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How do I stop hating my Step Daughter!?!?!?!?!?!?

sarah0307's picture

Her name is mentioned and I hate it. She cuddles my fiance and I hate it. She comes round and I don't want her in my home. Everything about her annoys me and I wish she would just disappear! BUT....I have to make an effort because I love my fiance dearly and I don't want another broken family and he is such a good father to our son and my son who isn't biologically his. Why can't we just get along?! Sad


sarah0307's picture

She's 6. She actually isn't that badly behaved. Recently she's been going back to BM saying I've been saying horrible things to her and that I've been smacking her. Her BM and I don't have a very good relationship and may be meeting to discuss our issues but I HATE her too. It's actually more of a jealousy thing on my part why I hate BM. My fiance is good at disciplining her and I also do to. But BM has kicked up a couple of times about it. SD has been saying things to my son like "I want my Mummy and Daddy to get back together" and it really hurt me. I've tried to have a good relationship with her SD but she just doesn't want to try Sad And yes SD is a constant reminder of BM. Doesn't help where she looks like her so much also

sarah0307's picture

I have yes but it still causes problems. His family don't like me because she's not treated the same as my can she be when she doesn't live with us? I can't false myself to like her I've tried. And I can't false SD or BM to like me! I think it would be so much easier if BM and I got along and communicated when she's making these lies up about me. We may be meeting soon.....great...I have to look at my fiance's ex and think "ou, you were with him once". ugh :sick:

MaGoose2010's picture

Hi sarah0307

I know exactly how you are feeling. How old is your SD? Mine is 20 y/o. She is the most annoying person to have EVER lived on this earth. She annoys my FH as well but he expects everyone else around her to tolerate her, yet he cannot and will not. Strange hey!?

Just a few examples of how she annoys me:

1. she is ALWAYS at our bedroom door wanting something from my FH or myself. She will knock (softly) then put her head around the door. We cannot lock our door because the lock is broken. I call her out on it EVERYTIME, but yet she still does it. UGGGGH!!!

2. she is always doing something impulsive to piss me cutting MY curtains (not hemming them after) and hanging them where I did not ask her to. Cutting her brothers (15 y/o) hair like a p*ss pot without asking us...then we have to pay more money to sort it out

3. she has just photostat notes (in our office at work) without asking me and when I asked what she was doing & why she didn't ask me first...she says..."it's schoolwork and you not supposed to say no!" uh...WTF!!!!

4. she bullies the younger children (BD12 & SS15) by screaming at them to do their chores..or accusing them of making us fight (we always fight about our kids! but mostly about something SHE has done!)

I sympathise with you my dear!

Disneyfan's picture

If you hate her at 6, what will happen at 16?

The kid and mom aren't going away. Chances of your feelings changing are slim.

I would rethink marrying this man. I could not live with the hate, anger, stress...that is sure to come.

sarah0307's picture

Leaving him isn't an option I love him too much and we have a son together. I can't let a 6 year old break us apart. And that would mean EVERYONE winning

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I agree with Disneyfan here.
It does not even sound like she is a problem yet. You say your SO is really good to your child from a previous relationship; how would you feel if he hated your son? Maybe try and see a counselor to work through your feelings and get to the root of your hatred.
If you can't do that just know that a broken home is a better home than one filled with hatred.

Stressed Out Mom's picture BF's 6 year old daughter(Evil Spawn)....I swear the devil is inside her. And she is her fathers bride. Its sick sick sick. Ive been trying to set up more play dates for her so she is not up her dad's ass so much. She needs so much attention its exhausting. My son was nothing like that at six. He was not like that ever. I thought for a while its a girl thing. But when my girlfriend meet spawn in person and saw her in action she told me Girl...that shit ain't normal. She has 2 daughters that dont behaive like the spawn does with her dad. And because she was never taught to self entertain herself and play or use her imagination...she has problems learning. She is six and pretty much cant read yet. When anyone trys to spend time teaching her she would rather be jumping on Dad. And talk about bossy! She could give a class on bossy. She challenges me constantly. I remind her all the time Im the adult and she is the child. SHe dont like that. She runs to her dad and tells. I throw him a look now like "Go ahead I dare you!" He is slowly getting on board with me now. But man did the evil spawn put me through hell. Read some of my post. Im pretty new to this site too. As for the coddling....HATE IT!!!! Now I just make fun of both of them to make them realize how disturbing it is. My son will also throw them looks of disgust. THe dad is finally learning how inapropriate his spawn is. But everyday is a struggle. If I back down the spawn will try to take control. And that shit is not happening in my house. There is only room for one queen up in here.

madrasta's picture

Geez - I feel the same way and my sd is 13. I did not think I would ever be jealous of a 13yo, but here it is. Things were fine before we got married (they lived with me for over a year) so I thought they would be fine after too. Silly me. THE day dh and I got married, sd13 turned into sd4 and she hasn't gone back yet. Oh - except that on top of the whiny 4yo $hit, we get wise-a$$ 13yo comments and attitude.

Soooooo sucks.

alwaysanxious's picture

How do I stop hating my step daughter?

When you find out, let me know would you?

I have an SD16. She is entitled, snotty, and I swear she flirts with her father sometimes. She does it to compete with me for his affection. I have had others see her behaviors and validate my suspicions. Her father overindulged her and because of this she is a spoiled brat.

Are you sure that your fiance isn't also contributing to this? Be sure to spread the blame evenly where needed.

By the way, I hate hearing SD16's name too. It used to be a pretty name to me.

Nahtae29's picture

I too have a 6 yr old stepdaughter that I cannot stand...her voice her presence her getting near my husband and am not sure how to correct it except tell my husband to send her away and never come back I think it would be my only solution as I have no desire to be apart of this girls life am I wrong to feel this way probably but do not know how to fix it...

JUDY8101's picture

Oh, dears, first I was sooo happy, that I am not alone with my feelings (hate SD4, married to her father, having our own baby son together). But now, reading more your comments I realized that there was no hope for things to change. I just desperately hate her...and it does not get any better with time.Is there anyone out there who has found the "magic pill"???????Any help out there?

JustShootMe4's picture

My husband is the love of my life but i feel somewhat deceived now that we are married. i was very open and honest prior to getting married that i would not and could not raise his daughter. Everything about her repulses me. i dont even want to handle her clothing to put it in the washing machine. Her presence and sound of her voice make my blood boil. all that honest got me no where. After we got married he and his parents obtained 50 percent custody with the assurance she would be in day care and with his parents and guess what??? As soon as it was granted they all dumped the rotten k,id on me. I hate her and am now so bitter over having to take care of her it is affecting all aspects of my life