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I really think I'm the only one who thinks things through around here.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I find the situation I am in right now incredibly ironic. When SO and I first moved into his townhouse together, I had a constant battle of trying to convince him that I shouldn't have to do things the way he and GUBM did things just because of a) the comfort it provided to both SD and SO and b) because it was just what he/they were used to. Now, he is working to get SD to realize that we don't have to do things the way GUBM does just because it is what she is used to and comfortable with. I wonder why he is having such a hard time instilling that in her? Oh, it couldn't possibly be related to the precedent that was set, could it? Nooo, surely not.

I'm not sure if he gets that or not, but, perhaps I will point it out to him later when he wakes up.

He had a talk with SD last night about the entire situation and she made it plainly clear to him that she does blame me for his rules and expectations - like I've been trying to tell him since 2010 when we instituted the rules and SD ramped up her nasty behavior, throwing snotty attitude around like it was going out of style. She told him that they didn't come along until I came along. Actually, SD, they came along about 6 or 7 months after I did, SO just had a difficult time instilling and enforcing them when we first lived together because there were other people living there and it made for a chaotic household. He explained all that to her, apparently, but, doesn't know if she understands or not. She also apparently told him that she doesn't want things to be the way they are now, but, that she also doesn't want things to be the way they were before, either.

To which I had to say "Well, SO, it's going to take a lot of work on SD's part for me to ever consider re-engaging. But, she's also going to have to realize that if she hopes to spend a month here every summer or hopes to spend time here when you have to work that she's going to have to eventually get over the fact that, not only are things different here than at her mom's, but, I will be an adult presence here and that she will have to listen to me. Part of growing up is learning how to get along with other people and that's a skill that she is definitely lacking as evidenced by the first 10 days of her trip. She might think it isn't fair that things are so different here compared to GUBM's but, you know what's not fair? Expecting me to watch a kid the majority of the day, two days in a row, and her to expect me to have no say in anything she does in the house I live in. She's 12. She may be an adolescent, but, she's still a child. I don't really care if she's allowed to do things differently at GUBM's because this is NOT GUBM's house. This is OUR house. And things are not going to go upside down, topsy-turvy just to cater to her whims and desires. Right now, I'm disengaged for a two-fold reason. One is to show her that her actions do indeed have consequences and that she is not allowed to treat me like dirt and walk all over me. Two is to prove to her that you are the one who has these expectations and rules for her, that things aren't going to change drastically in that department just because I've disengaged" He agreed with everything I had to say, but, if he puts it into action remains yet to be seen.

I got a little miffed when SO told me that he had informed her that I am going to be with him for a while. That might seem picky, but, he tells me all the time that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, well, then why can't he tell his daughter that? Why can't he just break it down for her and say that while she is his daughter indefinitely that I am his partner indefinitely? To me it makes our partnership seem more finite than he's portraying to me. I mean, I give him props for telling her that this isn't a competition and that it is never, ever going to be an "either/or" situation; that she's just going to have to accept that I'm in his life and that he loves me and wants to be with me, but, did he have to put it that way?

He told me that he told SD he isn't going to push for resolution for the remainder of the trip - which is something that our counselor told him on Monday - and that he's going to let things happen as they may. But, he still got upset last night when SD didn't say goodnight to me. She said goodnight to SO, the dog, and the cat but then just walked away and went to her room without saying anything to me. He expressed his disappointment and I told him that she probably doesn't understand that "not pushing for resolution" is not a "get out of being a polite and respectful member of this household" card. I fibbed a bit and told him that I don't care if she acknowledges my presence or not for the rest of the trip but that it would be on him to get her to continue abiding by the house rules, as it has been. And, honestly, that's the only reason why I care about her acknowledging my presence. Because how the heck will he ever expect her to be considerate of me if he isn't enforcing that rule now? He hasn't been almost the entire last week, so, how could he expect her to follow it into the future? There's just no consistency with SO and the house rules, it seems. This also makes it more difficult for her to understand that they're his rules and expectations, not mine.

SO knows I'm upset about something today - as I was last night - but he just doesn't know what. I'll save the explanation for him for another time, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday. He knows that I'm not thrilled about having to be around SD today by myself - so I'm planning on going out later. I told him I didn't know where, but, that I was just going to go out and do something on my own because I'm not sitting around a house all day with a child that thinks it's totally OK to be rude and disrespectful without any remorse and with very little consequence. This morning, he told me that if I need anything I can come get him and wake him up. He then said that he was going to wake SD up and tell her the same thing. I told him that I would only come wake him if it was important. Likewise, I think that should be the case for SD, too, because he has to go back to work tonight at 8PM and him losing out on sleep just because SD needs/wants something is not fair to him. What would that teach her? That she's allowed to put her own selfish wants and needs above the needs of her father? How is that showing her that she is not the center of the universe? *smh*


