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SS4's birthday party yesterday.

SteppingUp's picture

I got to the daycare birthday party for SS4 after FDH was already there and BM wasn't there yet. I scoped out the seating situation and decided she'd be mad at me if I sat in the stool next to SS4, so I sat in the only available chair left. (It's a very small at home daycare, just Baby, SS4, and 2 other girls go there).

BM walked in with her daughter, SD6 and did an awkward pause (she was obviously not happy I was there). She came in and sat down at the stool...didn't give her son a kiss or a hug or anything. She stood awkwardly looking at us all sitting around the table and she then went to sit in the stool. A little while later, while SS was blowing out his candles, she made a huge snotty sigh and flipped her hair, then pulled the stool away and went down on her knees. SS said, "Mommy why aren't you sitting in the stool?" and she said, super snotty "because I'm an adult and don't need to be sitting in a STOOL at the table." So she'd be pissed if I were sitting near her son but she's pissed because the only chair available is a stool.


We sang happy birthday, ate ice cream and a cupcake. Then it was time for him to open his gifts. He was absolutely insane. He'd RIP open a gift, look at it, make this weird screechy noise, then THROW it across the table. The first time he did that he almost hit my baby in the face. BM said NOTHING. SD6 goes, "Brother, you almost hit Baby in the face!!" and he didn't have any reaction. Finally FDH said, "SS, what do you say?" and he had to withhold a present before SS would say he was sorry. Then he gets another present. Same thing. THROWS the toy, THROWS the garbage on the floor violently and reaches for hte next toy.

Daycare had to give him a pep talk. She held his face and said, "CALM. DOWN.....SLOW. BE THANKFUL." So I pipe in, "SS, who got you that present?" He had no idea. It took him awhile until he could remember. Then he said the name and I said, "Then what do you say to Girl?" He finally says, "Thank you, Girl."

This whole time BM is busy quieting her phone because it keeps going off....mind you she won't just turn it off (we need to be reminded how popular she is), she just silents it each time it starts.

This is when I realize I need to bite my tongue and see what happens. I'm not going to be the only one disciplining SS right in front of both of his parents!

He continued on with his weird noises, being extremely hyper, and being rude and disrespectful with his garbage and toys. Daycare almost gave him a time out. BM? Nothing. No reaction to any of it. This is obviously how he acts around her all the time...which is what FDH says. He always says he's a different kid when he gets to her house (like when he drops him off).

FDH started getting harsh with him finally so that made it better.

The party was wrapping up and I had to leave because I had an appointment. FDH was there with our baby still. Daycare thought I was taking baby with me, so she asked to hold him and give him good bye snuggles, so she was holding him when I left still. Apparently there was a point shortly after where Daycare was holding Baby, and she was grabbing SS4's arm to try to wrangle him and make him settle down becaues he was bouncing off the wall. BM said, "Oh, I'll take the baby!!"

So BM held my baby, this is #4 time...without me there! FDH told me about it later in the night and I was kind of mad but trying not to show it. I said, "Why doesn't she ever ask when I'm around?" and he said that she's intimidated by me. I said it's totally disrespectful to blatantly do this all the time when i'm not around. I said that she obviously feels like it's 'wrong' if she purposefully does it when i'm not around! He agreed with me....arg!

This morning I dropped baby off and Daycare said to me, "Is SS always like that at your house? How he was last night?" And I was like NOOOOO absolutely NOT! We don't let him act like that.

She let out a big sigh and said, "Ugh I felt like I was starting over at square one with him and his manners and trying to calm him down!"

I said, "I had to bite my tongue a lot last night because I know it's not really my place when both parents are there to be the disciplinarian."

Daycare said, "YES I know! I was biting my tongue a lot too! If it were just me he would have had a time out after the first time he threw those toys and didn't say thank you!" I agreed with her completely.

Then she sighed again and said, "Ugh, we've got a long road ahead of us, don't we?" YEP. we do.

I talked to FDH this morning and he said that yeah, BM is the laziest disciplinarian ever...always has been. She'll just say like "No." or "Don't do that." but doesn't explain to the kids why they shouldn't or that they need good manners because of ____.

