School Supplies that DH has to get
I hate the my DH pays BM CS and yet she has no money to buy my SS4 and school supplies or clothes. Oh yeah she don't work or chooses not to work so she can live off CS from both fathers and the government. While we struggle as it is buying school things for my kids (DH stepsons). DH is basically supporting two households one that he does not live in. So if DH was not paying CS she would not be able to live where she is at and we would have more money. I just get so mad at that and it too much money to back to court and and custody of SS4. Its so messed up that the CO says I the SM can not drop off my SS4 at BM's apartment or pick him up. Just venting about this it will never change about BM she wants everything to be handed to her and not work for it.
- Sexybaby's blog
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Do you collect CS for your
Do you collect CS for your sons?
Do you work?
It is your and your ex's responsibility to support your children, and your DH's (and his ex's) responsibility to support theirs.
There's no reason your DH should be supporting two households.
I'm remarried, and I wouldn't DREAM of making DH responsible for supporting my kids. That's my job.
I don't understand why the courts say you cannot pick up or drop off SS, though. Is there a restraining order in effect or something?
HUH? Are you OK?
HUH? Are you OK?
I'm perfectly fine, thanks
I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking!
What would you like for me to clarify for you??
When a DH pays CS and on TOP
When a DH pays CS and on TOP of the CS he finds himself paying for school supplies & clothes because the BM uses the CS to support herself he is basically supporting 2 households. I completely understand where this poster is coming from. My DH pays 9500.00 a year in CS and just last week we ended up buying all of SD's school uniforms spending an additional 250.00 on TOP of the CS he sends the BM. It is very difficult in this economy to make ends meet even with everyone in the household working especially when you have deadbeat BM's that put themselves before the needs of their kids. It's a very tough situation.
We go through the same crap
We go through the same crap every year... DH bought SD13 $170.00 worth of clothes on July 7th (her birthday) and her scumbag mother calls last night and wants to know if DH will give her money for SD school clothes?? WTF? Not to mention that I am CERTAIN that she has been stealing MY clothes, so she should be well clothed for the start of school in a couple of weeks.
I told DH he really needs to make a change... as this is what has happened at our house since the beginning of time... BM's call EVERY year requesting money for school stuff (like they didn't know school was going to start!) and every year DH gets pissed off and says no way no how. Then BM's continue to harrass him, tell him he's a terrible father, they have no money so skids will just have to go without... and then DH caves and round and round we go. It's absoultely maddening! DH swears that this is the year that he is putting his foot down and keeping it down.. we shall see!
Daizy, we are married to men
Daizy, we are married to men who truly care about their children. That is the issue. Because they truly & genuinely love their kids they will go without so that their kids don't. Just yesterday SD10's school uniforms arrived via UPS. So he says "This bitch better not say some stupid shit about what we bought." I laughed and said "if she does just take it all back and that's that." I also told him "this is a one shot deal, she better not even think we're doing this again next year." He agreed. But it's a wait and see situation. I have actually gotten WAY better and don't really freak out about it anymore especially because he has really tightened the belt and isn't giving her as much extra as he used to. Baby steps...
I agree, that DH does these
I agree, that DH does these things because he truly cares about his children. The part I hate is the manipulation on the part of the BMs.. they have been playing the game for so long and are so good at it that they have been both inducted into the Manipulation Hall of Fame... that's the part that is so maddening, not that DH is trying to provide a nice life for his skids.
I happen to agree with you. I
I happen to agree with you.
I came to a point in my step-life that I decided that no matter what BM did or didn't do, it wouldn't affect the type of parent(s) we were.
It SUCKED sometimes. I won't lie. But ultimately, my (our) relationship with the step was really good. In the end, I believe it was worth it.
I agree. We paid CS, bought
I agree.
We paid CS, bought new clothes, paid for all the EC activities, etc. By the time we had several children of our own, and I became a SAHM, we could no longer afford to buy EVERYTHING, so we told BM she would have to pay for that stuff out of CS. Keep in mind, we also paid all childcare, too.
It happens. Dads that love their kids take care of them. CLEARLY if you're buying school supplies or clothes, you know the CHILD (as opposed to the BM) will be using it.
I know our BM would never have fit SD's clothes!
