I agree with Ripley. I've been feeling like a complete nitwit for the last few hours. But at least something good came out of it. The ASPCA got a little infusion of cash.
I am still shocked about this. She was a good writer though!! And she really had alot of SD3 stories!!
I felt so bad all night over this poor dog breaking her back!!
I have a 3 yr old daughter and we have 2 pugs. I'm not sure if she would be able to kick them down the stairs. Maybe if my little pug was in the middle of going down I guess it could happen.
But she seemed too happy getting to stay alone in a nice motel and getting a massage. I would be devastated if one of my dogs died. I consider them my children. Sometimes I even like them better than the kids }:)
I doubt it -- there are a couple of possibilities here. One, she's very smart and planned the whole thing out, including flounce, to do her research and study reactions; Two, that she's just mentally ill. While I'd love to believe the former, I actually vote for the latter.
And don't think for a minute she's not still here, reading and enjoying the hubbub she created.
Oh FOR SURE because you can read the blogs without even signing up! This is so freaking funny it's not even believable! Damn! Now I wanna write a book!
Reposting my post from another thread, so you guys can check out the picture of "Lulu":
It was a hoax - I was trying to give Crew the benefit of the doubt, but now I am sure. I followed up on Unfreakingreal's suggestion that the picture of "Lulu" was a google image. It was - you can find the exact same image many different places online, including the following:
I am still confused over the kids they had. She used to call them all her skids. Then one day she said SD3 was her DH's only bio child. Then once she called them all her kids except for SD3. Then yesterday she left with all kids except SD3.
Did anyone else notice this or am I just being stupid?? And like someone else pointed out, where was the dog during all of this??
I'll admit, as much as I love my dogs, I don't really mention them in my comments or posts, unless the story has something to do with dogs or pets & I can relate that way.
But, you would think there'd be no confusion in how many kids/stepkids she had.
Good grief. I hardley have time to keep up on here anyway muchless make up a huge story and just keep on blogging about it. How jacked up in the head.....seriously, that girl needs some help.
You know... there was a person on this site a LONG LONG time ago that went to another site after she was banned here. It was a small site that SHE created. We all became REALLY good friends there. She told us stories of how her husband (a cop) beat her and she left him. Turned out to be a lie...
I am wondering if lil' miss crew is this same person, back for more drama...??
I remember that craziness! I have also impressed myself with my ability to remember part of the name, LOL.
Didn't she have a friend, that Barbie person, that was married to a doctor?
Yep you are right, and then there was a spin off from that site... and new "drama" developed. It was a mess. Its been a while since I have dealt with all of that so I will not get in to details because I would hate to have my people wrong and not give "crazy credit" where it is due I do remember something about the whole "I was beat by my cop husband" being a lie though. I dunno, too much to keep up with.
That's good to know. I really liked Jen on this site. Hoenstly its been well over a year... maybe 2 since I interacted with any of them. Except ONE, I still talk occasionally to one of them.
I just remember her and BBB being friends and leaving. Other than that I dunno. BS I think it would be nasty to talk about someone's husband beating them though. If you don't know if it's true or not you really shouldn't talk about it because that's a really tough subject to be critical about. Just saying. Not trying to be mean, just some friendly advice.
You are right. I apologize. I don't honestly remember enough about what went on in their lives to even mention it. This whole things just reminded me of that situation.
Was that BMJen? (I think that was the name.) I know a group of them started another site & PM'd me to see if I wanted to join. Her & a bitchbitchbarbie (or something like that). I may be thinking of someone else. I hadn't been here long enough to know one person from another.
Gotcha... see... That's why I won't go in to detail. I don't remember enough to be accurate. I just remember one of them had us allll goin for a long time. Then I left.
BMJen is the only Jen I know from here, & I remember it because I was still trying to get familiar with the acronyms. I thought it was odd someone would give themselves the name BM. And bitchbitchbarbie seemed like a bitchbitch. The name fit.
