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Life is hard for BM and she calls on DH

stepmom31's picture

DH and I had a fight. I knew BM would take the opportunity to swoop in.

Here is her plea to DH:
I wish we could be friends, wish we could talk and discuss and be normal... wish I could have some kind of better relationship that would make raising the kids easier, its soo hard sometimes, ya know? To not have their actual dad to back me up right then in the moment during the rough times... ugh and they are now just starting their teenage years *SIGHHHHHH*

DH: "What happened now?

(missing text to BM)

BM: Just everyday normal life.

DH: OK so I do not need to call them . Are u positive?

(2 missing texts to BM)

BM: No you don't need to, SD is already asleep anyway.

DH: Ok good night.

(missing text from BM)

What is he going to do, call the kids every time? Run over there every time? Soothe BM every single time?

Also, these are the texts DH actually forwarded to me. I just checked the phone records and there are some that he didn't forward to me. I wonder what those said...


stepmom31's picture

Happened over the weekend. Big fight, skids were present. DH said some very nasty things to me in front of them.

stepmom31's picture

Dunno as yet if he deleted them, he just didn't forward them to me.

But he has deleted msgs before, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Unfreakingreal's picture

My asshole, AHEM, I meant DH, deletes messages from BM all the time. In HIS pea-brain he feels he's avoiding a fight with me if I don't see BM asking for money or asking him to stay with SD on HER weekends. All it really does, is set off alarms all type of ways in my head. But they're fucking idiots, what can I tell ya.

WTHDISUF's picture

I thought my dummy was the only one who did that. He doesn't want me to see her asking for $$ and him agreeing to send it or pay something. He doesn't want me to see him agreeing to whatever she's asked as far as getting her brat. He doesn't want me to see all the extra demands she's making as to what her brat needs. It's one of the things that's caused a big rift with us too. F'ing idiots indeed.

Unfreakingreal's picture

WTHDISUF, first let me say it took all of 2 seconds to figure out what your user name means. HILARIOUS! Yes, that's my DHs train of thought. Let me agree to send this bitch more money & since I'm doing it behind my wifes back, let me delete the message. Little does he know I can see the text history on the computer even though I can't see the actual message. So if I look at his phone and there is NO message from BM, meanwhile I can see that it came in on the computer, I know he deleted them. DUMBASS...

stepmom31's picture

Because he agreed to keep me in the loop, and that when I got a phone with text msgs that he would forward the text msgs to me. Because he has lied to me in the past and I want to see him being open and honest... but clearly he can't achieve this.

smdh's picture

That makes me sad for you. She is his ex. She needs her own support system, not your dh. McCrazy tries this crap. She tries to cry to my dh when something in her life is upsetting. He shrugs and says "not my problem" and walks away from her. THis has been met by "you're an a$$hole" many times.

just tired's picture

The fact that he dosn't have complete transparency with respect to communication he has with his ex....that would not fly with me.

just tired's picture

Just to add: he should not be hiding anything from you.

More importantly, he needs to handle himself more appropriately when it comes to disagreements the 2 of you may be having. His children do NOT need to know anything about your relationship. They WILL report everything to their mother, as they have proved. The 2 of you need to be a united front with respect to the skids....even if you are fighting like cats & dogs when they are not around. It's a proven fact, as evidenced by everyone here on this site, skids report everything back to BM. Period. Know that & live it. Keep your disagreements away from them.

sweetbabycake's picture

The fact that he told her good night would not sit well with me!! :sick: Usually I only tell the ones I love good night!

WTHDISUF's picture

BM used to call my DH and ask to borrow his truck, used to want him to come over and help her fix crap that broke around her house or with her car, used to call him all the time to try to get hook-ups to stuff he has access to. This was before we married and I made it clear to him that this was not going to happen. They are not married any longer and she claims to make so much money so as far as I was concerned she can hire help. None of that stuff had anything to do with her little oops. But she's the type that nothing is ever enough and she feels entitled to get whatever she asks for. And DH is the type who can be intimidated and doesn't see when he's being used. F'ing disgusting.

I encourage a good relationship between Parents; that's best for the kid. But when there are ulterior motives and unnecessary dealings not related to the kids, esp when things are personal nature, that's too much.

just tired's picture

BM does that shit to DH....even after they've been divorced 3 years....even though she is in a committed, live-in relationship. If her car overheats, she doesn't call her partner....she calls DH. If she's sick & needs a prescription picked up from the pharmacy, she doesn't call her partner....she calls DH.

And you have to ask yourself: when the fuck will she ever comprehend that shit isn't working?

If I were her partner, I'd be pissed that she's still so obsessed with her former spouse. Move on already....everyone else has.

AlreadyGone's picture

Wow, we all really do live such parallel lives don't we? So frigging scary!

The BM in my story did this same $hit... all the time. Come up with every excuse to get STBXH over to her house for every tiny little thing. 3 months in to our 'casual dating' relationship, she called to ask for a ride to go see their son in the hospital. (her car was supposedly broken down.) I had a sick feeling about it and asked him not to. Actually, I warned him what she was going to do. (Female intuition) Well, they ended up spending the rest of the day at her house in bed. Apparently she had learned how to 'swallow' and wanted to show him. :sick: That's all it took, those few words. Needless to say, he called me and told me what he had done. Hell, we weren't exclusive so even though it made me sick to think about it, I didn't run. I think I even respected his honesty a little. :sick: :sick: Hindsight: I should have run, far and fast!

Bottom line.... people who have nothing to hide... hide nothing! If your hubby is deleting TM's from the BM, there may be a bigger reason that just you getting pissed off. Follow your gut instincts on this one!