Fake Boobies
So as most of you know, we have given SD22 a deadline of April 1st to be moved into her own place with her son. Since late September, my wife and I have been the ones taking care of her son fulltime. We tried to step back and let her be more responsible for raising her own son, but that turned into a nightmare. So now we are back to raising him. Before, it was just that we watched and took care of him while she went to work. After that fuss she raised about not being able to take care of him, SD22 now doesn't even bother to lift a hand to help with her kid. I had bought my wife a fitness bootcamp membership for 10 weeks, but now she is not able to attend because of this. We also literally have NO time to ourselves. I see my wife at most for an hour and half a day. That's when she comes home with GS from work while I'm cooking dinner. We eat dinner and a little while later it's time to put GS to bed. So the only alone time we have is when it's time to go to sleep and we are usually too tired from chasing him around to talk or have sex. Our sex life is now down to hoping GS falls asleep early so we can sneak some in.
So SD22 has already made the decision that she's going to file taxes this year and claim GS. This also pissed me off because she doesn't contribute to taking care of him, but I figure it would give her more money to move out with, so screw it. Also, she has received two student loan refund checks, one for $1800, and another one this week for $3000. She told us that with the $1800 she paid off all her tickets and fines, which we knew was a lie, but whatever. When I saw her $3000 check on the counter, I smiled because I knew there would not be an excuse for her to move out. She'll also be getting back over $3000 in taxes. So that's over $7000 with her checks and her anticipated tax refund. Let's not forget that she's also a stripper and she EASILY makes about $3000-$4000 a month, tax-free.
So what does she decide to do? She told DW that she plans on getting breast implants with the $3000 student loan refund. She's already got an appointment setup for a consultation. She found a place that will do it for $3k down, and then finance the rest. DW told me this and I was livid. Once again I feel like this is a slap in the face for us. We are sacrificing ALL of our free time to help raise HER kid while she is supposed to be saving money to pay off her fines and get her own place. SD22 told my wife that she will just use her tax refund to move into a place. My wife reminded her that while she's recovering from the surgery, she won't be able to work so she won't be making any money. SD22 told my DW that it's an investment in herself because she will make TONS more money with bigger tits. I told DW that if she goes through with this, I am giving her a 30 day notice to move out because I'm sick of sacrificing while she's out having a ball doing whatever she wants. DW thinks we should still give her till April 1st. My point is that if she has enough money to buy new tits, she has enough to move out. I don't even think she's going to classes because I never see her with any books. Am I being too harsh?
- frustratedstepdad's blog
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If she were MY child I';d
If she were MY child I';d tell her that she can do what ever she wanted WHEN she moved out until then she will use that money to move out or to help with her son as it is not JUST her! I would make it very clear that if she did get them she better not be in my house nor will I take care of her after words either. AND she will needs someone there for about a month to help her do things that she can't. I know been there done that.
Although when I got mine I was married with my kids and skids and we could afford it.
This is exactly how I would
This is exactly how I would handle it.
I started to click the like
I started to click the like button echo!! lol What she said!
AGREE! Yes ... why wait til
AGREE! Yes ... why wait til April? She needs to get the fu** out now!
I would go through the legal
I would go through the legal process of kicking her out. DW has no backbone. Letting SD keep the April 1st move out date will end up turning into May 1st, June 1st, etc...SD is obviously not very smart with her money, she will piss away the tax refund as well.
Nope, as far a i see SD is living the DREAM right now. Someone else raising and paying for her kid, she lives rent free, responsibilty free. Where is the motivation to get it "together"?
DW needs to serve a dish of homemade tough love and serve that shit TO GO!
Not quite that easy....I wish
Not quite that easy....I wish it was. We tried the "He's your kid, your responsibility, we're going out...BYE" approach, and it kinda backfired on us. SD22 took the kids's to her friends house to stay for a week (which is what we were told) but the friend confided in us that it was going to be for a month or more.
DW freaked out and reamed SD22 for abandoning her son. The therapist thinks if we continued to let SD22 take care of the kid, that something very bad was going to happen to the kid. SD22 also refuses to sign over custody, and she hasn't done anything bad enough yet to take her to court for custody. It's a bad catch 22 to be stuck in.
