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Thank you everyone... (and a few other things)

LRP75's picture

I want to thank everyone for all of your support, advice and kind words over the last week. I've been rather the blog-hog with my posts about SS and problems between my H and I. Honestly, I am so grateful to have this site to come to and for all of you ladies out there who know exactly what I'm going through. StepTalk is my Safe Haven, without it, I would be so, so depressed and lonely. I spend more time on this site than I should. Frankly, it keeps me sane.


Things between H and I are, *shrug.* We are ok. Little by little we work through some stuff. Most stuff just stays the same though. Being married is hard work. Even harder is making sure we stay married.

I have faith that it will all work out in the end. One way or the other...


On a "funny" note:

My son is rarely around the skids. Literally, the last "real" time he saw them was at Christmas. Then, just for an hour or so back in April when we bought this house.

I've always just made sure that my son came over to spend time when the skids weren't going to be here. I THOUGHT that I was doing him a favor. My son is 16, the skids are 10.5. My son isn't really all that interested in them and, frankly, last summer the skids were really quite nasty to my son and consequently he does NOT like them. So why put them all in the same house together? Just because H and I love one another and wanted to get married, doesn't mean that I have delusions of the Brady Bunch (like that sh*t ever works) and would never force kids to "like" one another.

Anywho. About 2 months ago my son accused me of, oh how did he word it... I can't remember his exact words. The essence of it was though that I play "favorites" with the skids and he thinks that it is "bull crap" that he can "only come over" when the skids aren't here.

Uhhh. (????) Ok.

So this visit, I intentionally picked him up a day early so that he could re-experience SS.

After 2 hours my son looked like he was in abject misery and looking at me like I betrayed him. I had to laugh as I reminded him of his "accusation" and how I THOUGHT that I was doing him a FAVOR by "only letting him come over when the skids weren't here."

The look on my kids face was priceless. Like he'd just sucked on a lemon.

I'll give him credit where credit is due, as he said, "Well now I realize you WERE doing me a favor. Sorry mom. So please, never again."

"No problem kiddo, no problem. Love you tons." Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin


ImpishTendencies's picture


LRP75's picture

Yeah, he decided he wanted to go live with his Dad in December of 2010. He was almost 15 then and just wanted to be with his dad more. He has always had a great relationship with his father, so it wasn't a surprise for me at all. I knew it was coming. Biggrin