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BM² Snooping Again

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Talked to MIL and BM² might be pregnant because SS said something about having a sister and getting another one besides her. Ohhh boy.... BM² admitted to snooping online and MIL asked her why she does that BM² said because she is nosy. Good thing everything I have about my pregnancy for friends only and is private. Just when I thought she had stopped trying to be Miss Nosy she proves me wrong again. Smh@her I've stopped looking at her blog but obviously she still wants to try stuff. Sad I will not give her the satisfaction of knowing anything about my baby until he is born if even then. But part of me does want to let her get an eye full. I know its childish but sometimes I just want to let her in on how happy we truly are.


Beautiful Dreamer's picture

She tells DH she is done with the cyberstalking and done with keeping SS away but every chance she gets to learn something new she goes out of her way.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I once posted on my site (that she was a frequent viewer of) that baby #3 was on the way and she immediately called MIL asking if I were pregnant again which just ended up with her basically admitting to MIL that she was cyberstalking me again. In the past MIL told BM² about if I was pregnant but not anymore because MIL has finally seen the light! BM² is probably confident that MIL would tell her if I were pregnant lol

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

She has spies on the internet looking for me posing as stepmoms which if they really are stepmoms then they need to worry about their own situations.