The Big Date
I am struggling with an issue...
Background: SS16 has now lived with us for almost 2 years, since he got out of a treatment center. His mother has no contact with him and I think it's because she felt that she 'lost' control when DH got custody and she doesn't want to have to answer to DH. SS16 is having abandonment issues and is really screwed up from all her PAS attempts over the years. We are thanking the treatment center every day for being the ones to open SS's eyes about the way BM1 was PASing him against DH.
I KNOW DH feels nervous to set stict rules and boundaries with SS16 and I know it's because of the way that both BM's left and took his children away.(BM1 with SS16 & a few years later, BM2 with SD13) DH has been working very hard to set down rules and follow through with them to teach SS to trust us more, but I also see how he is easier on SS16 than he is on our BS8.
We have never seen this child on the phone to friends, hang out with friends, want to go anywhere with friends, anything... Child turns 16 and is now allowed to group date.
One week after his birthday, he goes out on a date with another couple for the day. That evening, I say they can all four come over for dinner... When I pick them up, there is only SS16 & N (that girl), cuz the other 2 'couldn't stay out any longer'... RED FLAG!! As the evening progresses, she (N) is calling him her boyfriend and they can't keep their hands to themselves, and when I take him to drop her off, he says "love you" to her... Needless to say, we had to tell him that acting the way he was IS a 'relationship', not casual dating.
I also had to tell SS16 that I did not know this girl, but the way he has changed and is acting (disrespectful, entitled, full of himself) is affecting how I feel about her... I don't need to know her, to see how she treats him and in turn, how he treats us. His attitude is what is making things harder for him... I'm so glad they go to different schools!!
Fast Forward to main issue:
N invited SS to the Sweetheart Dance at her school. He wants to go. We told him that he had 2 weeks to retake and pass 2 tests in his Biology Class. (He is allowed to retake tests until he gets a 70% or better) The dance is now this upcoming Saturday & he still hasn't passed either test. His friend (D) has already paid for the tickets into the dance and for the pictures at the dance. SS thinks that we should let him go to the dance because it's not his fault that the teachers are unavailable when SS deems it time to go try to take the tests. Plus, SS is desperately worried about letting his friends down. He would rather us 'forget' that we set boundaries so he doesn't 'loose face' with his friends.
We sat down with SS16 last night and he cried at us that we were trying to stop him from going out and seeing his friends. We told him that any friends worth having would be pushing him and helping him to pass these tests. We also pointed out that WE were not stopping him from anything since he has seen her 3 times in 3 weeks AND has talked to her on the phone EVERY night. He missed hanging out with his friends one Sat because we said he had to turn in a missing assignment by Fri and by accident, he left it at home. I saw the completed homework on Thursday evening... HE was responsible for turning it in.
I guess I'm just looking for validation that we are doing the right thing by holding him responsible for these tests and that we are not the most horrible, awful people in the world if he can't go because of HIS actions, or lack of actions.
I know that he can't and won't use the "I'm moving back to BM's house if you don't let me go", but I know that sometimes, DH worries about this and that's why DH is nervous to push.
We have considered that IF he shows us that he was working hard by passing at least one test and getting a better score on the other, then we could let him go, but I don't think he'll get either passed at this point. SS is giving up on SS. His BM never taught him how to problem solve and she always made sure that he was given lots of disappointments and blamed DH for them so SS is now very unable to figure out what he needs to do to get these tests done.
I HATE BEING THE BAD GUY!!!! I worry that DH will cave & I will be the evil B!tch!!!
- Nette5's blog
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As a teenager, there was a
As a teenager, there was a time my parent's wouldn't let me go to a dance because I failed a class. It was traumatic. But I got over it and I didn't fail a class again - even thru college.
As an adult, I wouldn't cave. I think school work should be more important that anything else. If you cave now, you should be prepared to cave later. And if you continue to go back on what you tell your kids, then you've got a much bigger problem than telling him he can't go to a dance.
You're doing the right thing.
You did the right thing. I
You did the right thing. I speak as a social worker who works with teenagers daily. Your SS needs boundaries and rules. You made the agreement, and now you have to follow through. As New Mama said, if you cave, he may think he can get over on you in the future, that your rules can be tossed aside if he pushes enough. I am also wondering if his teachers are really not you think he is being honest about that?
I would NOT be overly and extremely strict/with him, but I would definitely continue with what you are doing. I think you made a very fair agreement with him.
I would also be very cautious with this new girlfriend-keep a close eye on her and SS. It seems like he may be reaching to her for the affection and love (he thinks) he missed from his mom. When kids suddenly become involved like this, it could be a bad sign. I would really be careful. Have you ever met her parents? I would do that asap.
Stay strong! You are not alone....I work with many kids whose parents are struggling with the same issues.
I was in this situation with
I was in this situation with SD14. FH was heartbroken and insisted that we find a way to allow her to go to the Homecoming Dance so we let her go with the caveat that she study all the next day and come to our house all the next week to do her homework. Guess what never happened? Never again. Stay strong girl!
Well, I went to the school to
Well, I went to the school to talk to the teacher. I even called earlier to let her know I wanted to meet and that if it would be a problem to please call me... She wasn't there, hadn't called me, just poof... gone and SS said teacher hasn't even graded the test he re-took on Monday yet!!
I called SS16's counselor to make sure we weren't gonna 'damage' him if we didn't let him go. The counselor said that he agrees with seeing if SS is TRYING and making progress; like passing one test and improving the grade on the other, then to let SS go... We don't plan on telling SS this because we want him to do his best.
The girlfriend issue... We are keeping a VERY close eye on this. When I took her home after that first date, I was at the door to hear SS say he 'loved her' because I was trying to meet the parents. The next time I dropped him off, I went in to make sure an adult was home and was able to meet her BM (a very permissive parent.. Grr). They have yet to come to the door when dropping SS off here.
I know that SS likes her because she makes him feel loved and needed because his BM dropped him like a sack-o-shit when DH got custody... I also know that she likes him because he's a 'bad boy' who was on probation last year (he's socially behind & tried to fit in with a group by having smokes & a knife on school grounds) so I think she wants to 'change him'. They are both the same religion and that helps, but I know hormones are not religious.
He passed both tests with 94%
He passed both tests with 94% each... It really helped that the teacher and I communicated about what his needs are. She was willing to try different things and she let him get extra credit this afternoon for helping get stuff ready for Freshman Orientation for the school.
She said she was glad to know a little of SS16's background and issues regarding his BM basically abandoning him... He has seen her about 10 times in 2 years.
I'm still going to get him signed up at school for a 504... Which I think is a step above an IEP & Special Ed.