I didn't know either of them lied either. They were posting when I first came here and I remember when they left to start a new site, after some drama here.
Wasn't BBB's hubby supposedly a dermatologist? I remember that much, but I can't remember too many details about her.
I don't remember her making up a huge giant drama filled story like this though.
OMG that was such a fiasco. Jen (SMJen then BMJen) fabricated plenty too. She and Barbie went on a vendetta against another member here, framed her and turned others against her. It was pretty heinous..... So this kind of BS here is nothing new.
I dunno. I do remeber Barbie making up some serious stories. Jen I think was honest. I am pretty certain I mis-spoke in regards to her earlier. It's been a long time since I interacted with them.
Mazzy, you're assuming quite a lot. I do know the situation - I just know it from the other side. I know the targeted person IRL, so I know the situation just as well as you do.
Crew created her own drama here, not defending that at all.... 2 very seperate situations.
Yeah....I'm a little sick to my stomach after finding this out. I read the posts, mostly while I'm working and I wasn't paying close enough attention. I was horrified by the Lulu story and was caught up in my own emotions.
I sincerely hope this doesn't make me more cynical about what we share here. I'd like to believe most of us are on here for support and our day by day stories are real.
Wow...I am shocked! She is a good enough writer to have had (most) of us enthralled with her blogs & heartbroken over the demise of "Lulu"...I'm nauseous now.
This shit still pisses me off. I even told my sister the whole sad story this morning and then get on here and see that we've all been lied to. I get enough hiding/shady ass stories from my DH, MIL and BM. I don't need them here too!
Well said, Asheeha. Getting upset all over again just lets this vile woman steal more emotional energy from you, and she's really not worth it. The good news is that this (imaginary) little dog did not die a needless death, and ASPCA got some $$.
I read all the drama yesterday and was sickened by the story and drawn into it with sympathy. I somehow couldn't bring myself to post on her story however. I wanted to but something made me hold back. Even later in the day I was questioning my self, thinking was I being callus to her by not showing some sympathy/support. I guess it was intuition..they say it's never wrong.
Crew flat out said it was a picture of her Lulu. That's one lie for certain, & an unnecessary one. Her story could've been just as painful without that lie.
They say liars will always overcompensate to make their stories believable.
Because we are all co-dependent on some level and seriously brain damaged
maybe that's true, but i try to believe that we are compassionate and caring and believe the best about people in general. the fact that we are on this site is because someone is making that impossible for us. for me it's BM...i truly loathe that woman and i have never felt that in my life. i'm here to relate to others and find a bit of support without dragging my family down with this hate.
I wish people would not be so quick to believe every stupid thing they read on the world wide web. There are other members of stalk who's stories just don't add up either, but yet people jump to give them sympathy and keep feeding into their sick little game of lies....nd then of course lambaste those of us that are wise enough to say that something just aint right in dodge. but oh well.
I guess the kooks keep the world interesting.... so carry on, carry on
I agree, most people who have skids have to deal with the same problems on different days over and over again. Not wildly dramatic new stories every day. Of course, part of me wishes I could believe the stories because of the "wow, they are worse than my skids" factor
I know. I know. You're probably saying to yourself that if she really wanted her effin' Itty-Bitty Booklight so bad she could have just gone down to Wal-Mart and solved the whole problem, so something doesn't ring true, right?
Please know that I could not make up the Hell that is having your SD take your Itty-Bitty Booklight. I wouldn't toy with something like that.
(I hope the intended tone of this post comes through...tongue completely in cheek)
I am mad that she made us believe that this poor dog was killed like this and accused a 3 year old! I didn't comment on her blog b/c i was very busy but the one thing that did come to mind is that the 3 year old did not think to herself I will kick this dog down the stairs and kill it. But moire like I just feel like kicking this dog.
