORSE than others. Well THIS month, is one of the bad ones.
When they are bad like this, my PMS is in over drive! Working over time. My tongue should be bloodied, and half eaten away from me biting it. (not literally) I should be in a constant state of choking from the words that are forced to stay in my throat. Ugh, they turn in my mouth, tasting ever so venomous, slightly metallic from the shell of disdain that covers them. OOoh, I force the words down, swallow hard, for if I do not the words will projectile so fast, so furiously, with such force, you cannot help but feel the burning sting of my thoughts searing onto your heart.

During this time because my disgust can be so intense I stay quiet. I know myself well enough to know any other course of action could have regretable consequences. Unfortunatley though during this time, while my mouth is sealed with an iron lock, my mind is free. Free it is, and free it stays. My mouth gets jealous at this freedom my mind is able to run in. It is here, in my mind, that I think those words that my mouth cannot utter. It is in my mind that............


ahhhhh, yes that felt better. Thank you fingers, you typed what the mouth couldn't say.

so ladies, what are those annoying things that your parnter does? It doesn't have to be kid related, (although it might be) but those TOP ANNOYANCES that make you soo pissed you would like to claw your eyeballs out. Maybe you have said something to him, maybe it's not worth saying. Maybe (like me right now) they annoy you, you don't say anything cause you know that is "just him" but once a month you wouldn't mind walking by and shanking him while he does it.

Here is something that annoys the piss out of me, and it truly is harmless but I swear I want to rip his face off for it.

If fdh is snacking in bed (not annoying) he is obviously sitting up, with his head and upper back against head board, (so he would be L shaped against bed) everytime he takes a bite he brings his head (mouth) to the item and then brings head back against headboard again. Sounds harmless right?! NO. EVERYTIME his head goes back to the headboard he moves the ENTIRE fucking bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So as I am sitting, laying, reading, surfing net, or what ever I am doing the bed gives a move. and then 10 seconds later, moves. moves. moves. moves. moves. moves. moves.
Think of it as you and who ever laying in a bed, (on your back) perfectly still, and then that person takes their leg and raises it up about a foot off the bed, and then drops it. Thunk. It moves the bed! Now they do this every 10 damn seconds for the next several minutes.
Tell me that doesn't make you want to break that leg off at the knee and then shove it up their ass!?


okay vent over. Hopefully some of you got a laugh, and hopefully more will share their annoyances!


newbiemommy's picture

Lol. I want to join!
SO chews SO loud. I swear to you it sounds like everything he eats is chewing ice or raw carrots. You're eating f'n gummy bears, how the hell can you get gummy bears to CRUNCH!? He also eats in bed and his mouth is so close to my ear I can't hear the show I'm trying to watch. I kid you not, i had to turn on subtitles last night.
He plays video games ALL THE TIME. Dude, are you 12!?
He's a closet porn freak. I find nasty lesbo crap on my computer and he always denies denies. I know most guys do it blah blah blah. I think it's nasty and it makes me feel bad because I'm not the skinny, perfect boobs, perfect skin girl and he would rather look at that them come to bed with me. Ugh!!
He's a clutter bug and I'm miss neat freak. I spend 50% of my day cleaning up behind him and SD11 who is EXACTLY like him.
Wow.... Ok so I let it all hang out there. Lol!!