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buterfly_2011's picture

So yesterday my SO posted on his facebook (this kind of drama just pisses me the hell off) about how he is changing jobs and going back to his old job. He of course had a ton of comments saying how great it is bla bla bla THEN BM uncle gets on and makes a comment about how he wishes his niece would pull her head out of her ass and realize what a great guy my SO is.....
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! These people are pressing my buttons pretty good. I wanted to make a comment but instead I just posted under it a verse that only myself and SO understand so he would know this shit isn't flying with me. THEN BM SISTER gets on there and posts some drama filled BS towards her Uncle and last she checked her and her sister had NO uncles bla bla bla.
I have deleted people from my Facebook that SO wasn't comfortable with. I feel like he should NOT have BM's family on his page. I know its just facebook but it is also a place where many people share personal things with "friends" not previous relationship family members etc. So last night when he came home from work at 8pm he said maybe I should just delete my post.. I said UM NO you should delete her family off your page. Seems pretty clear to me? He got so flustered he deleted the post and went to bed. And that was that.
Nothing pisses me off more then double standards in a relationship. Any thing that even remotely made him feel like my past was in his face I have delt with. Got rid of or gave back to whomever. OR sold. I ask him to do one damn thing and I get the silent treatment. I'm LIVID today.
He gets SS3 today. I'm tempted to take my son to my parents for the weekend and just let things rest before I flip out and say things that will cause more harm then good.


BSgoinon's picture

I would start friending every relative my ex has, and start posting on their page, just to prove a point. But I am a bit of a jerl like that.

I would be bothered by this too. Luckily most of BM's family HATES both DH and I, so we don't really have this issue. Except her mom, who I actually really like LOL.

buterfly_2011's picture

My ex was in my life from the time I was 14 until I was 27. When we divorced some of his family took sides and others didn't really care to. So when we go to any events for the kids they always say hello and they all like my SO. But they aren't on my friends list for facebook and I keep it to a simply how are you kinda convo. They are all happy for me that I have found SO. HOWEVER my SO family isn't behaving like that. Clearly. So as far as I'm concerned they can take a hike just like she did.
I have thought about friending one of my old friends that I had to delete to make SO feel comfy. It was a guy I had never had anything but friendship with but my SO felt he was a threat so I emailed my long time friend and explained to him the situation. He completely understood and even offered to talk to SO. But my SO wasn't having that. So we parted facebook ways. He just might appear on my page today. Just to make that point.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I vote that you hack into his FB and delete the people for him. That way, he won't have to be bothered to do so.

You will be doing him a favor. }:)

buterfly_2011's picture

I have no idea what his passwords are or I would do a complete sweep of people. }:)