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Morbid curiosity has worn out...

thelaststraw's picture

And counseling it is.

I swear by all that is holy that the kid is a sociopath. Rewind to May 7th and I warned all of the SKids - "Ruin Mother's Day and watch me go to work. You will be stunned at the outcome and there will be no end to the misery I will bring."

So - what happened? My DW, who I love insanely and I swear must at times feel like she is going to snap, had to put up with 2 kids that acted like absolute MONSTERS. SASS (was SS13 but now is my only Stupid Ass Step Son) decided he was going to screw with and piss off anyone that he could. He had to have actively made this decision or else I would say he is, by his very nature, evil. In all of this, he decides that he is going to raise the ire of his older sister, who is in general a great kid, but has some anger management issues. 'Twas a 50 megaton nuclear bomb that went off in our house over the weekend. I can't even begin to describe what a cancer this kid is to the family. His own siblings remark how peaceful it is when he isn't around - EVERY TIME HE IS NOT AROUND.

But I can't watch and be disengaged anymore. It's wrecking my wife and therefor my marriage. He goes to counseling or or I will need to disengage even more... maybe from the whole thing. I can't go out and make friends because I can't bear to expose people to this dysfunction. The tension level in the house is terrible and there are times when I can literally feel toxins flowing through my blood in response to my anger (disengaging ain't working).

My two bios - far from perfect, but on the whole, will turn out to be decent people. They are polite and respectful. If I want them to do something, I get COMPLIANCE, sans bitching. And that's all that I ask. Do what you are told, don't screw with people - you know, Golden Rule kinda stuff.

So it's off to counseling...


DeeDeeTX's picture

Why the f doesn't dear wife want to send this kid to counseling to begin with?

Also, beware of your expectations to counseling. From personal experience, counseling works best on people when they have to change a few things. When they enter full on meltdown mode, other people seriously think they're sociopaths, nobody can stand to be around them, etc,etc, counseling is rarely going to pull a full on 180.

thelaststraw's picture

She does. She's at pains to find a particular one. I'm just trying to get us in there.

And frankly, I want to go because it might be a win-win. If things get fixed, great! If not and he's diagnosed as a sociopath or something, well, then I've been proven right and we can go from there.