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Is there no end to DH's hijinks?

Elizabeth's picture

DH had to drive to the town we are moving to for a house inspection. It's four hours away and inspection was set for 9, so he would have to get up really early in the morning (5). He kept saying he was going to leave at 7, which didn't make sense to me, eventually he pushed that back to 6:30. I kept asking, "Don't you want to be there for the inspection?" and he's like, "No, I can just be there when it's over." I didn't understand.

Well, now I do. Checking his texts and discover he was negotiating with SD19 to get her to come along and that's why he was trying not to leave too early in the morning. Are you kidding me?! She is not welcome in our new house and has no right to see it before our two BDs who live there and won't even see it until we move in. Plus SD lives an hour in the opposite direction. AND she actually expected him to drive that hour to get her and then drive FIVE hours to that house.

Turns out it didn't come together after all and he left at 5:30, but are you kidding me?! He's SO desperate to spend time with SD19?


LRP75's picture

"She's crazy. And just when you think you've reached the bottom of her craziness, there's a crazy underground garage."


Elizabeth's picture

What's funny is that in the texts SD19 was making noises about wanting to go see DH's parents who live near where we're moving some time this summer. Last time she saw them Dh drove down there just the two of them. MIL later reported to me that SD19 barely spoke to them the entire time she was there. So I'm pretty sure she was just saying that to suck up to DH even more.

knucklehead's picture

Isn't it a good thing that he's meeting with SD when you aren't around? I thought you didn't want SD around you, your kids, your house, etc.

At least DH is respecting that. Do you just want him to have NO contact with her at all?

Elizabeth's picture

No, I am fine with DH seeing SD19 outside of our house. He does it all the time. In fact, he's met her three times in the past month, twice driving more than an hour each way.

My problem is his pattern of replacing me with SD19 when I'm not available and not telling me about it. I went out of town for work, he met up with SD19 and dragged our two BDs along for the ride and they were in the car for HOURS on a school night and VERY late to bed. He's going out of state ONE day to handle our house business and he tries to bring SD19 along because I am not available. He does his very best to treat her like his second wife (after I displaced her as primary wife). That is what drives me up a wall. He'll even tell her, "Hey, Elizabeth is out of town. Let's go do xyz."