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Advice- I don't want to blow this.

FML's picture

A few years ago my mom up and left. She went to another state where she had family for a "job" to support the family and never came back. My sister was 13 and my brother was 16. My dad was left with these two teenagers by himself with no explanation of what was going on. My sister went to visit family in the state and soon met mom's bf. I have also met him and have no problem with him. I do have a problem with her though. My daughter was young when she left and my mom makes no effort to make contact with my daughter or my sister. I believe she communicates with my brother often (he's her favorite). I'm just pissed off because my daughter and sister were close to her. This has also left my sister alone at a time where she needs mom the most. I live about 2 hours away but I try and make it to whatever I can and be there for her now.

Problem: My daughters birthday party is coming up. Normally we don't really do parties because she prefers to take a bunch of friends somewhere. She is 8. Well my mom's mom has already mentioned that EVERYONE including my mom will be there. My dad has been going thru some rough stuff with my sister and brother. He also has been there for me through and through. He is paying for a lot of my daughters party and doing alot of the cooking at my house. I know if mom brings BF it is going to make Dad very uncomfortable and he will leave. He's always been bad at dealing with emotions. He has tried to divorce her but no one can find her to serve her. I know he can do it without her but he has taken on a serious financial hit from her suddenly leaving and expenses of teenagers. She won't even tell my brother where she lives or works. She calls from G-maws house.

What should I do? Our family has dealt with situations before and normally if there's no divorce in place, you don't bring others. I agree with this. I know alot of lady's men on here are still married and I feel empathy for them so I want to go about this the wrong way. Should I talk to her before hand and tell her no BF? Is that fair? Should I wait and see what happens? Mom and family would be coming from 3 hours away. I don't know what to do and I don't want to hurt anyone. I could really give a shit less about mom anymore bc of what she's done but I know my daughter and sister would really like to have her there.


Purplemom's picture

^^^^^ I would be very tempted to do this too... but I would have her served outside away from the kids.. cause you know at that point that they will just turn around and leave.

I would also threaten everyone o pain of death that if they tell the kids that g-ma was coming they would be hung by their toes from my ceiling fan.

Bio father's picture

If it were me, although it is my mom, I would not allow her to come since she just up and left. After all she's put everyone through.

Willow2010's picture

If you want your mom there, tell her...she is welcome but the boy toy must stay home. No reason your Dad should be out of place. Especially since he is paying for part of party.

Annanymous's picture

I would say not welcome if not invited or leave the boyfriend at home. I would bet she would show up with the boyfriend out of spite though.

lawyergirl06's picture

I would talk to her and tell her that given the situation you would not be comfortable with the boyfriend AT THE PARTY. If she wants to bring him and have you meet him at another time while she is in town, then so be it but at the party would be totally inappropriate as it's about your daughter, not her.

FML's picture

Thanks everyone for the comments. I'm still debating. My gmaw is very accepting and will do whatever I want. She does not know where mom lives either. She's very pissed and upset with the situation. I am just trying to be level headed and don't want to be mean or unfair.

Jsmom's picture

Tell your Dad and tell her that if she comes he will be serving her with divorce papers. That may do the trick...