I am very upset that someone would make something like that up. WOW just WOW :jawdrop:
While I thought her stories were sort of fantastic, the only thing that made me the least bit suspicious was the time stamps of her posts from yesterday. Plus, actually posting on a website while in the waiting room for putting your dog to sleep. I noticed the timing of everything from yesterday seemed way too close together. But then I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt so I didn't even realize that people were hinting at her being a fake this morning right away.
What in the hell is wrong with people?! She must be seriously messed up in the head to keep this lie going for so long. I looked this morning and she was a member for 10 weeks.
I hope she's reading this and knows what comes around goes around. Purposely deceiving people for that long! I believe in karma and think Crew is bringing a whole lot of bad stuff on herself with this one.
Um. Okay... not saying she ISN'T crazy, but maybe her picture was meant to be a representation and not the actual dog...?
I mean I thought Blue Belle's picture is the derp Basset Hound (not sure though because it was so small) that you can find on Google but I wasn't sure, and thought it was just a representation of the breed her father had--which is totally fine to me.
Wow!!! I’m just reading this post at 3 in the afternoon…and as I’m reading all of this my jaw is dropping again as it did yesterday when reading “the Lulu story”! I just can’t believe some people go to that level of attention seeking behavior to get a reaction/rise out of people, especially on a site like this. Being an animal lover myself (1000% more than step-kid lover), I would do anything for them (my animals), anything, anything!!!! Think I’m in shock over this…ugh
Consensus is that it was all
Consensus is that it was all a hoax. When people figured it out, she flounced.
wow :jawdrop:
really? I must have missed
really? I must have missed something....
i'm so so pissed about the
i'm so so pissed about the pic!
probably some felon in one of those cushy prisons wanting to scam some nice ladies because he hated his SM.
love the way your mind works flabby
no! you are compassionate!
no! you are compassionate! she is the messed up one here! i HATE when crappy people make others less human! please don't ever doubt that.
i'm just going to try to be more aware. but i'd rather be kind and generous and get duped every now and then than just doubt everybody i meet!
(No subject)
I agree with Ripley. I've
I agree with Ripley. I've been feeling like a complete nitwit for the last few hours. But at least something good came out of it. The ASPCA got a little infusion of cash.
(No subject)
thanks for the advice! i will
thanks for the advice! i will take it!
I am still shocked about
I am still shocked about this. She was a good writer though!! And she really had alot of SD3 stories!!
I felt so bad all night over this poor dog breaking her back!!
I have a 3 yr old daughter and we have 2 pugs. I'm not sure if she would be able to kick them down the stairs. Maybe if my little pug was in the middle of going down I guess it could happen.
But she seemed too happy getting to stay alone in a nice motel and getting a massage. I would be devastated if one of my dogs died. I consider them my children. Sometimes I even like them better than the kids }:)
we all did...don't feel too
we all did...don't feel too bad.
(No subject)
:jawdrop: :jawdrop:
I thought something was
I thought something was sketch when her dad came in to save the day. How sad
I just wonder how we know
I just wonder how we know that it's a scam. Just because she took her pic down??
For one things, the pics of
For one things, the pics of "Lulu" are readily available Google images -- it wasn't even her dog.
(No subject)
:jawdrop: :jawdrop:
If all this is true, I STILL
If all this is true, I STILL feel sorry for her.
Think about how fucked up in the head you must be to do something like that... How lacking her life must be.
Maybe we were research for a
Maybe we were research for a book?
I doubt it -- there are a
I doubt it -- there are a couple of possibilities here. One, she's very smart and planned the whole thing out, including flounce, to do her research and study reactions; Two, that she's just mentally ill. While I'd love to believe the former, I actually vote for the latter.
And don't think for a minute she's not still here, reading and enjoying the hubbub she created.
Oh FOR SURE because you can
Oh FOR SURE because you can read the blogs without even signing up! This is so freaking funny it's not even believable! Damn! Now I wanna write a book!
FeuilleMorte - I'm siding
FeuilleMorte - I'm siding with you. I have a feeling it was just a little dry roasted nut getting her jollies.
