Step Daughter
I have a very disrespectful SD, she is spoiled and also she only greets me whenever she feels like it, when she does visit for the weekend she is half of the time upset walking around in my house with a tense face, I have decided that i don;t want her in my house that is her punishment from me,I dont want her to sleep over at my house, Her father does'nt dicipline her and she even yells at her father...
- Chloè-Jay's blog
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Why does she need to be in
Why does she need to be in every trip we planning?
me and my hubby are living in
me and my hubby are living in the same house and we oen it together, she is 11 but a total spoiled bratt,
i guess you are right, it is
i guess you are right, it is very difficult for me to deal with this stepchild issue, i wish i had known what i got myself into, i dont trust hubby with the BM and even though the BM sent nasty messages to my phone and phoning me he did nothing about it...i hate my situation...
the sad thing about it is, he
the sad thing about it is, he never discipline her no matter what she does wrong, and i can't do his job for him, he never tell her what right or wrong, she always gets her way, she even has a attitude towards him as well,
What can you really do when
What can you really do when your husband doesn't discipline his 11year old daughter?
I am faking it. I'm not proud
I am faking it. I'm not proud one bit but I'm truly faking it. I finally said it. SD11 is by far one of the most difficult children I've ever had to be around. I have a BS11 and they are like night and day. She's your typical Ms. Goody Good but she's got an evil streak that her dad will just not see. She comes to our home every weekend starting on Friday night, she speaks to no one until Saturday and spends most of her weekend locked up in the guest room. That's right I call it the guest room and not her room. She's always been a guest and has never really wanted to participate with any of us until it's time to go somewhere and spend money. As long as she pulls good grades mommy and daddy ignore all of the other passive agressive behavior she displays. When she was in public school the teachers caught on fast and they were calling them in at least once a month regarding her being disrespectful. She would not answer the teacher when she was spoken to and would not associate with the other kids because she felt they were beneath her, so the other kids didn't associate with her either. Instead of mommy and daddy dealing with this head on they put her into a christian private school (with a 6th grade class of 8 students) because there was no way she was the problem it had to be public school and all of the heathens that resided within.
Sorry. Guess I needed to vent.
I doubt that me and DH will
I doubt that me and DH will ever be on the same page,
he spoils SD11 too much, i sometimes feel like she's the wife and I'm the child,
is he affraid of the child,
is he affraid of the child, why cant he teach her some manners all he does is spoiling her with expensive gifts, that is not the way you should raise your child, as parents we need to teach our children some values and principle, but my husband is totally different....
hubby is making alot of
hubby is making alot of facial remarks behind my back with SD11,
I have alot of anger inside
I have alot of anger inside of me, cause i hate my SD and i also hate her mother, my hsband allows them to rule my house and he does nothing about it,
I think my husband is
I think my husband is sleeping with his ex?
he never talks about her..., he has a smile whenever he sees her,
he comes home with dirty
he comes home with dirty underware, and his ex does not work very far from where we stay, he gets home before i do? Please help this is making me insane....
I think you need to stop, I
I think you need to stop, I mean STOP reacting and THINK long and hard about what this is doing to you. Have you had any counselling at all? A friend, relative, or someone who has been in similar situations?
We had juvenile delinquent teenagers, one of whom ended up incarcerated for two years for battery on the infirm, the court ordered family counselling...TWICE! This kid was beyond the pale!
I really did not like when DH interacted with BM, she's a manipulative (like mother like daughter) bitch and she pushed all the buttons she knew DH had and it looked like they were together still on some occasions because SHE made it look that way. It did not help that DH was so far into denial that he gave them all what they wanted, including BM, and the reasoning was 'for the sake of the kids'. He knows MUCH better now though, with counsellig we've shifted the dynamic some, he can see my perspective and I can see his.
The dirty underwear? Guys do not wash their hands before, some do not even wash after they go to the bathroom iether! I would not make that an issue right now unless you know exactly what the scent, stains or whatever actually are.
It's ironic that the more you think about a bad situation happening the more likely it is to happen! Kind of self fulfilling prophesy thing.
It really sucks, big time, that BM will be in the background until the kids come of age. Even beyond that with graduations or weddings etc.
From experience I can tell you that this girl will stop at NOTHING to get you out of her way, she cares nothing about you, her father, siblings or any family members...all she cares about is HERSELF and her ability to manipulate daddy. Of course her mother is going to encourage her! PAS is the weapon BM's use, and it looks like they are succeeding...please stop letting them get inside your mind...PLEASE!!
Believe me, I thought I was going to go out of my mind at times too, with the bullcrap here but I stopped and considered the reality of the situation and figured out what was really going on. The BM was using SD's loyalties, twisting them and really screwing with the girls mind and it was all to create drama and trouble.
A counsellor gave me the most wonderful piece of advice, she told me that the simple solution is NOT to allow my buttons to be pushed. This woman and this child found buttons I did not even know I had! I looked upon this as a learning curve, a voyage of further introspection if you like. I never did dignify a tantrum from a child, EVER, and this girl knew this so she really had to push the envelope to get a reaction from me...which meant her behaviors were more extreme...also more destructive. I was worn out!
I disengaged from the kids and re engaged with DH. If they asked me for something I'd send them to daddy, they are absolutely correct when they say I am not their mother. They decided, yeah really, that they did not want me to parent them, I decided that they could save face it they wanted to by it being their choice. They pretty quickly learn that they are shooting themselves in the foot (chuckle) and DH learned how badly behaved they really are, how demanding, and time consuming. Previously he left it to me and they bitched at him constantly because they did not like how I did things...have at it buddy!
I think what happened with me was that I got caught up in a 'role' as step mother and forgot about being an individual person. I think I lost some of 'ME' in the process and now I have ME back again life is so much sweeter. It's overwhelming, I am a strong woman but I still got played by a 13 year old girl...OK so she is a sociopath and she had help from an experiences manipulator. Very few people are immune to these sorts of people, given that most of us have a concience and the ability to 'make allowances' or reason that 'they've had a hard life' or any of the other bullcrap justifications that a sociopath would put forward as mitigation for their wrongdoings. My old Grandmother, God rest her soul, used to say of these people 'Well, he/she's PLAUSIBLE. Sure enough!
Thank you so much for you
Thank you so much for you reponse,
I don’t know where to start, Before I met my husband I was single with no children (I now have a boy with my husband), I had plans to go to England to live there, Unfortunately it did not happened as I planned, after he found out what my exact plans was he started to give me all the attention that a woman could get from a man, I moved in with him but before I moved in with him I asked isn’t your daughter going to have a problem and he sad “don;’t worry I will handle it” which he never did. (that is what he wanted), SD visited everyweekend and on a number of occasions she went to BM to tell stories about me and BM would send me messages or call me on my phone to swear at me, he was still my BF then he knew everything what was going on but he did nothing, I felt at that time that I was actually on my own and he will never stand up for me or even tell his exto leave me alone. Now SD is totally disrecpectful towards me and he does nothing about it,
He does like to talk about the drama his ex and his daughter create between the 2 of us( is this normal?) or he will never bring it up…
I honestly sit with a lot of regret, resentment and anger the way my life turned out, I didn’t had all this drama before in my life, now I must sit with his acces baggage, Im sometimes so bitter that I feel like commiting suicide,
This man has gort now idea what he did to me, he had totally messd up my life.