I've told my wife that we probably will have to kick her out. If she leaves her kid with us and hardly visits, which is exactly what would happen...then we can get custody. If she takes the kid with her and tries to pawn him off to her friend again, we could try to get custody after a month or two.
Ultimately what has to happen is the grandkid will have to call SD's bluff and let the grandson suffer short-term to get him back. DW is afraid of something bad happening to him.
Didn't someone post here
Didn't someone post here awhile back about a leaky-boob scare? I'll never understand people paying money for that shit. I'm good with what little God gave me.
Back on point, I agree with Echo: "She's continuing to use you. You continue to allow it. She will continue to you use as long as you allow it. Stop allowing it. Give her til the end of February to move it. Period" I'll add, I'd put the wife out as well if she allows her daughter to buy tits before she's out of your house.
Storm that was me and it was
Storm that was me and it was just me being stupid. But I did it for me and no one else. It had nothing to do with just b/c or following the leader. I had NONE really nothing at all! I needed to feel like a woman and not a child. It is way deeper than that but all in all it was the best thing that could have done for myself even my mom said so. Everyone understood why I did and supported me.
It is not about the implants themselves but more the WHY and if it is just b/c or whatever then I would have a serious talk with her. But agree this is NOT the best way to spend her money at this point. I wanted to get mine years before I did but i couldn't b/c I had my kids and had to support them and be a mom. It is all in the timing and if you have the money.
I realize I'm only one
I realize I'm only one opinion of many. I personally don't think boobs (big or small) make the difference between a woman & a child, & I think it's sad that girls & women feel better about paying for bags that can leak into their bodies than just accepting what nature has given them.
Again, I'm only one of many.
Storm don't worry about it
Storm don't worry about it many have that opinion which is fine. But as I said it was a personal choice that was the best for me. Thanks
I understand your reason and
I understand your reason and I have a fund of my own I started when I was 16. I am a "A" cup. It is horrible I feel like a child. I am waiting until I have my one child (If I have twins I will kill FDH). Then I am going for it. I have always wanted a little bigger. It is a self-esteem thing for me. I look way younger because I dont have any. I cant even find sexy bras because the only ones that really fit are kid ones. It is depressing.
Exactly I had to shop in the
Exactly I had to shop in the childerns section to find one that even fit let alone be sexy! BLECH! As I said even my mom got it and supported me she would come over and do things for me after ward. BUT if I ever thought that I could get some money from school or anything like that and I was living at home my mom would ahve put a boot up my ass faster then my head could spin! She would have told me to move out and get my life on track before I spent that kind of money and living off them!
Your SD is... disgusting... I
Your SD is... disgusting... I don;t know how else to put it. She thinks having bigger boobs will get her more money? WTF?!?! How about getting a bigger brain first?
-Shakes head- I don;t know how you deal with it.
Bigger boobs = bigger money
Bigger boobs = bigger money huh? BM's boobs are toppling out of the neckhole in her shirt everytime we see her, yet she's scraping by on welfare. I'll have DH recommend she hit the pole when we see her next.
^^^THIS^^^will do wonders for
^^^THIS^^^will do wonders for ANYbody, which is why it's so important for EVERYone to take it upon themselves to be capable of being independent & self-sufficient.
Not to say every woman should be a career woman or have a job outside of the home, however every woman should ensure she is capable of doing so should the need ever arise.
We read blogs EVERY day about someone who's miserable in her marriage/relationship but "can't" leave because she has no money, no car, no job, etc. We should never allow ourselves to become so dependent on someone else that we CAN'T support ourselves.
What adult can possibly feel confident or have any self-worth living off of everyone around them while bringing nothing to the table...?
I agree with Echo Draco. Why?
I agree with Echo Draco. Why? B/c i has this done and I waited til i could AFFORD it! I too had kids young but I was smart enough to know that I had to be a mom first. I had to stand on my own 2 feet! Draco and no I didn't make this decision very lightly either I researched for years before I had it done.
But what I am concerned with the timing of all this with the op sd. first she is young and second she is living off her parents and third she probably hasn;t done the research nor does she really 'know' herself hence why she is still living at home. She has NO life experience for such a thing to handle right now and to truly know why she wants them or the feelings she has to why she wants them.
