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When does the wife and mother of your other kid(s) come first?!

JennyBunnyjj's picture

Sad Im just wondering how much stress and strain a fairly happy marriage can withstand when your spouse's birthchild s the devil encarnate. To make it worse he lives with us FULL time, barely any breaks. Grandma use to keep him 5 days a week...until I came along and everyone expected me to play holly homemaker. Life has been shit ever since. I have an older child and we have a baby together. IF your child is the problem ( and no one will convince me he isnt) because i LIVE it WHAT point are you willing to send him back to your mother or HIS mother. Is it worth losing your entire family over. Im irritated beyond belief that my DH doesn't think i have a choice. Yes I's called walking out that door with MY 2 kids. I DONT want that but at some point its going to be him (his BS) or the rest of us. I feel like i walked into a shit storm when i said I i was dooped..All i want is my happy ending, my fairy tale marriage..and its being destroyed


hereiam's picture

"Grandma use to keep him 5 days a week..."

This should not have changed just because you came along unless you agreed to it. You certainly have a choice on whether you want to raise someone else's child or not. Obviously, your DH couldn't do it on his own so why does he have custody?

Where is BM? Was any of this discussed before hand?

JennyBunnyjj's picture

BM lives 800 miles away. She doesn't make any effort. She usually makes excuses not to get him for the summer. Now that she's had another kid with some random married guy, she puts even less effort into being a mother to the SS. Of course he worships her ( funny how that works). My DH got custody when SS was a baby cause BM didn't care or want it. He is a good dad but works all day, I resigned as a nurse to raise the kids but I want my career back at this point. I hate saying it but I had to make it clear to DH that *if* we ever divorced,im not a lay down egg donor like his ex wife and not to expect for me to give up our baby together. It bothers me that he thinks I ever would. Hopefully it never ends in divorce anyway. Yesterday I packed SS crap and drove him to his grandma's. DH came home and I said yep he's gone for at LEAST 2 weeks. Talk about my blood pressure dropping back to normal and my mood lightening