O/T- Cramps!-or-Why I want to tear out my uterus
I'm looking for a miracle. I have BAD periods with REALLY BAD cramps. I have forever kept them in check with ibuprofen...lots and lots of ibu (my precious). Well, I had to have an endoscopy a couple of months ago for an unrelated matter and they discovered lesions in my stomach that are consistent with chronic NSAIDS (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs...aka ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) and basically ruined my life telling me I can't use them anymore unless I want a full blown ulcer.
I switched to acetominophen (tylenol, midol, etc are all acetominophen). They SUCK. This is basically intolerable and I need a miracle.
Anyone have a magic potion or lotion, maybe something natural, maybe accupuncture, maybe standing on your head while singing Hotel California...ANYTHING that's helped cramps??
Don't say birth control, cuz that's a no-go.
- forestfairy's blog
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Yeah, I used one of those
Yeah, I used one of those "gets hot when the little things touch air" things today and burned my lower abdomen, LOL. I think I was wanting relief so bad I was pushing against my skin too hard.
I haven't even started having kids yet so taking it away isn't an option either.
I was thinking about taking a bath tonight since I've been suffering all day. Thanks dtzy! Sorry you have to suffer too. I was having a drink with my former boss awhile back and she's probably in her 50s and told me she's never had a menstrual cramp in her life and had NO idea what they even felt like. I wanted to punch her! hahahaha!
I don't know how old you are
I don't know how old you are or how many kids you want but seriously, if you are done with the diaper thing find a sympathetic OBGYN and get that uterus ripped out. Because NOTHING will fix it. NOTHING.
i, too, get very painful
i, too, get very painful periods...havent found anything yet that works. i am now starting to get cramps when im not even ON my fuckin period...idek.
O I am so sorry to hear
O I am so sorry to hear that:(
I suffer huge fibroids in my uterus.Next to going back on the BC pill I also changed some parts of my nutrition- generally I eat healthy, but also avoid milk and some other things that seem to trigger inflammation.The normal doctors will just laugh about changing your nutrition but I found it helps.
Yeah, I've been checked out.
Yeah, I've been checked out. Dispirited...I get cramps sometimes when I'm not on my period too, especially right after it ends. Started bleeding b/w periods a few years ago and had an exploratory surgery done. All they found was some excess lining caused by skipping some ovulations...which they removed. No endometriosis or fibroids. I did have a couple small ovarian cysts which went away on their own. That was two and a half years ago, so there could be something else by now, but they've always been bad to be honest.
I'm 33. No kids yet, but planning on trying for at least one or two with SO. So can't rip it out yet, unfortunately.
oncechoosetosmile....tell me what you avoid that helps. When do you start avoiding it, etc. I completely believe that could be a big factor, I don't laugh about that kind of thing at all and am willing to try anything!
mainly milk and trying to
mainly milk and trying to avoid all chemicals and refined sugars.But I have fibroids and you don't.
Personally, I stuck my finger
Personally, I stuck my finger down my throat. After I Puked for 2 or 3 hours I could sleep them off.
My OBGYN actually had surgery looking for endometriousis (spelling slaughtered). In the process they found my muscle way to tight tilting my uterus. After stretching it, my cramps went away.
Years later they came back- on the onset of perimenupause.
Oh my.... I think I hate
Oh my....
I think I hate puking almost as much as cramps. Sometimes being a woman really blows.
Well, if your in a point in
Well, if your in a point in your life where you not currently thinking having kids, what about Mirena? I had it for three years and my periods stopped altogether with an occasional hello from down under on the order of about every 6 - 9 mo.s. I won't lie; the first 48 hours were hell. My first born was delivered c-sect. after 12 hours of petocin induced cramps. The cramps I got after I had Mirena implanted were so much worse than those. Also, some dr.s forget to tell you that you need to take a pain killer prior to having it put in - I recommend percocets if you have access to them. But after that initial painful few days (the cramps will actually continue for about a week, but much less intense, more of a discomfort really), it was very smooth sailing for the next 3 years until I decided I was ready to try for another.
Red Raspberry Leaf tea and
Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Evening Primrose Oil taken starting the week before your cycle will help. Ginger will too. You could also take a supplement with Magnesium, but you need to be careful because that can interact with some medications.
I have friends who have had
I have friends who have had success with 'maximum' doses of vitamin B (I think B12 is the important one, but a multi-B will have all the B's) in the week before your period too. It will depend on your condition and it's severity. I don't think B interacts with anything, but always worth checking up on
I will give them all a try!
I will give them all a try! Thanks!!
I started having horrible
I started having horrible horrible cramps about two years ago. To the point they would lay me out. I'd never had that before and had no idea what the crap was going on. It was exactly like that, the day before my period and then probably about 4 to 5 days after it ended (during ovulation I found out later).
It laid me out at work a few months back so I went in, turns out I have an ovarian cyst that apparently had been growing for the last two years, and it exploded that same month. Haven't had any cramps since.
While I had them, I was popping Ibuprofin like a mad woman. Laying down with a heating pad helped as well but I can't be on birth control either, so I pretty much had to suffer.
If you find something that kicks butt, please share in case mine comes back.
I think I offered some info
I think I offered some info to someone else who also had bad cramps--
1. Don't drink anything cold/eat anything cold the day before or during your period. I don't know why this is, but this has held true for so many people. THIS IS MY NUMBER ONE RECOMMENDATION. Be wary of crabs, celery, pears, lettuce, etc. as they are considered "cold" natured foods.
2. Red wine, or any kind of alcohol.
3. Ginger and brown sugar tea.
4. Take an ibu before the cramps start, when you first get your period so that it doesn't get worse. Nothing is more horrid than waiting for it to kick in.
Grandfather and mother are both accupuncturists so chalk it up to old chinese wisdom...?
I remember reading this
I remember reading this before. The cold thing baffled me. So you don't drink cold water during your entire period? or any other cold liquid? Any other "cold" foods you know of?
One word - Vicodin. Yes it
One word - Vicodin. Yes it is a narcotic but if taken AS DIRECTED under a physician's supervision it is effective and appropriate. That is what medication is for. I have fibroids and cysts and finally found a doctor who would listen to me. If you have not yet found such a doctor, start looking for one. I am certainly NOT advocating "doctor shopping" or looking for a "Dr. Feel Good." Just finding a doctor who is familiar with the extent to which pain can affect your life and judiciously prescribe medication as it is intended.
On a personal note, I take Vicodin for approximately 3 to 6 days out of the month depending on what my body chooses to do on that particular cycle. I have absolutely no "craving" or other addictive signs - trust me, i was concerned when it was first prescribed! - and am careful to take it only as directed. It does not completely take away the pain but it makes it manageable and I can go about my daily life on those days instead of being bed ridden as I once was. Finding a doctor and a medication that works makes all the difference. yes, you will experience pain but you do not have to suffer!
Avoid caffeine if you can,
Avoid caffeine if you can, that will make them worse. My mom's used progesterone cream and had pretty good luck with that.
Thanks so much everyone!! I
Thanks so much everyone!! I appreciate all the advice. I'll definitely talk to my doctor...maybe I'll see if she'll schedule another ultrasound so I can see if any cysts have come back. .