I think she needs some counselling before she gets them to understand the why. Then she needs to understand the timing and money. Meaning if she is living off her parents then the timing and money are not there and this is not the time to have them.
Getting bigger breasts is
Getting bigger breasts is what she always wanted. As a matter of fact, she had the nerve to ask us to buy her new tits as a high school graduation present. Never heard about it again...but once she became a stripper she has been talking about it for the past year.
I'm just tired of her
I'm just tired of her basically using doing everything she wants under the sun. And guys it's really not as simple as saying "Get out and take your son with you". There is something seriously mentally "off" about SD22 and there is a fear from our therapist that SD22 will do something bad to harm her kid if she's left alone with him, so that's why we are taking care of him fulltime and not asking SD22 for much help. You guys also have to understand that SD22's infant son was killed by her fiance at the time, which is why she came to live with us in the first place, so my DW is deathly afraid of anything bad happening to this kid if she can prevent it.
What I mainly have a problem with is us doing this AND SD22 getting to live with us. This is the dilemma DW and I are arguing over, because I think there's no point in SD22 living with us if we are taking care of her son fulltime.
It sounds simple in theory
It sounds simple in theory Echo but it is not. Do you really think we can just come up with for a lawyer? For one to have her proven unfit, she has to take a psych eval. Guess who has to pay for a psych evaluation? WE DO. We don't have the money saved up for this otherwise we would already pursue it. The lawyer and the psych eval together would cost us about $7000.
You're right snickersgal.
You're right snickersgal. It's definitely fear holding my wife back. I just need to convince my wife that ironically by stepping in and "saving" our grandson, that is actually preventing us from getting custody, because we don't allow SD22 to fuck up.
I take it she's going to
I take it she's going to school? Since she's getting refunds? Well, are those student loans or federal grants? I'm just curious if it's federal grant money paying for her new boobs? That's totally and completely ridiculous.
Your wife needs to put a boot up her ass!!
Sit her down and make her watch 20 episodes of That 70's show.. so she can say it just like Red does!! Or actually, you can youtube it!!
Don't back down. If she's got money for a boob job then she has money to move out!!
Plus, it almost sounded as if your wife was half heartedly giving her permission by pointing out that she won't be able to work after she has them....it should be.. NO, hell no! I do not condone this and you need to move out immediately. It takes no time to find an apartment and to actually move.
Why give her even a month? I'd give her 2 weeks!
Seriously, do your taxes now
Seriously, do your taxes now and claim your grandson. I understand that you were letting her do it so she could move. Now that you KNOW she is getting boobs with what is essentially YOUR money that you should be getting back, don't let her do it. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY HELPING BUY HER BOOBS, if you let her claim him.
Why doesn't she have any money when she is a stripper bringing it so much money, and I doubt she claims all her tips. She should easily be able to afford to move out. I know you guys are scared for the grandson, but you are completely enabling her and this entire situation.
Op i do have to admit that if
Op i do have to admit that if she is a stripper there is a HUGE amount of pressure for her to get boobs if she doesn't have any. I'd be questioning why she wants them in that case. I'd be asking her so many questions that her head would spin. then i would tell her that if she has the money to spend on that then she has the money to move out.
Oh she has boobs...I'd say
Oh she has boobs...I'd say maybe she has like a small C cup...I guess?
She has always wanted bigger ones, and now that she's a stripper she thinks she will make a lot more money with bigger boobs.
frustratedstepdad I can tell
frustratedstepdad I can tell you right now that she will NOT make more money b/c of that! I know for a fact it does not change your money. I know several women that had them just for that and it did NOT change their money! It is all about personality and attitude! So that IS so for the wrong reasons! She needs to talk it out with someone before she does it.
is that what they call it
is that what they call it these days?:
"personality and attitude!"
hmm.. spread & ready???
spread & ready???
I am sitting here wondering
I am sitting here wondering how does one know enough strippers to make an educated guess on this?
I don't know any strippers.
interesting point.. i don't
interesting point.. i don't know any strippers either. but i have heard this before:
"birds of a feather.........."