I still feel that THAT is
I still feel that THAT is what CS is for. To buy school clothes, school supplies, pay for childcare, buy the food and if need be to help with the rent of the home the kids live in. But our BM uses it for her cigarettes, her vacations, her hair, her nails, her parties, her designer bags, her designer shoes and the kids end up looking like they fell out of a homeless bus. Recently, because DH has FINALLY stopped giving BM everything she asks for, I have been more open to helping out when we CAN. I didn't mind buying the school uniforms because I know that SD10 will be wearing them. I also didn't mind buying SD10 an Ipod Nano for her bday next week because I know she really wanted one and I know BM would NEVER buy it for her. But it is very hard to stay afloat these days and it doesn't help when BM is such a leech.
Just saying-I wouldn't buy my
Just saying-I wouldn't buy my kids an ipod nano either...they have an mp3 player, no cell phones, etc...not because I'm cheap but because kids should earn these things- at 10 i doubt they have :0
She wanted a laptop. LOL..Hmm
She wanted a laptop. LOL..Hmm NO little girl. A nano is as electronic a device as you are going to get. LOL...
No No,being a stay at home
No,being a stay at home mom for my daughter(6months) that me and my DH have together then back to work when she is a yr or sooner
I have soul custody of my kids, yes they have joint custody
I know but the CS goes to her she pays the rent,phone,elect,cable,internet,x-box games. Then whats left from his check we pay the same and to buys thing for the baby
Yes I know but he is going to adopt them soon,I'm getting parental rights removed from my ex. I have not seen heard or got anything from him in 10yrs
No restraining order just that she got what she wanted, me not to be the designated competent adult unless parties agree
So, basically, you made your
So, basically, you made your biosons your DH's responsibility because NEITHER you nor their FATHER are supporting them. Seems like both of the baby mamas in DH's life are taking advantage of his good will...
If he's gonna support your kids fully, I don't think you have a right to complain about him buying school supplies for HIS kids. Who's paying for the school supplies for YOUR kids?
PS: I was a SAHM for more than a dozen years. It's nothing against SAHMs.
Really? Child support COVERS
Really? Child support COVERS school supplies. She has a problem with him pay for the school supplies TWICE.
I agree. CS should cover
I agree. CS should cover school supplies. No argument there!
My point was that if you buy the 'stuff' (as opposed to handing BM cash) then you know it's going for what the kid(s) need.
My issue is that it's perfectly ok with OP for DH to go "over and above" for HER bios, but Heaven forbid he do the same for HIS bio!
Double standard.
He isn't going 'over or
He isn't going 'over or above' for her bios. If she required him to buy two sets of supplies for her bios, that would be 'over and above.'
Really? Op's SS has TWO SETS
Really? Op's SS has TWO SETS of school supplies??
You must've read something I didn't...
We read the same post. OP's
We read the same post. OP's DH pays CS (thus paying for the first set of supplies via the BM)but is being asked to buy the supplies (thus paying for the second set of supplies).
This makes the presumption
This makes the presumption that there exists a "first" set of school supplies. It is my understand that such a set does not exist.
SHOULD it exist? That's a different question.
The first set exsist in
The first set exsist in theory.
Bottom line is OP's DH provided funds (CS) to BM to provide said items.
Oi Vey, your rationale makes
Oi Vey,
your rationale makes NO sense. I am trying to follow your logic in this, and there just isn't any. I have to put this down to you just like to argue.
You can put it however you
You can put it however you like.
YES, I agree that CS "should" pay for school supplies. Simple as that.
However, since no one can control what another does, if BM decides NOT to spend CS on school supplies, then NO "SET" of supplies exist.
Dad doesn't want the kid to suffer because BM's a POS.
The rationale really isn't that difficult to follow...
Yes, and the OP is upset
Yes, and the OP is upset about basically having the money go out twice to pay for school supplies. Where your "logic" falls apart is when OP vented her frustrations at this, you attacked and questioned whether she worked or not-which had nothing to do with it. Thus, you have an agenda. Someone WITHOUT an agenda would have said something along the lines of what you say above, but that is not what you did.
So I would surmise that your rationale is to simply attack a stepparent who has an issue with a scumbag BM who won't buy her SS what he needs.
Oi Vey, you are being harsh.
