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SD called me mum on mothers day, what do you think about that?

oncechoosetosmile's picture

SD 7 and I didn't have an easy start and still face ups and downs in our family.Lately things became tougher since I was talked into accepting one week on and one week off, so I faced a few challenges to cope with things due to this.
In the last weeks though it seemed to all get a bit easier since SO really tries hard to support me/us.
Anyway this Mothersday, SD 7 insisted on buying me stuff from school and also wrote me two cards where she refers to me as MUM, which makes me kind of happy but at the same time gives me a funny feeling.
The whole Mum thing I don't now how to handle this , but there was no way I wanted to bring it up while she was so excited.If she decides though that she wants to call me officially mum all the time now, it would be soooo difficult, because I think she HAS a caring birthmum who is entitled to this name, not me.It would seriously kill me if my own kids would call another person mum .In saying that , her BM encouraged for years and years her daughter to call her SO "dad", which kills my SO....Also I am thinking that it would feel a bit awkward for my own children (8, 12, 16), almost a bit like a betrayal on who they are and mean. But I don't want to be too rigid about it, we will see.Maybe there is a humorous way to deal with it all??
Any thoughts?How do your steppies call you?


oncechoosetosmile's picture

O yes, and I also felt bad for SD as her own BM didn't make any effort to see her on Mothers day at all!!!!!!! She works, I acknowledge that , but not the whole Sunday and only lives minutes from us.So why, can somebody explain me, wouldnt you at least try to spend a few minutes with your own and only child on Mothers day who burns to give you a card and a present?I dont get that.

morgan_minx80's picture

I think whatever she feels comfortable in calling you should be fine. Yeah BM probably isnt going to be happy about it but you certainly arent pushing your sd into calling you mom. What does your dh say about it?

herewegoagain's picture

Unless an skid lives with you 100% of the time and has no contact with the bio-parent at all, I believe it is up to US and our DH's to ensure those kids know who MOM is. You can clearly sit down with her and let her know that you are NOT mom, that you love her, etc...but that she has a mom.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

How am I critical, lisav?I only want to do and say what is right for all of us.I take it as a sweet and lovely thing from little SD but I want to make sure nobody feels weird about it.I also want her to feel loved and cared for .Mom or stepmommy or what the outcome will eventually be.But I also respect her own mum to be the "real thing"