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DH and I fighting yet again over ss10 (language alert)

Helpless0987's picture

I have a feeling that I will be excessively blogging due to ss10 moving in full-time so here it goes

The last time he lived with us he would fake sick, make himself throwup just to get out of school atleast once a week... And of course not even a week into it he's faking sick again and the severe for of punishment is ..... Insert drumroll.... A trip to bingo with grandma! SuPer job DH you really showed him who's boss. When I was a kid home sick meant your ass is in bed all day and all night. Apparently according to DH that's mean, and he really wants to go to bingo. He hasn't been in a while.

So DH later says you just don't like him - you know what I'm so sick of that cop-out line to try and deflect the real issue so I say... Your sooooo right I Fucking hate him! That certainly shut him up didn't it. Eat shit DH so sick of your guilt trips so that you can justify your shit parenting.

So after all this I decide I'm just going to watch my recorded shows from last night bc I'm tired of fighting. Ss10 has been banned from the dvr since he records everyshow fucking possible and no one elses stuff gets recorded. As I'm scrolling thru the list all I see is cartoons, icarly and all that bullshit... Are u fucking kidding me right now.... I missed mob wives for icarly... I realize it's not the end of the world, but I was fucking pissed. Just another example for ss10 disregard to rules and DH candy coating the issue
Just like he did yesterday when ss10 threw snowballs at our windows to our home. (or should I say MY home they live in) Stop being bad buddy she gets mad. Yes please make me the fucking bad guy you asshole. It's like them against me every fucking day.


imjustthemaid's picture

I HATE when they say "you hate my kid" it makes me want to vomit. SD used to record hours upon hours of spongebob on my dvr. She was 10. She is now 15 and would still do it but I moved the dvr box to my bedroom and the kids are not allowed to touch it. Now I'm having the problem with DH recording all of his shit and my show doesn't record!

Shaman29's picture

Yeah....the old 'you hate my kid' line.

For me there's a new twist on it.....'you don't trust my kid.' This was because I felt Uberskank had a point in not allowing the skid to drive to the beach with her friend and two boys that DH, the skid or Uberskank have ever met. When I said I agreed with Uberskank, he said I didn't trust his kid.

coySM's picture

!!!!! Yes!!!! DH can yell at the kids all damn day! When I raise my voice just once or get upset just once it's, "you don't like the kids." I'm sorry. Hope you feel better soon.

daisy0202's picture

My DH once said you dont like SD, do you blame her for all the drama....My response was breath taking....I don't blame SD for anything I blame you and BM for not bringing her up properly....My SD thinks life is all about her and nothing else matters but her....Life stops because she needs everything...Its sad really because with my SD I never see her going on her own, finishing school, getting a good job, being a normal person in this world...Its very sad....

What these, mostly dads, need to realize is we need to mold our children to get them ready for the real owrld and just giving them what they want is not doing them any good and in the long run it is harming them more than anything....

Helpless0987's picture

Exactly. This child can barley pour himself a bowl of cereal with out super dad comming to the rescue. I blame all of this on DH. His behavior, lack of responsiblity, dis-regard for consequences and most of all ss10's belief that the longer u argue about doing something that eventually he will get his way. He doesnt try that shit with me, unless DH is there. That's what I hate.

It's such a good point, later in life he will have zero skills and Wont survive unless someone takes care of him.