Oi Vey, you are being harsh. It is my belief that when 2 people get together and they EACH have their own share of baggage they enter into the relationship fully aware that SOME responsibility will fall on them. Be it financial and or emotional. I have my children from a previous marriage my DH has his from a previous union. I work full time as does he. I do NOT get any CS for my boys never did. However, I always provide for my kids. Many times I have purchased clothes, shoes, supplies, gifts for my Stepkids. They are my DH's kids therefore they are also mine. Telling the OP that it is not her DH's responsibility to care for her bio's is uncalled for and it really mean.
I have done the same. I
I have done the same. I totally get what you're saying.
What I'm trying to convey is that OP's DH is going over what is the "legal minimum" for supporting his children. He goes beyond that. But he's also fully supporting kids that aren't his. Nice guy. He's being a nice guy and good dad to his BIOSON, and to his STEPSONS. He's just a nice guy and good dad.
Sounds like OP wants him to be like this with her and for her kids, but not be like this for his kid.
As far as being "really mean," I disagree. I think we complain ALL THE TIME about BM's who don't work and expect someone else to support their kids. OP's doing the same thing...
What I think the OP is trying
What I think the OP is trying to convey is the frustration that many of us feel when our husbands are played by the BM's. If this is MY husband, his paycheck should go to provide for OUR home. Whether or not in OUR home there are no common children. He is now MY husband not hers. When he was HER husband he provided in THEIR home. But now that he is MY husband he is providing for HIS children as he should, but he should NOT be providing anything EXTRA because the BM thinks that the kids are HIS responsibility only.
Wow it is against SAHM's when
:jawdrop: Wow it is against SAHM's when you say that. Sometimes it is more economical for one parent to be home when you factor in childcare, extra car, clothes for work, gas , time, etc. Besides the value of having a parent there when their children need them. SAHM's don't get to claim their care of their children on their taxes or collect CS tax free...
You only have to pay what is court ordered for CS and not the extras. When the well runs dry for the extras they do get bitchy but tough shit... BM always has money for the tanning salon, nails, hairdos for herself but of course when it comes to school supplies, well education is just not something she values.
Well stated Motherofboys!!!
Well stated Motherofboys!!!
BM here does the same tanning, nails, and hairdos but can't provide the basis needs for her boys.
Wow Oi Vey - that is a little
Wow Oi Vey - that is a little harsh. I'm sure she didn't FORCE DH to take on/adopt her kids...he's a grown man and I'm guessing made that decision on his own. He knew what he was getting into when he married her, I'm sure. Unfreakingreal said EXACTLY what I was thinking!
Thank you for proving my
Thank you for proving my point.
OP's DH CHOSE to support kids that aren't his.
OP's DH CHOSE to buy his kid extra stuff.
He sounds like just an all around nice guy and dad who's concerned about his kids. I think that's commendable!
I agree with Oi Vey. I don't
I agree with Oi Vey. I don't think she's being harsh. I think she is calling a spade a spade.
The guy IS a nice guy. Yes his x is playing him, but he is taking the high road for his child and making sure he isn't doing without just because he got a raw deal in a mother. Thats called .... A PARENT.
I think what most don't get is that just because the money actually changes hands from the NCP to the CP doesn't mean that the CP isn't paying their share AND THEN SOME. The calculations are clear, in the U.S., anyway. Its based on the total gross income of BOTH parents and then divided by the percentage of what each parent actually brings home.
This really isn't about the husband and wife anymore. It is intended to be what is in the best interest of the children of that broken home.
Yes ^^^^^
Yes ^^^^^
Thank you Unfreakingreal that
Thank you Unfreakingreal that makes me feel better
DH and I went out and bought
DH and I went out and bought all SD's supplies because if we didn't we knew BM wouldn't. Well with our schedule right now BM had SD on her first day of school today. Last night she must have looked in her backpack she texts DH and says "You should have consulted me before you bought her supplies. She has most of this stuff." Yes she has SOME of the items...3/4 used from last year. She expected us to send her with an old bottle of glue that was almost gone, and eraser tops for the pencils almost gone. God forbid we spend a few dollars at the dollar store on new school supplies.
See every time bm thinks that
See every time bm thinks that dh should pay for anything over CS or med. he tells her that is what CS is for! He ends it right there. Your dh SHOULD NOT be paying for anything extra to bm on top of CS why can't people get this??? That IS what CS is for!! Come on people!!