...have loyalties?
...have loyalties?
well, hey there tartsy, glad
well, hey there tartsy, glad you're here.....
seems by definition, as per other members, you should have some insight.... if not, maybe the definition of pole dancer and stripper can be provided for us.
and if we're real lucky, maybe we can get a poll taken on how many strippers have fake titties, how many don't, how many have personality, how many don't and the direct relationship it all has to income.
oh oh! Thanks for clearing
oh oh! Thanks for clearing it up. I was feeling out of place LOL.
Thanks, snickersgal, LOL- I
Thanks, snickersgal, LOL-
I love the new avatar too! You know we think she is baaaaaccckkkkkk
I was kinda feeling like a
I was kinda feeling like a turd in the punchbowl, having never known a stripper on a personal level, muchless enough of them to really be knowledgeable about the industry.
Ladies please don't think any
Ladies please don't think any less of me just b/c I said I know a few strippers. I do and there is a reason i do but I am not a bad person b/c I know a few strippers.
OMG, this whole thread is
OMG, this whole thread is cracking me up.
Totally inappproriate for the workplace, lol-I keep having to scroll down and hide the title!
People, sometimes posters
People, sometimes posters just want to VENT and people to support them....what is it, do we treat all posters with such judgement?
Just leave, you're enabling, you're CHOOSING (when in a very delicate situation), just quit whining and DO something.
I understand tough love, I do....but for heavens sakes some of these posts are just out of line. Grow some empathy for a change!! WTH???!!!
I will say this though-I agree that perhaps you and wife need to AGREE together on a plan. Perhaps approach SD and say, look we know you want the surgery. We also know as a FAVOR we gave you until April to move out. We know you ahve a decent amount of $ that would allow you move out NOW instead of then-so we are simply rescinding our offer till April-you now have 30 days to find a place. If you want to spend the $ for surgery after that's your business but we won't be having you here any longer while you have the means to move out. THis is our home and OUR priority is not your boob job-it's for you to move out on your own. And since we pay the bills here you have to comply.
I was looking for the like
I was looking for the like button. lol But i like what you said. that might be a great way to approach this for the op. Talk to your wife and come up with a plan together ok.
Well she actually pumped gas
Well she actually pumped gas for a few months and did one other part-time job before she became a stripper, so she's only putting down that income because she recv'd W2's for those jobs.
So no she isn't claiming the stripping money.
Getting the SD22 out on her
Getting the SD22 out on her own would probably help towards saving money for the custody fight.
When homeless druggie SS told
When homeless druggie SS told us his girlfriend was pregnant I made the decison NEVER ever to see the child. A normal person is of course going to become emotionally connected to a baby. But there are lots of babies out there that I have never met - while I feel sorry for them I have no real tie so I can go on with my life. Becoming attached to a child in those circumstances would be like me handing a loaded gun to someone who is attacking me. "Here have another weapon to use against me."
six months later - no mention of baby and gf is gone. Maybe there never was one.
This is so true, bestwife! My
This is so true, bestwife! My druggie SS19 supposedly knocked up his on-again/off-again GF25. I stayed wayyyyyy clear of that mess, but BM was in hog heaven... let them both move into her place, hosted a baby shower, etc. GF25 moved out before baby was born, SS19 went to jail, baby was born and BM and SS show up to hospital uninvited and get reamed by GF and her family. Apparently he's not the Daddy, after all. But they still managed to get that pic of SS holding the baby in the hospital, and are clinging to it for dear life. It really would be better for all if they would just let it go.
Your SD is clearly making
Your SD is clearly making terrible decisions regarding her own life and those of her children both living and deceased. My suggestion would be to move for legal guardianship of both your grandson AND SD. You are apparently stuck with her whether you like it or not if you choose to stay with her mother. Legal guardianship of her will give you control over both her actions and her money so that it is spent on her child and legitimate expenses and will allow you to get her out of the "life" of stripping.
Given her history of tragic choices, her occupation and her inability to put a roof over her head, I am guessing that you would have a good case for guardianship. Please contact your local bar association and check into free or practically free services that exist for cases like this. Even if you can not get guardianship over SD, it is highly likely that you can for grandson as you have de facto guardianship already. In the meantime, perhaps she will "misplace" the $3k check so that it can not be misspent?
