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Emerald's picture

Some people on here are sure full of themselves. Kinda makes me wonder if they are impostors posing as setps but really BM's just here to cause more shit. to them I say go get your own forum and leave us alone before we start teaching your children bad things lol


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Personally I just think they are "trolls". You are talking about the ones who think their outrageous high and mighty attitudes are right and everyone else is wrong and horrible right?

branmuffin97's picture

Or...they are people that believe that stooping to a certain level just because you dislike someone is a sign of immaturity and gives the crazy/evil person too much control over their lives. Or they are highly principled and don't believe in tit for tat behaviors or mistreating kids when they screw up(ie act like poorly parented children).

Many adults complain about kids that don't like to own their bad behaviors yet so many adults model just that.

Also....stating that you disagree with something or would do something a different way doesn't mean you think you are better, just that your values work better for you and you are sharing why.