If your WANTS to buy something for his then she should but for bm to demand and dh just gives HELL NO! Or even if you have the money and dh wants to then he can but if you don;t have them money then HELL NO!
I don't understand why people just give money freely to the bms when they demand.
I would sit my dh down and have a long talk with him about money. I know that some will say that if dh don;t buy it they won't get it but if you stop it then the bm will HAVE to step up and buy it. It may take a little while but she will HAVE too. Don't give me the excuse that the kids will suffer sure they will but not b/c of you but b/c of bm. You or your dh is not doing this is the kids the bm is. Bm will soon get it that dh is not freely giving her money anymore and start doing right by the kids. The only reason she is not now is b/c your dh is ALLOWING her to do this by just freely giving.
Our BM just returned from her
Our BM just returned from her third vacation this summer and now can't pay her house payment or buy her kids school clothing/supplies. She does this crap every year because she knows DH will help her out. He told her that we are not providing clothing or supplies for her home this year...end of discussion. She will have to figure it out. He already pays her several hundred more a month than what's ordered.
Keep in mind, this is the same BM that wanted me to pay CS for her boys since I married their father.
I've been supporting my kids
I've been supporting my kids for 10yrs until this yr when I stopped working. DH wants to adopt them. Yes he is helping me that's why I would like to go back to court and try to get custody of his son then it would be different. This is the first time in yrs I have not been working to support my kids, BM has not worked since I've been with my DH for 4yrs and she didn't work while she was with him and collected CS from the father of her first son. My DH tells her to get a job she says ya I know but I will lose everything.
He's not "helping" you
He's not "helping" you support your kids.
He's doing IT ALL.
The guy has 3 bios to support, 2 steps to support, and a wife to support.
That's a mighty heavy load for any man to carry.
(When my XH and I were married, he had four bios... one my step, three "our" bios. He supported everybody, but he made six figures a year. And I sure as hell don't have my DH supporting my bios now!)
Methinks you're complaining about the wrong person here.
No comment about OP's DH not
No comment about OP's DH not working. He's working. OP is not working and supporting her kids.
Don't we gripe and complain (and isn't OP griping and complaining) about BMs who DON'T WORK TO SUPPORT THEIR KIDS? OP is doing the same thing.
I'm not a troll, sour. Not in the least. Just because I offer a different perspective than yours does NOT define me as a troll.
Then you misread. "Neither of
Then you misread.
"Neither of you working" refers to the bioparents of OP's kids. NOT OP's DH.
It's all good.
Ugh we had to do this exact
Ugh we had to do this exact same thing b/c BM wouldn't dream of buying anything for them. We had to buy back to school clothes as well. BM gets $1650/month, and this is CA or NY or anywhere like that either. That's almost $20,000/year tax free, but she absolutely will not buy them clothes or supplies and send them to school looking like bums. What does she use the money for you ask? She hired herself a nanny and then had the nerve to ask DH for more money because the nanny costs too much. Sometimes I cant believe this is my life.
They can't find him. to
They can't find him. to SMofknowitall
The whole CS should cover
The whole CS should cover everything line goes out the window when BD dad is taking care of SMs kids. The money used to provide for another man's kids could be used to help out his own.
We still have another month before school starts back here. DF has said he isn't buying anything extra for his youngest 2 this year,just the oldest one.(The crazy BM gets CS the sane BM doesn't.)
I do not agree with this.
School supplies are to cheap this time of year, to fight about spending extra money. I can get crayola crayons and elmer's glue for a quarter each, notebooks for .50, folders for a penny, pencils 12 for $1.00... None of the stuff will have Princess Tiana or puppies on them, but they will serve thier purpose. So both girls can have enough supplies to last all year for only $10.00 each. Of course BM will raise hell because the supplies won't be the cute character stuff.:O
If we wait until just before school starts to buy supplies, they will cost an arm and a leg.
Disneyfan this isn't about
Disneyfan this isn't about just school supplies it is about giving money freely to bm and enabling her to not take care of her kids. The BD IS already supporting his kid(s) with CS the bm needs to support her kid too! If BD pays for things like supplies and clothes and everything else that the bm wants he is supporting his kids 100% and bm gets free money!! NOT COOL! You can't do anything extra on top or these bms take it all.
I see your point and agree
I see your point and agree when it comes to most things.
