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The Day After...

reluctantgma's picture

Just wanted to let everyone know I'm doing ok and got through Bozo discovering I'd changed the locks last night. It didn't go exactly as I'd planned as far as my leaving for the evening. Power went out for the entire afternoon and when you live in the country, no power = no water. I'd been up since 2am and was filthy. Just wanted to take a nap until the power came back on. I phoned and left a message for Bozo in the late afternoon saying that it wasn't a good idea for him and BH to come back here last night, maybe never. He didn't get the message or ignored it. Flip a coin with him.

Took a good nap and woke up to the power on at 7:30pm. Got my shower and fixed a nice sandwich/macaroni salad supper. Relished that simple task. Such a meager supper would horrify and starve the mammoth Baby Huey!

Just as I was sitting down to eat, Bozo & BH came pulling in, chauffeured by a particularly obnoxious and disgusting former neighbor of theirs, his family in tow too. I turned in circles for a minute, rather panicked. My bedroom is practically on the driveway and the front porch. Finally turned out the light and just listened. Bozo went to the front door, then the kitchen door. Then he came back and knocked on the bedroom window. I wasn't opening any doors or windows to talk, but dug out my phone and gave him a ring.

Told him I didn't want him here and he told me he lives here and all is stuff is here. Got somewhere to put it, Bozo? No. Ok, take your clothes on the porch and go ahead, that'll get you by for awhile. (Bozo) Why? We were just discussing rent and a lease on Thursday. (Me) Your pot, Bozo. I've told you time and again I don't want your pot here and you ignore me. He just kept arguing and denying and I finally hung up. There was silence for a few moments, then he picked up their laundry baskets and they left.

He accused me of having someone in the bedroom with me. What a hoot. I didn't contest his erroneous belief. Bozo's friend likes to brawl. Better to leave them both outside thinking there might be more than me to pick on.

I haven't had any phone calls today, thank goodness. Am going to try to make a CoDA meeting tonight and a friend is willing to stop by and check the house on her way home from work. We're going to hang out for a few hours tomorrow and find something fun to do. I'm sad, hurt and really disappointed in myself for going along with this for so long, but I've finally done the right thing for me and am much freer to work on myself now. That's a good thing!

Thanks to all for your kind thoughts and support!


Jsmom's picture

I suggest you drop off all of his stuff to him, so that he has no excuse to come back. I am sure this is not the last you will hear from him...Good job so far on moving on with your life. I really wish I had done this when all the problems with SD started...

reluctantgma's picture

He has a lot of stuff here. It'll be another week or two before I have help to get it moved. Not terribly worried. Bozo has no license or vehicle and will mostly be dependent upon his Pa for rides. His Pa irritates me for numerous reasons, but he wouldn't let Bozo be a jerk or destructive if he brought him over here. Bozo's surly former neighbor doesn't know what to make of me, which is to my benefit. He does most of his brawling at his own place with hillbillies he's known all his life. I'm not in his neighborhood and he seems to think I'm a rich broad with special rich people powers. None of it true, but far be it for me to disabuse him of the notion. LOL!

Auteur's picture

Excellent move! Seriously, we women do NOT need all this extra drama on our hands with guilty daddies and budding felon spawn!!

Good for you and stick to your guns!

Hopefully BH and Bozo will be a long lost memory in no time!

And when you do decide to date, make sure it's a nice CHILDLESS man!! There are many out there, believe me!!