Reposting my post from
Reposting my post from another thread, so you guys can check out the picture of "Lulu":
It was a hoax - I was trying to give Crew the benefit of the doubt, but now I am sure. I followed up on Unfreakingreal's suggestion that the picture of "Lulu" was a google image. It was - you can find the exact same image many different places online, including the following:
Mella, I'm still laughing!
Mella, I'm still laughing! This is just too damn fucked up!
All I can say is WOW
All I can say is WOW :O
I am still confused over the
I am still confused over the kids they had. She used to call them all her skids. Then one day she said SD3 was her DH's only bio child. Then once she called them all her kids except for SD3. Then yesterday she left with all kids except SD3.
Did anyone else notice this or am I just being stupid?? And like someone else pointed out, where was the dog during all of this??
I'll admit, as much as I love
I'll admit, as much as I love my dogs, I don't really mention them in my comments or posts, unless the story has something to do with dogs or pets & I can relate that way.
But, you would think there'd be no confusion in how many kids/stepkids she had.
Good grief. I hardley have
Good grief. I hardley have time to keep up on here anyway muchless make up a huge story and just keep on blogging about it. How jacked up in the head.....seriously, that girl needs some help.
oh wow.... You know... there
oh wow....
You know... there was a person on this site a LONG LONG time ago that went to another site after she was banned here. It was a small site that SHE created. We all became REALLY good friends there. She told us stories of how her husband (a cop) beat her and she left him. Turned out to be a lie...
I am wondering if lil' miss crew is this same person, back for more drama...??
The Jen chick?
The Jen chick?
^^^^^DING DING^^^^^^ We have
^^^^^DING DING^^^^^^
We have a winner
I remember that craziness! I
I remember that craziness! I have also impressed myself with my ability to remember part of the name, LOL.
Didn't she have a friend, that Barbie person, that was married to a doctor?
Yep you are right, and then
Yep you are right, and then there was a spin off from that site... and new "drama" developed. It was a mess. Its been a while since I have dealt with all of that so I will not get in to details because I would hate to have my people wrong and not give "crazy credit" where it is due
I do remember something about the whole "I was beat by my cop husband" being a lie though. I dunno, too much to keep up with.
That's good to know. I really
That's good to know. I really liked Jen on this site. Hoenstly its been well over a year... maybe 2 since I interacted with any of them. Except ONE, I still talk occasionally to one of them.
I just remember her and BBB
I just remember her and BBB being friends and leaving. Other than that I dunno. BS I think it would be nasty to talk about someone's husband beating them though. If you don't know if it's true or not you really shouldn't talk about it because that's a really tough subject to be critical about. Just saying. Not trying to be mean, just some friendly advice.
You are right. I apologize. I
You are right. I apologize. I don't honestly remember enough about what went on in their lives to even mention it. This whole things just reminded me of that situation.
Jen... where-ever you are, I am sorry.
Was that BMJen? (I think
Was that BMJen? (I think that was the name.) I know a group of them started another site & PM'd me to see if I wanted to join. Her & a bitchbitchbarbie (or something like that). I may be thinking of someone else. I hadn't been here long enough to know one person from another.
Storm, you get bonus points
Storm, you get bonus points for remembering the whole name!
I think that was it. I thought people said BBB was the one who lied about her situation, Jen did too? Wow.
Mazzy, you know you have one
Mazzy, you know you have one of BBB's old avatars, right? LOL
Gotcha... see... That's why I
Gotcha... see... That's why I won't go in to detail. I don't remember enough to be accurate. I just remember one of them had us allll goin for a long time. Then I left.
I didn't know either of them
I didn't know either of them lied.
BMJen is the only Jen I know from here, & I remember it because I was still trying to get familiar with the acronyms. I thought it was odd someone would give themselves the name BM. And bitchbitchbarbie seemed like a bitchbitch. The name fit.