*Does not constitute legal advice - consult an attorney in your local jurisdiction
So, regardless of the "why"
So, regardless of the "why" SD wants big boobs, clearly there are more important priorities to tackle beforehand. She needs to learn how to behave like a responsible grown up...if not for herself, for her son. No matter the size of her bust, she can learn to be a good responsible mother & that's more important than anything.
If you are going to allow her to continue living in your home, it should be under the condition that she gives you & DW the $3000 for the care of her & her child. If you determine she will move out on this money, let her have it to make a go of supporting herself. This decision is up to you & your DW.
If you choose to let her stay, the money is yours. It isn't available to her to buy boobs.
If you decide she'll move out on that money, it's going toward moving expenses & still isn't available to her to buy boobs. No reason to even discuss the "why". At this point, it isn't priority.
This girl has been enabled & allowed to take advantage. She's been taught that it works. It's up to you & your DW to put your foot down.
People only take advantage of us if we allow it to happen.
I'll put "boobies" in the
I'll put "boobies" in the title of all my future blogs. Never gotten so many responses before! }:)
LOL, I dare you!
LOL, I dare you!
I was thinking the same
I was thinking the same thing...for you. I was laughing at how this took off on a "I have implants" blog.
after special thought to this
after special thought to this and all the new information, i bet if op's sd has the right "personality & attitude" she could pursuade one of her patrons to foot the fake titty bill..
Now this makes sense...
Now this makes sense...
Starfish THAT is soo funny as
Starfish THAT is soo funny as I know one person that did just that. LMAO. I didn't even think of that til you brought it up. Yep frustrated tell your sd to have one the guys to buy them for her. LOL }:)
I was thinking the same
I was thinking the same thing, starfish. I know a couple of girls (not even strippers) who have managed to sucker some sap of a BF to buy them a pair of fun bags. They promptly dumped them after they ended up with "better prospects" because of their new and improved body.
Speaking of patrons, when she
Speaking of patrons, when she was thinking that she wouldn't be able to get it for less than about $10,000 she said she had almost talked somebody into buying them for her. She already had this one guy pay $3500 to get her stretch marks removed. It's amazing what some of these dumb ass guys will do to try and keep a woman's attention.
The other week she told us that some guy paid her $150 to just ride around in his car for the night. She really thinks we are that stupid.
Not to mention what some of
Not to mention what some of these dumb ass women will do get what they want.
maybe it was a ride around on
maybe it was a ride around on his pecker in his car.. and she just forgets the "details"...
Details are overrated. She
Details are overrated. She was in his car & she got paid.
Speaking of names, I wonder
Speaking of names, I wonder if strippers get to pick out their own stage names or if the guy in charge gets to pick it.
I would never pick bunny or
I would never pick bunny or candi or dragon or fly. Don't get me wrong. I love dragonflies, but there's this girl I work with I can't stand. She loves dragonflies too, & it'd piss me off if people got us confused because of my stage name.
Unicorn. We will call you
Unicorn. We will call you unicorn.
That's cool...like a horny
That's cool...like a horny glittery mare.
storm, are you making a
storm, are you making a funny??
"I love dragonflies, but there's this girl I work with I can't stand. She loves dragonflies too"
Have I said too much? I'll
Have I said too much? I'll be livid if she finds this here & shows up to work tomorrow wearing her dragonfly necklace just to piss me off.
They usually make up their
They usually make up their own names. SD22's name is Bianca.
awesome!! in spite of your
awesome!! in spite of your differences with sd, she shares so much personal info
I went
I went once...hilariously...we were NOT so young...a friend was getting married. It was fun, but not so much because of the male review - moreso it was a group of women laughing.
I remember one dude lit his peepee on fire. He was a cowboy. Is that supposed to be hot? LMAO. I don't know if the pun is intended or not.
And seriously - there were a few women who showed up ALONE and early to get seats up front?!?!?! Oh my. It was a true education for us.
Very good advice Redfizz!
Very good advice Redfizz!