But school supplies during this time of the year? Nope, not fighting that fight. I say get the stuff while it's cheap and move on to the next battle.
Our battles look like this
August - September school supplies, uniforms, shoes and sneakers
October- Halloween costumes and school pictures (yeah he paid for the pictures, but never got one)
November-December Christmas gifts,(When did 3 year olds start asking for red Wiis???) boots, winter coats,sneakers
Late January-early February SDs birthday party and gifts, sneakers
April- Easter baskets, Easter shoes and dress,(they NEVER go to church), sneakers
Late April- early May - SDs birthday party and gifts
Late May-July summer clothes,sneakers, sandals
Every other month she begs for snacks and bottled water from BJs. She gets almost $400 a month in food stamps!!
I have no problem pushing DF to say no to the crazy list of demands. Just not when it comes to school supplies.
The father is ALREADY
The father is ALREADY providing for his kids. That's what the cs payment is for. Evidnetly they went to court and a court of law said-this is a fair amount to take care of your kid-pay it to bm. He's doing that. He is providing for his child. What he does with teh rest of his disposable income is noone else's business. The bm should not be asking for more money. Period. It has nothing to do with whether he is supporting sm's kids or buying a collection of rare coins or paying his electic bill.
It is bm's job to use the money to support her child-not herself, mind you, but her child. Since she is not working it is apparent that child support money is also going to support her-unless she's got some secret sugar daddy. Just because she feels like not working does not mean that the bio dad should have to pay above and beyond the court ordered amount. If bio mom did have a secret sugar daddy the bio dad should not start suddenly paying less.
It doesnt matter!! It does not matter who is working, who is not, who's got a new partner and who doesnt. What matters is that the court has set an amount that the bio dad is to pay to support his child. That money is to go to support the child.
You said so much better then
You said so much better then I did in all my posts thank you.
Ok this easy people repeat
Ok this easy people repeat with me "That IS what CS is for!" Keep saying it til you get it! What part of that can you not get?? If you stop giving money freely to the bm she WILL step up. It might take a while but she will! Come on you are enabling her and excusing her and reliving her of her responsibility by giving her money on top of CS! This is very easy! I know the kids may suffer for a while but it is necessary til bm gets her head outta her ass. It is worth it for a little while for you to have some money left for YOUR household for years to come. This is common sense people! If bm never gets her head outta her ass it is HER fault not yours or your dh's he has met his obligation. That doesn't mean that your dh can't buy the kids things but don;t ever give bm money on top of CS.
This is how we handle things when bm says she needs money for school supplies or clothes dh tells her that is what CS is for. If we feel the need to buy the skids anything we do but it stays here for them. If it is a game system or something then they can take it back and forth but only if it comes back if not no more. The skids have learned that if they bring it back and keep a hold of it we are more likely to buy them things. If we want to buy them clothes we do if not we don't. BM SHOULD NOT tell you how to spend your money!!!
Nobody is disagreeing that
Nobody is disagreeing that this is what CS is for. The problem is it seems that the BM is a pos and the kid will go without if dad doesn't get it for him. That's a personal decision dad needs to make. Does he stand on principle, because legally he can, or does he over look any perk bm might get out of it and just do what needs to be done for his kid? Tough spot.
Ughhh, this comes up every
Ughhh, this comes up every year around this time on the board lol. Ok-here's some perspectives.
A POSSIBILITY for this could be -and this is exactly my case- the fact of having finished paying very high amounts of summer camp for two children and being behind for school supplies-which makes total sense honestly.
I did not use my ex or his family to watch the kids all summer like my bf's ex did (in essence having the whole summer to herself AND collecting CS and not paying for summer camp costs-must be nice!).
I paid $250 a week for two kids all 8 weeks of summer. I will not lie-it put me behind on most my bills by 2-4 weeks. I'm still playing catch up-it will be at least end of Sept or so I think before I can be fully caught up on bills.
A couple times my exh would sometimes give me $25 more a week during summer to help w/summer camp costs. He also pays $500 a month for TWO growing boys-he also owes thousands in arrears I will not go after ever. He also never has paid half of deductibles/co-pays. The extra curriculars he's supposed to by decree help pay half. He has done it ONCE in 7 years-and I only send them to one or two a year. He also does not take the boys the 2-4 weeks in summer allotted because he's working-or the split weeks during spring/winter breakds...and would have to find care or pay for summer camp which he won't enter this BM keeping them all summer besides all year and paying full summer camp
Hence no money for a vacation this year-or the last 3 or more.
