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Im ashamed to say....

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

That it sure is nice to not have to deal with BM or BM² and since DH is working for someone else now for now he is getting his whole paycheck and will be getting the majority of it even after cs gets taken out. We don't see the boys so its almost like they don't exist. I know its wrong to feel this way but at least I'm being honest about it. MIL says BM is trying to move back here but I'm hoping she stays away because she is drama. But with her getting less cs she might try and come back.


12yrstepmonster's picture

I'm enjoying my first Christmas holiday with no BM drama of visitation. We decided in Jan to give them- BM and SS their way and overnight visits have stopped....oh wait any visits that pertain with me and my house

So I understand your feeling.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

That would only piss DH off because when he was fired from his job (long story) we needed somewhere to stay and MIL let us stay for a few weeks before kicking us out and lying about why.

Anon2009's picture

Did he get a cs decrease with both bms or just bm 1? What is being done about bm 1 moving ss out of state without dhs consent?

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

He was paying $400 a month but its been bumped down to $140 BMs warrant is still active so if she tries to come back she will be arrested. Idk about BM² yet

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I don't think so because in TX it will be considered as a gift if not garnished. He did let them know he switched jobs and I know it usually takes a few paychecks before cs gets taken out.