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Does any one know can a bm move to another country????

Riamama23's picture

My BFF is morbidly hurt by her eh,he cheated on her numerous times and even with men! She was completely in the dark.She is a perfectionist and even wanted to work this all out but one evening last year she came home from one of her classes to find the U-haul in her driveway.She has been super bitch to the ex and his new love and knows it. I can't hardly stand to talk about relationship topics with her any more well she has been "pen pals" with a guy in Belgium for a few years now nothing romantic until a month after hubby left and all she keeps on saying is just wait, the divorce is final ,I got complete rule of my kids and as soon as I graduate in may I am leaving to SC after that to Belgium as long as I have a career and "John " and i get married I can move these kids! Uhm, excuse me if I am wrong but that's not possible is it????I don't even think she can move to SC if eh says no,right????? Just a question I thought someone might have an answer to. She got really upset with me and said she had to go and google wouldn't give me an answer lol


DaizyDuke's picture

I am hoping that the answer is YES, Yes BM can move to another country.. hell another planet would be nice too.

overworkedmom's picture

It just depends. He ex might be able to keep the kids in country but he has no control over her actions. It just depends. But she is right, if she a career opportunity and is married to someone who lives somewhere else she has a fighting chance of being able to go with the kids. I have no idea if that is a good thing or not but she will need a lawyer for sure!!

Lalena75's picture

Depends on the divorce decree, and best interest of the kids. I'm taking my bios to Belgium this summer. Ex signed off on it as well. If I were to choose to move internationally he probably wouldn't care and just see his kids whenever he got around to either going where the kids would be or when they came state side.