This year he did not help extra for summer...he had already told me he couldn't. He advised me before I asked. Last week I ASKED him-if he did have a little extra for that week for supplies that was cool. He knows I've gotten behind by almost a month on bills-he also knows our sons bday is coming up Sat-I have to postpone getting his gift till MOnday (payday). He threw in an extra $75...I thanked him a lot-it pretty much did cover my school supplies -about $60 this year...and the after school enrollment fee. He also bought my youngest a pair of shoes (which I told him already he really didn't need-he has his brothers hand me downs still in good condition. On ocassion he will buy a shirt or something random for them on his own. Not every time.
Now I still have PE uniforms-and more back to school clothes to get as I try to catch up the damage from summer camp
SO-you see, sometimes I wonder when I see on this site-do we know the whole story? I work full time, I fully support my children-about 80pct or more I would say. What he gives HELPS, a lot....but $6K a year doesn't begin to scratch the surface of supporting the kids.
I know people gripe about CS-but really there is a lot that goes cost wise into raising kids that NCP parents don't realize.
To this I'd say, there are
To this I'd say, there are MANY day camps that are free of charge. I was a single mother for YEARS. And I could never afford the pricey camps that I ended up paying for my youngest Bio for the last 5 years. My situation changed. My income grew substantially and God saw fit to bless me with a great husband for the THIRD and FINAL time. I have never in my life seen ONE DIME in CS. Yet my 3 boys never did without. At one point I held down 3 jobs just so I could pay the $1700.00 a month rent and support myself and my 3 boys. I would stretch a dollar like nobody's business. I shop at discount stores till this day despite making decent money. I hit Clearance racks FIRST before even looking anywhere else. I cook every night, we don't eat out, I don't go to the salon. I haven't had my eyes checked in 5 years because my son needs glasses every year. Better he has perfect eyesight than myself. I will eat shit if I have to for my kids. But some BMs immediately reach for the phone and say "Well YOUR KID needs this and I don't have any money." It's a crock of shit to me. If a woman can't afford to have a kid than she shouldn't have had him. At the end of the day it is THE MOTHER who ends up stuck with the kid so the MOTHER should be the one who puts her big girl panties on takes care of her brood. Man or NO man. Came out of MY body? Than I will handle my business.
So what is this a friggin
So what is this a friggin martyr comparison? YEAH free camps... LOL. WHERE ON EARTH? OH that's right...that's for those that already get all the gvmnt assistance and freebies.
You make quite arrogant and ignorant statements honestly "Well YOUR KID needs this and I don't have any money." It's a crock of shit to me. If a woman can't afford to have a kid than she shouldn't have had him. At the end of the day it is THE MOTHER who ends up stuck with the kid so the MOTHER should be the one who puts her big girl panties on takes care of her brood. Man or NO man. Came out of MY body? Than I will handle my business."
I can say reverse that and then what? Should these NCP not have more kids w'smoms because they are stretched w/CS? Not fair.....people normally go into marriage as TWO people-having chidlren together and BOTH supporting the kids. It is only fair to require them both to provide for their kids. I have a feeling in a way your resentment about not ever collecting CS may have left you w/the impression a man is nothing but a sperm donor. Or the classic "I did it this way so everybody else should also".
There ARE no free camps in my county -not for my income bracket-oh but if you sit on your ass and collect food stamps I'll bet you'll qualify. UGHHH This camp was AVERAGE normal-NOT a fancy camp-$250 for two kids-that's $125 per child-that's normal.
I hit clearance racks, and shop for sales-and also haven't had my eyes checked in about the same time as you. I also cook every night-I'm a huge cooking afficionado. I haven' bought myself clothes/shoes in a long time-I know the meaning of sacrifice hon...just like you do. I also know it is the fathers duty to provide for their young-just because people have acted to NOT collect CS does not mean those that collect a small amount "don't know how to handle the bsns that came out of their vaginas"...that's quite an ignorant approach and. Two parents, both provide. In my case-as I said I have never ONCE received a gvmnt assisted handout, reduced price anything, free/reduced childcare, lunch, camp, phone, foodstamps, meidcaid nothing. My kids aren't on state medical-nor are my ER visits footed by anyone other then myself-with my paid for insurance.
