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This may be short lived...but music to my ears...

thelaststraw's picture

SASS13 really stepped in it. I won't get into what he did, but suffice it to say - DW told him that "he better have a plan in four and a half years because he isn't living with us. He is gone when he is 18."

She even told him that nothing we do has any impact, so nothing else will be done.

All I could do is smile from ear to ear(in another room of course), because that boy has been a cancer on our family dynamic for a couple of years now. She wants to look into counseling though.


Helena.Handbasket's picture

These small moments do feel good. I remember the day that SO spent two hours reaming SD16 (15 at the time) for her bad grades. You are right it didn't last, but it was nice in the moment.

All you can do is make sure that the mindset of him leaving at 18 is maintained. That's what I have been doing. Already told SO what plans we are making for her room in two years. }:) The bedroom that she isn't there enough to clean, but IS there enough to get all to herself and eat in.

thelaststraw's picture

Qualifier - my "She wants to look into counseling though" comment probably came off wrong. I'm not against counseling. We've been through it before and the young lad has told the counselor everything that she needs to hear that made him look like the victim.

thelaststraw's picture

Well said. I try to communicate this often, but it falls on deaf ears.