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Ah, memories

Elizabeth's picture

So I'm packing up for our move and come across a box full of papers. I start looking through it to figure out what it is and find all these papers that say "I hate you." What are they, you ask? Things SD posted on her door while living with us, all directed at me, saying how much she hates me. And DH kept them. Why?!

So I pull them out and read them and relive the fond memories. My mom is there, so I read them to her. I'm sure she loved hearing how a child told her daughter "You suck" "I hate you" "My mom is so much better than you in every way" etc.

I put them on DH's computer keyboard so he also can relive the fond memories. And I ask him why he kept them. He says he wanted to show them to SD one day so he can remind her about what kind of kid she was. Does he think she has forgotten?

Anyway, we get to talking and he is actually fondly reminiscing about all the problems SD caused me as a child. WTH?! He actually chuckles fondly while reading those notes, like a parent who is proud of something their child has done. Then he says, "Poor SD." WTH again?! Why is she poor? Because she just didn't know how to deal with her emotions and he should have kept her in counseling (BM was against it). Are you kidding me?!

It would be one thing if SD is now better and treats me respectfully but she's just the same as before and treats me like crap. She has NOT grown up as she has gotten older. And here he is basically excusing her because she was "just a child" then. And he's acting like everything's all good now that she's grown up?! Not.


DaizyDuke's picture

And DH kept them. Why?!, ?! He actually chuckles fondly while reading those notes, Then he says, "Poor SD."

Um, WTF is wrong with your husband????

stormabruin's picture

Yep, but only give her copies so that you can keep one to give her EVERY Christmas, & birthday, & at every request for money or favors.

She WILL "forget" how hateful she has been every time these events roll around, & any other time it's convenient for her to do so.

Keep them on convenient for family gatherings, when everyone is walking down memory lane. Just laugh with the rest of them & say, "Hahaha! Hey SD, remember when you wrote these?" & pass them around.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Tell him next time that you'd prefer he laugh about poor victim SD with her instead of you. You'll just leave the pics with him for such an occasion.

B22S22's picture

I'd SCAN them... multiple copies. That way they can be emailed, posted on FB, printed off as part of your Christmas cards... you get the idea.

You could even import them into photo editor and put some pretty borders on them!

I know it was horrible to hear your DH chuckle and reminisce. Ahhh, poor SD. Poor poor SD for having so much HATE in her that she would actually put this stuff into writing and post it. Forget about the person all this hate was aimed at.

Yup, I'd be doing some "posting" of my own.