oceangirl3's picture

Are our SD the same person?! You just described, so much more eloquently than I could, what is going on in my house with SD12 and my BF. BF knows I'm upset about something as well, but I don't feel like talking to him about it, because he never listens and nothing changes. I'm always told I have to fix it. annoying. I feel your frustration and pain. I hate being alone with SD12 now and we can go all day not saying a word to each other. She never acknowledges me. I guess you can say her rolling her eyes or giving me the evil look is acknowledging me. I was not raised to be rude and disrespectful the way she is being raised. It kills me to know I have little to no say as to what goes on in my own house when SD12 is here. BF doesn't want to argue with her over rules, etc., so he lets her do what she wants. I don't understand these men!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

LOL, it really sounds like our SDs are cut from the same cloth, huh? With my SO, he claims he doesn't know what to do with SD about being respectful. Uhm. Try it's one of the rules on the list you made for her? That she has to be polite and respectful of everyone in this house (human and animal alike) and when she isn't, you're her father and can dole out some consequences for it. Just a thought *eyeroll* haha.

My SO used to be a lot like your BF and it was rough going. He had rules for her but he rarely ever enforced them. So it makes for an even awkward visit now because suddenly he's cracking down and had me guiding and correcting her as well. *SMH* SO still doesn't want to argue with SD over rules but to that I say too fricken bad because she's 12, the argumentative phase has only just begun. Arguing about stuff with parents is actually healthy for kids. A study was recently published that said that kids/teens who argue with parents about stuff are more likely to resist peer pressure. Now, that doesn't mean parents should pick fights with kids, but, it's healthy to learn how to disagree appropriately and how to voice one's opinion. What's not healthy is letting them walk all over you, letting them think they're perfect and never wrong or the extreme opposite, bowling them over all the time and being super strict and rigid.

I do hope things get better for you and your SO

smdh's picture

Same issue here with SD8. I never tried to engage with her, but I've totally pulled out after last week. I won't even wash the dishes she uses now. Dh can do them or she can do them, I don't care either way, but if she is going to act like I don't exist then how can I do her dishes? How can I vaccuum her bedroom? I'm not here, I can't do it. Either dh can issue the consequence to her or he can take it on himself, either way I'm out.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea, there's no sense in stressing yourself out and adding more work to your plate by taking care of anything for your SD if she can't even acknowledge that you exist.

And if your DH isn't willing to do anything about it? Well, then he needs to do what he should have been doing all along, taking care of HIS kid. I'm not sure if he expects you to do any of that or not, but, if he does, he should forget about that.

The other day, my SO uttered the most ridiculous thing to me. He told me that he's a parent and, therefore, I have to act like a parent when SD visits. I looked at him, laughed a little and said "No, SO, I don't. She's not MY kid, I have no obligations towards her. YOU need to act like a parent when she's here. GUBM needs to act like a parent when she's at home. But me? I just need to not be an asshole towards her. That's it. It's called being a decent human being. Not being a parent."

smdh's picture

My dh is actually cool with it. He does try to address her shitty behavior when he notices it. First problem is that he thinks ignoring it will make it stop and I disagree. If she answers questions meant for me he needs to tell her to butt the hell out. After I blew a gasket about it, he realized he was being stupid by ignoring it. He is fine with me not doing things for her. I barely did anything before, but I did cook, clean, etc. Now she can do it. She doesn't think I'm here? She doesn't like me? She thinks I expect too much? She doesn't think she has to be responsible for anyhting. Well, lets see how you like me not being responsible for things. Still too soon to tell how much slack dh will pick up. Going to be sad when she comes back and none of her favorite snacks or drinks are here because I didn't buy them at the store. And its going to suck when either she has to do her own dishes or she misses out on her play time with daddy because he is doing them.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Your SD8 sounds like a younger version of my SD12.

SD12 doesn't like me, thinks I expect too much of her (right, because expecting her to follow her dad's rules and turn lights off after herself when she leaves a room that nobody else is in is just OH SO FRICKEN MUCH for a 12 year old to do!! *sob*), she doesn't want to be responsible for anything other than having fun.

SD's life has not gotten any easier since I've disengaged. That's for sure. The only part in which it has is that SO is completely dropping the ball on enforcing the polite/respectful rule around the house. He thinks it is "pushing" her to be anything other than what she wants to be towards me. I think that is a load of bull. He was able to stand up to her for me over the weekend so why, all of a sudden, is he unable to stand up to her now??

Frustrating. I'm so glad that my SO is teaching his kid that it is totally OK and acceptable to be rude and impolite towards me without even realizing it.