I didn't know either of them
I didn't know either of them lied either. They were posting when I first came here and I remember when they left to start a new site, after some drama here.
Wasn't BBB's hubby supposedly a dermatologist? I remember that much, but I can't remember too many details about her.
I don't remember her making up a huge giant drama filled story like this though.
The drama broke loose on
The drama broke loose on another site.
no shit: "And
no shit:
"And bitchbitchbarbie seemed like a bitchbitch. The name fit."
didn't it turn out that bitchbitchbarbie portrayed herself as a trophy wife or something and it turned out she was a receptionist in a dentist office?
She was supposedly her
She was supposedly her husband's receptionist at his office. And they were apparently very rich.
exactly: "supposedly"
LOL if I remember right they
LOL if I remember right they hated you to! I'm happy that everyone went on to their other site. Things calmed down here alot then.
OMG that was such a fiasco.
OMG that was such a fiasco. Jen (SMJen then BMJen) fabricated plenty too. She and Barbie went on a vendetta against another member here, framed her and turned others against her. It was pretty heinous..... So this kind of BS here is nothing new.
I dunno. I do remeber Barbie
I dunno. I do remeber Barbie making up some serious stories. Jen I think was honest. I am pretty certain I mis-spoke in regards to her earlier. It's been a long time since I interacted with them.
Mazzy, you're assuming quite
Mazzy, you're assuming quite a lot. I do know the situation - I just know it from the other side. I know the targeted person IRL, so I know the situation just as well as you do.
Crew created her own drama here, not defending that at all.... 2 very seperate situations.
Have a good night.
And THIS is why I prefer the
And THIS is why I prefer the four footed kind...
I think I'll leave my doggie avatar. I think he's pretty cute.
Yeah....I'm a little sick to
Yeah....I'm a little sick to my stomach after finding this out. I read the posts, mostly while I'm working and I wasn't paying close enough attention. I was horrified by the Lulu story and was caught up in my own emotions.
I sincerely hope this doesn't make me more cynical about what we share here. I'd like to believe most of us are on here for support and our day by day stories are real.
wow. That is really really
:jawdrop: wow. That is really really sad!
Now I wonder who I can or
Now I wonder who I can or cannot believe. UGH
That was exactly my thought
That was exactly my thought too. I don't always post because my job interferes with my ST time.
But I do read and keep up on people.
I'm not angry at this person but I am annoyed with myself for not paying attention to the inconsistencies.
As much as I love my lil
As much as I love my lil furry baby... I thought this more appropriate for the day --->
lolololol love it!
love it!
LMAO!!! I like the avatar
LMAO!!! I like the avatar @BSgoinon
Wow...I am shocked! She is a
Wow...I am shocked! She is a good enough writer to have had (most) of us enthralled with her blogs & heartbroken over the demise of "Lulu"...I'm nauseous now.
This shit still pisses me
This shit still pisses me off. I even told my sister the whole sad story this morning and then get on here and see that we've all been lied to. I get enough hiding/shady ass stories from my DH, MIL and BM. I don't need them here too!
yeah...this is the positive.
yeah...this is the positive.
Well said, Asheeha. Getting
Well said, Asheeha. Getting upset all over again just lets this vile woman steal more emotional energy from you, and she's really not worth it. The good news is that this (imaginary) little dog did not die a needless death, and ASPCA got some $$.
I read all the drama
I read all the drama yesterday and was sickened by the story and drawn into it with sympathy. I somehow couldn't bring myself to post on her story however. I wanted to but something made me hold back. Even later in the day I was questioning my self, thinking was I being callus to her by not showing some sympathy/support. I guess it was intuition..they say it's never wrong.
Yeah, Draco -- there's being
Yeah, Draco -- there's being charitable, and then there's being in complete denial.
Crew flat out said it was a
Crew flat out said it was a picture of her Lulu. That's one lie for certain, & an unnecessary one. Her story could've been just as painful without that lie.
They say liars will always overcompensate to make their stories believable.