For years I was right above the 'line' by mere dollars of qualifying for all this assistance -the years I was not collecting a dime in CS also and could have most used temporary help -that would have helped us dig out of the hole a lot sooner, sure.
I worked together w/my family-got promotions-bought my own house now w/the boys- cost of living has increased dramatically...the salaries nor CS has kept up with that. Many working BM's are in the hole every month-and I do not get my nails did, go to a spa, have lunch out w/friends, I go to my nice fav hair salon once a year.
I suspect a lot of us here know the meaning of sacrifice. And honestly-it does kind of not sit right to me for someone to complain about their husband going above by $50 for school supplies and complaining about a non-working BM when she's chosing to do the same AND have the man support HER and another mans BIO children. AND not pursued further HER deadbeat dad to support her own kids. BUT is upset at him for being a standup guy.
SO he DOES go above and beyond-he seems that kind of guy-so yeah...I DO understand OP in a sense- my sd's bm receives CS and does NOT spend a dime on the girl-my bf's parents buy anything she needs/wants-he refuses because he already pays CS (she gets for one what i get for two-and does not pay for camps/childcare of anysort ever). I know there are lazy bm's that demand more and more. I've never been one of them-and a lot of them aren't.
Not a martyr competition at
Not a martyr competition at all Overit. And believe me, it was NOT meant as a diss to you either. I'm coming from a place of being sick & tired of constantly being in the room when BM pulls the "They are YOUR responsibility so figure it out." In the area I USED to live (not where I live now) there are free summer camps in the schools. I do know the feeling of not qualifying for anything seeing as how my kids don't even get free lunch in school. But I have grown incredibly strong & have made it my mission in MY life to care for my kids alone. First EXH quit his job the instant the CS papers got to his job. That was 18 years ago. Never saw a dime. Second EXH doesn't have a job on the books that CS can be taken from. So he's off the hook too. I personally feel that if a man WON'T do for his own kids than the Universe will give them what they deserve. I speak for MYSELF. My kids, MY problem. That is how I have ALWAYS seen it since the day I had the first one at age 15. I fucked up? Now deal with it. THAT is ME.
You're awfully quick to jump
You're awfully quick to jump in someone else's shyte when you paid for camp INSTEAD of being a responsible mother and paying your bills.
Sheesh. So judgemental.
What's your issue besides
What's your issue besides trolling?? Question-what do you suggest I do with my kids while I'm at work exactly?
So, yeah....bills will get paid late with late fees...I really don't care
My kids needed care while I work. So-care to share your story any or just come after me in PM's and the board questioning me?
Asking why you jump all over
Asking why you jump all over others for no provoked reason whatsoever.
What story of mine would you like? I've shared quite a bit thus far...
Over I get what you are
Over I get what you are saying but in my case my dh is not behind with anything never has been and refuses to be. I am more then ok with that. However bm does not work never has and never will according to her dh owes her for the rest of her life. She lives off of CS. EVERYTHING skids get for her and from dh is DH"S MONEY! He supports them 100%! So when bm asks for extra the answer is NO!
From my understanding that is the op's case too. I can understand where she is coming from. Her dh NEEDS to tell bm no. If he keeps this up he is letting the bm not having any responsibly for her kids and keeping all his CS money to do what she wants. He has to tell her no she will have to use CS to SUPPORT her kids.
So we have two extremes in
So we have two extremes in our house - my ex paid nothing for years until his wife no 2 shamed him into paying a miniscule amount until kids turned 18 - then zip, nada, no help for college, nothing, tough luck. That's ok, I work, I support my kids fully, I'm putting them through college, DH never has to put his hand in his pocket for my two.
His ex - wow did she hit the gravy train!! She convinced my DH that she could take him to the cleaners and in spite of all advice to the contrary he AGREED to pay double the normal CS and over and above that he also pays all school expenses, all medical expenses, all dental expenses and optical expenses. And he gives her standard of living increases each year!
Meanwhile she gets to buy the kids laptops, i-pods, musical instuments, the latest phones, all the cool stuff - "see what Mommy bought me, isn't she the coolest Mom ever???" BARF :sick:
Still, it's not my money so vent over.
