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Stepmonster..the book.

napamom's picture

Thank you, thank you to whomever recommended this book on here. It is awesome and even my husband is reading it and getting a ton out of it! So nice to read a book about us and our reality and not helping the kids all the time.


Unbreakable's picture

Well thank you for mentioning it. I've never heard of it, but sounds like something I'd like to add to my collection Smile

Unbreakable's picture

I just found the Kindle addition. I can't wait to start reading it, but I'll hold off until my 3yr old is fast!

napamom's picture

Completely agree with you! I also think this book will be marriage saving, because, like you, my dh is finally starting to understand what I have been going through and his part in all this by reading this book. I will always be eternally grateful to you!

Most Evil's picture

Another must read imo is Divorce Poison!!!

Get it, read it!!!!! Very helpful and explains a lot - regardless if they were actually married or not.