Is it normal for ex-spouses to want to share emotional moments about their kids with each other?
For those of you that have ex-spouses, is it normal to lean on the ex-spouse to gush over milestone things e.g. BM to DH: Oh X, OUR daughter is going to high school now, wow! Isn't it awesome!
Does your partner act like this with his/her ex? Or does the gushing over such milestone moments (for stepkids) take place with you?
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I talk to my ExH about our
I talk to my ExH about our son, we talk about how proud we are, how fast time has gone, etc. We do gush, I suppose. But we have a good relationship after 14 years being divorced.
DH and BM? Nope, only she tries to gush to him because SD got her "awesome jeans" as she writes. Yes, she is that stupid. He gushes to his family about SD, and to me (I try not to listen) but not with BM.
I don't talk to my loser of
I don't talk to my loser of an ex about anything if I can help it.
My bf does get pulled into convos with bm about this crap. It pisses me off. If her main purpose was about her kid, yeh, that is great. But it's not. She wants to have a friend to talk to so she treats him like he's her BEST friend. Unless she's trying to screw him over. Then it's a different story.
I used to feel left out when my bf didn't include me in family stuff or tell me what was going on. Now he does include me. So I wish I was left
If only my SD would do
If only my SD would do something worth gushing over.
But no, my husband would most certainly not gush with BM. And I do not have an ex-husband or bios.
my dh HATES bm and the skids
my dh HATES bm and the skids pretty much have done nothing to gush about and probably never will. so i don't see it happening. and i NEVER see dh gushing over skid shit w/me, since like s2 said, i pretty much hate them amd wish they would fall off the face of the earth (i think good w/good reason, but the tree hugging skid lovers would disagree).
besides, mil creates imaginary accomplishments for skids and expects everyone to think it's a miracle that her gkids can do it, let's say, breathe all by themself. pretty embarrassing to skids and dh, i try not to make fun, but i just can't help it.
I also think it's sad.
I also think it's sad. Parents should be able to get along enough to discuss the important stuff regarding their children. Unfortunately, our BM is an absolute total bitch and has never wanted to just get along. So be it.
DH was "gushing" the other
DH was "gushing" the other day about SD, wondering how high her IQ test would be at school? I had to shove bread in my mouth to not blurt out that that kid isnt a genius, she isn't any smarter than the other kids her age, and they are both in for a shocker in school soon when she realizes she is average.
I get what ou mean. My SD is
I get what ou mean. My SD is definately not gifted and is barely smart enough to figure out how to walk to school without getting lost. I absolutely will not respond to his gushing that his daughter took out the trash, at age 15. Then he gets upset when I have my kids report cards on my refirgerator (we do not live together) or certificates from various activities. I don't rub it in his face or even do more than mention it in passong but he seems to resent then getting awards while his daughter gets nothing even though he thinks his daughter is the best at everything. Good luck with that, so tired of all this
Not an issue...nothing to be
Not an issue...nothing to be gushing about... sigh lol
My DH and BM don't talk. I do
My DH and BM don't talk. I do find myself talking to BM about memorable things sometimes. I love that kid. I am proud of him. Maybe it is strange.... I dunno. And I do refer to him as "OUR BOY" when we talk. Probably makes her cringe every time I say it, but hell...I am the one that has been raising hm. Damn straight I am taking credit for the wonderful young man he is turning out to be
It is a confidence designer
It is a confidence designer when children have a intellect of control about being able to hold an emotional situation.
Preservance specializes in
My dh, no
My sds mom has not been in their life since they were like 4 by her choice.
My exH loves ours kids and he is as proud of them as I am when they accomplish things and his heart is just as broken as mine when they're sad or hurt. So I do gush to him sometimes or him to me when something is a big deal. My dh loves my girls but he does not get the feeling my ex and I have over them. I don't do it often because dh does not like when I talk to him at all even tho it's always about the kids. I don't talk to him about anything else so I limit talking about things unless I feel it a big deal.
Not in my opinion. I'm plenty
Not in my opinion. I'm plenty proud of ODS and have plenty of reasons to be I dont feel any need to have his dad share in that with me. Granted, his dad has been absent for half his life, but I dont think I would feel differently if he wasnt. Why would I want to share strong emotions with someone I have no emotional attachment or connection to? I really believe that most of the time when exes feel the need to do this it means they still have some form of emotional attachment to the ex, even if they wont admit it or have convinced themselves it's only about the kids. And I'm not saying it's only psycho BMs like that, I just think the amount of contact that coparenting sometimes consists of makes it harder to really cut emotional ties, even if you dont want to be with the person anymore.