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SS13 is f-ing awesome

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Seriously. I guess when the bar is set so low by his sister, he doesn't have to do much.

Yesterday, I felt like crap. Still put on dinner but announced I was not cleaning up. Everybody was on their own. After dinner, SD16 says "are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?" I said dirty. She puts her plate in the sink. No, don't bother offering to empty the dishwasher or anything.

I went about resting and doing my own thing (nap, shower etc). Left everything dirty in the sink, left the food out.

A bit later, I'm coming out of the shower and SS13 is emptying the dishwasher. I commenced telling him how much I appreciated it and how awesome he was. He put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and I put the food away.

I needed that.

On the other hand, the fact that SD doesn't' do anything is just going to be used by me on that possible day that SO tries to ask if she can move in (you never know what the future will hold).

You want to live in our home, you earn your keep. No exceptions.


DaizyDuke's picture

SD16 says "are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?" I said dirty. She puts her plate in the sink. No, don't bother offering to empty the dishwasher or anything.

Oh dear Lord, this is my whole family... DH included! BS2 is more interested in "helping" by putting the detergent pod thing in and pushing the buttons to start it, than anyone else is. But of course that's because they all know that Daizy will just do it. Drives me insane!

Your SS sounds like a good egg. I think my SS has potential to be a good egg, but just has zero common sense or motivation. You have to spoon feed him everything. Like he would totally empty the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen without a fuss... IF you asked him and then you would have to point out where every little thing went. DH swears it's because BM (literally) dropped him on his head when he was about 3. Who knows?