Atleast we know that daycare is on the same page as us!


stepfamilyfriend's picture

It sounds like this bday thing together was not a good idea. Does not even sound like ss benefitted in any way from all of you being there all together. Probably best if from now on you guys don't try and force it upon yourselves to all fit in a small space at the same time. It's ok fir kids not to have both bios on their birthday. In some cases it works and then it's fine. None of you deserve this kind of suffering and then the ss even acts out....
As far as present time and opening, I really dislike that frantic ADD like thing that I see kids do when they open their gifts. Seems like the moment they see one present they can't wait to open the next one and it's not until later that they even appreciate any of it. I actually never liked when kids open the presents at their party in front of everyone. Too much pressure and comparing.

SteppingUp's picture

Well this was not our planned bday party together like was mentioend yesterday. This was a daycare party with all the daycare kids. It was fine between all of us...adults were good. It was just so blatantly obvious that BM doesn't discipline at all.

aggravated1's picture

SteppingUp, do you feel like you were suffering?? I thought it was a funny story, and my kids went to a small daycare when they were little too. I guess I just don't see anything in your post where you guys were "suffering" and this was a big ordeal like the poster above is stating.

SteppingUp's picture

It really was fine other than SS4 acting out and BM not doing anything about it. Everything else was very subtle stuff...I think it went pretty well considering we just went through the email drama the day before!

Actually I think it DID prove that we can all be in one place for hte sake of the kids.

CrazyCubanStepMOM's picture

I think your SS who is four did this because maybe he doesnt know how to act when all of the ppl that are responsible for him are around. Maybe he thought to see who was going to discipline him. I have two 3 year olds and they can be a handle. I hate those silly noises that kids do. If you dont put a stop to it he will think that it is okay. Good luck.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree with stepfamilyfriend that perhaps joint parties is not the way to go. Plus with bm holding your baby if you didn't do joint anything that wouldn't happen.

We make sure that we do NOT have anything to do with bubble butt. She wouldn't even get that opportunity to look at my child let alone hold him/her!

If your bm is not wanting joint parties then it shouldn't happen you need to respect her wishes and not force her into them or guilt her into them.

overit2's picture

" your bm is not wanting joint parties then it shouldn't happen you need to respect her wishes and not force her into them or guilt her into them"

I agree with this, and the same is the dad didn't want it-she had already said she was uncomfotable w/the idea. In addition it's not a big space w/tons of people -it's a small intimate party. Perhaps mom NOR dad felt comfortable disciplining w/the other there.

I honeslty think the forced joint party was a bad idea-and I think the kid acted out because of it.

You know I have your back w/all your enduring w/the sd this had to make it that more awkward for bm and sd also. Go w/seperate, and start cutting the cords sd...that's my suggestion.

SteppingUp's picture

Yes I agree with you all that we're not going to force a joint party...therefore we're not having one. This was a little different...kind of a daycare party that she has with the daycare kids, and the parents always go. If I hadn't gone, it would have looked like I was "aware" that I didn't "belong". Or that I didn't want to face BM after the email drama from the day before. This is a different situation with this type of party because daycare was technically the "host" and it would have looked to HER that we couldn't all be in the same place for the sake of our kids, you know?

But yes, BM is having a party for SS4 this weekend, and we're going to do something separate when we get him on Sunday.

Disneyfan's picture

Why did the provider even bother with gifts? Cake and ice cream is more than enough at a day care party.

BM may have felt uneasy, as if her every move was being watched.

If provider is talking about BM with you, she may also talk about you with BM.

SteppingUp's picture

It's just how our daycare has always done it I guess. All the kids there are kinda like a family...every one of them is given an invitation, brings a gift, etc. So he got a gift from each of the kids, his sister, and his brother, and daycare. Just 5 gifts and they're not to spend more than $15.

And we've gone to three other events like this. She has a Christmas party for all the parents, she had a barbeque last year, SD6's bday, etc. It's just kind of how it is.

I agree that she probably felt uneasy. We did too.

And yes, I realize she may talk about us too. Oh well. The things she tells us about BM, we know that she also has a talk with BM. There have been many occassions where BM calls FDH to bitch about daycare "getting on her case" about this or that....because she DOESNT DISCIPLINE! She never talks to us about stuff so I'm not sure she really has any issues with us.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Bio mom did not really want to go. She asked if the were going or if she should and was told she needs to grown up and all go. i agree that ideally we should be able to do these kinds of things together, but BM did not want to.

SteppingUp's picture

Yes...I compare this setting to similar to a graduation or a school event where we all have the choice whether to go or not. It is someone else "hosting" the event in SS's honor.