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help me, BM is making threats again...

stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

I haven't been here in quite a I will give a little update...I moved out of DH's home for a bit to be closer to my university, (completely homesick and moving back)..but in that time, BM has decided that since i no longer live in the home, I am no longer in the picture, but I still see ss3 (last time I was here he was ss2!) on a regular basis as he gets very upset if he doesn't see me and likewise. now, though I do see him, we do this behind bm's back as she states that if she finds out I am seeing him "I will be sure that she is out of the picture" (her words) And I need him as much as he needs me, so here are my concerns;
does she have a right to do anything as far as keeping me from seeing him?
(I'm not a criminal, Ive never laid a hand on anyone, do not consume drugs, and sparingly consume alcohol, and I am successful)
this threat honestly has me worried about my safety and possible social deterioration (read previous posts) but I do not know what to do...aside from going back on my Zoloft...
I'd really like some advice...I know I have no rights as a stepparent, but, what about my rights as a human? where do these begin and end? I need some perspective, thank you so much step talkers..

(please excuse any ridiculous typos or misspellings as I am typing this on my cell phone...


BSgoinon's picture

Unless there are specifics about SS not being around you in their custody paperwork, there is absolutely NOTHING she can do to keep you from him. What your DH does with SS during his time, is none of her concern. And frankly, I would take her to court if she with-held him from his dad on account of her fear of him seeing you.

stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

well she has done this..multiple times...and had her parents take him instead...and we're in the process of going back to court...oh never ending cycle

BSgoinon's picture

Call the cops. If he is not where he is supposed to be, when he is supposed to be there on DH's time, call the cops with a copy of the CO in hand.

Swan Dive's picture

I agree with BSgoinon. There is nothing legally BM can do to prevent him from seeing you. If you are married to DH, you shouldn't have to sneak around behind BM's back. If BM is withholding the child to make sure you are out of the picture and denying DH from seeing him, you can absolutely call the police. It is illegal for her to not let DH see his kid.

If you have no legal record of any sorts that could be held against you legally, the only way she can "make sure" you stay out of the picture is if she's just a pain in the ass enough to scare you off.

newbie88's picture

I seriously just felt like I was reading a post that I had put on here! LOL My BM was the exact same before, she has come around now but in the beginning it was VERY difficult.

She cannot do anything to keep you from seeing your SS aside from trying to keep him from his BF which well without reason she cannot do either. She can talk as much as she wants but it is just her talking. She is just trying to scare you to keep you away. I am just guessing here since I don't know for sure but maybe because you weren't living there she thought she had the opportunity to try and get back with him and because you can back she is now just frustrated and thinks maybe if she keeps you away from the child that it will give her a chance to get closer to him!

Lets face if, some women will go to some crazy measures for a man they love lol I don't agree with her mouth for a second but this is always possible.

Just keep doing what your doing and have your man tell her to shove it and that she cannot control him. It is his BS as well as he is her BS and she needs to understand that. Her and your man aren't together anymore and she needs to remember that and she also needs to remember that she is an ex and that her word doesn't matter Biggrin That's the best part of it all is when the DH tells BM that! AHHHH i love it