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Update! Kinda O/T

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

We have been sick. DH took DD to the hospital for a stomach bug then I caught it and went to labor and delivery. I was having contractions (still am) I was very dehydrated and nauseated especially after puking my guts out til i couldn't anymore. DH caught the diarrhea version and the body aches. We all are feeling better but are worried DS may be next. I had plans to start nesting today but that got ruined with this stupid bug. I've got less than 5 weeks left! My friend did my hair a couple of weeks ago and I realized it's gotten quite long. There is so much to do and it's gotta get done. Anyway I was going through my MIL's snapfish pics she posted and I know I'll probably have to ask her to refrain from posting pics of the new baby when he is born since BM² has access to the pics on there. Oh Yeah! I started my pregnancy blog on Monday but due to a sore throat I haven't made anymore vlogs but I will make another one before or after my doctors visit next week. Omg I can't believe my baby is almost here!