Because we are all
Because we are all co-dependent on some level and seriously brain damaged
maybe that's true, but i try to believe that we are compassionate and caring and believe the best about people in general. the fact that we are on this site is because someone is making that impossible for us. for me it's BM...i truly loathe that woman and i have never felt that in my life. i'm here to relate to others and find a bit of support without dragging my family down with this hate.
I agree Ripley, people are
I agree Ripley, people are nuts. This person needs some help.
Well, crap I want my monkey
Well, crap I want my monkey avatar back now! I'll have to change back when I get home from work.
I can't believe that was all a hoax, I was almost in tears over the poor 'dog'! Some people are downright crazy
I wish people would not be so
I wish people would not be so quick to believe every stupid thing they read on the world wide web. There are other members of stalk who's stories just don't add up either, but yet people jump to give them sympathy and keep feeding into their sick little game of lies....nd then of course lambaste those of us that are wise enough to say that something just aint right in dodge. but oh well.
I guess the kooks keep the world interesting.... so carry on, carry on
I agree, most people who have
I agree, most people who have skids have to deal with the same problems on different days over and over again. Not wildly dramatic new stories every day. Of course, part of me wishes I could believe the stories because of the "wow, they are worse than my skids" factor
I know. I know. You're
I know. I know. You're probably saying to yourself that if she really wanted her effin' Itty-Bitty Booklight so bad she could have just gone down to Wal-Mart and solved the whole problem, so something doesn't ring true, right?
Please know that I could not make up the Hell that is having your SD take your Itty-Bitty Booklight. I wouldn't toy with something like that.
(I hope the intended tone of this post comes through...tongue completely in cheek)
I am mad that she made us
I am mad that she made us believe that this poor dog was killed like this and accused a 3 year old! I didn't comment on her blog b/c i was very busy but the one thing that did come to mind is that the 3 year old did not think to herself I will kick this dog down the stairs and kill it. But moire like I just feel like kicking this dog.
I am very upset that someone would make something like that up. WOW just WOW :jawdrop:
While I thought her stories
While I thought her stories were sort of fantastic, the only thing that made me the least bit suspicious was the time stamps of her posts from yesterday. Plus, actually posting on a website while in the waiting room for putting your dog to sleep. I noticed the timing of everything from yesterday seemed way too close together. But then I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt so I didn't even realize that people were hinting at her being a fake this morning right away.
What in the hell is wrong with people?! She must be seriously messed up in the head to keep this lie going for so long. I looked this morning and she was a member for 10 weeks.
I hope she's reading this and knows what comes around goes around. Purposely deceiving people for that long! I believe in karma and think Crew is bringing a whole lot of bad stuff on herself with this one.
Okay, well that explains why
Okay, well that explains why I was struggling to grasp the "reporter" references. I never read her blogs until the Lulu one.
Okay I feel really stupid
Okay I feel really stupid now....
Yep. Me too. Edited to say
Yep. Me too.
Edited to say that this refers to the "I feel stupid" post. But I guess it could apply to the one above as well.
Um. Okay... not saying she
Um. Okay... not saying she ISN'T crazy, but maybe her picture was meant to be a representation and not the actual dog...?
I mean I thought Blue Belle's picture is the derp Basset Hound (not sure though because it was so small) that you can find on Google but I wasn't sure, and thought it was just a representation of the breed her father had--which is totally fine to me.
Yep, people asked multiple
Yep, people asked multiple times & she stated that yes, it was her dear Lulu.
Wow!!! I’m just reading this
Wow!!! I’m just reading this post at 3 in the afternoon…and as I’m reading all of this my jaw is dropping again as it did yesterday when reading “the Lulu story”! I just can’t believe some people go to that level of attention seeking behavior to get a reaction/rise out of people, especially on a site like this. Being an animal lover myself (1000% more than step-kid lover), I would do anything for them (my animals), anything, anything!!!! Think I’m in shock over this…ugh