Some are not getting my
Some are not getting my point..My point is this if the bm can get someone else to pay for her kids then she will usually the dad by guilting them into it. But IF the BD is paying CS he IS supporting his kid and if bd gives money or pays for something that CS is supposed to be used for he is ENABLING the bm to continue to be a POS! If the BD would stop and only give CS this is FORCE the bm to step up if not is the bm fault not the dads! Sorry but I will never see it any different. I have 2 kids of my own and I still see it as me having 50% responsibility to provide for my kids along with their dad and I would never dream of making or asking him to support them 100% and keep his CS!
If you stop feeding the bm she will have to step up, as I said it may take a while but it is bm's fault not the bd he is paying is CS like the courts ordered as HMO said!
We don't pay child support. I
We don't pay child support. I do agree that it SHOULD be used to pay for the kids needs. BM was living off of it, so we stopped paying it. How do we get away with that??? Well, BM is afraid to go to court with us, so she never fights it. There was never court appointed CS, they had a written agreement, and when she was going on her 3rd year of NOT WORKING DH and I decided we were not going to support her anymore, and told her we were amending the current mediation orders, and reversing the child support out. She agreed, signed the paperwork and now there is a written agreement that neither of us pay.
You would think then, that the expenses for SS would be SPLIT. We have 50/50 custody, no one PAYS anyone... so the costs should be split as well... NOPE. We pay for everything. School clothes, supplies, extra ciric. activities, field trips, EVERYTHIING. She contributes NOTHING. WHY do we do it, because we choose to. SS is the only one that would suffer if we didn't. There are things that we choose to do for him that are not our "legal" obligation. But if we don't do it, who will? No one.
I completely understand the frustration. And agree 100% that CS should be used for these things. I also understand that as parents, we do things we don't want to, to make sure our kids are taken care of.
And let me add, that about 3 months ago, DH sat BM down and told her that he is done picking up her slack. She needs to pay us the money she owes for past advances on paying babysitters, promises to pay half for new baseball bats etc. Things she never followed through on. This is why... SS got school supplies for his bday from her. We will see how long it lasts. She still didn't buy him school clothes. BUT, with that said, I didn't go out and buy clothes for him to keep at her house. Something I have done in the past.
It's not that he is choosing
It's not that he is choosing to not pay for his kid b/c he already did! What part of that can you not get!??? It is NOT his fault that the bm is a pos! It still is not right to expect a person to foot the bill for everything! WRONG WRONG WRONG. plus my point here is that IF he continues to foot the bill and pay CS that is suppose to cover his cost then he is ENABLING the other parent to be a POS! What part of that can you not get?
Sorry if I sound harsh or mean but it chaps me every time I see the excuse "but the kid suffers" crap yes the kid might suffer but it is bm's fault and it is a guilt way of thinking and isn't that what we trying to get our dh's not to do??? Be a guilty daddy??!
I didn't say I didn't get
I didn't say I didn't get it...??? I totally get it. I was just saying that WE personally have chosen to just do it in the past, we have not paid it twice because we don't pay child support, we have just paid 100% of everything for SS the past 7 years. And now... DH has put his foot down, and we will see how long it lasts. I think it is crap that it is being paid twice in OP's situation. It is crap. With my ex, there is no child support. We have 2 kids. He buys everything for one kid, I buy for the other. 50/50. That's how it should be in my opinion.
Several people are being harsh on this thread, and unfortunatly this is a "no win" situation for a lot of our DH's. If they DON'T just give in and buy these things then the kids do what? Do without? Or do they chance it and see if BM goes and gets it herself (if she is being paid child support or whatever) and if he DOES just go buy it, then we get mad that he is paying for it twice. Crappy situation no doubt!!
This is seriously one post that I can see everyone's point of view, and agree that everyone has a good point. Doesn't change the fact that IT TOTALLY SUCKS for our DH's to be put in these stupid situations.
Thank god DH had no trouble
Thank god DH had no trouble telling BM "that is what CS is for." This was especially true when
1) we paid half of daycare when BM never had a job.
2) we paid crazy $$$ for therapy, psychiatric visits and meds that BM said the skids needed. (When they turned 18 and we no longer had to pay medical, they were miraculously cured)
3)only income into BM's house was DH's CS while BM's deadbeat hubby and 23 year old SS lived in house. That's right, 3 adults and not one with a job.
If we wanted to buy skids something we did. BM did not tell us how to spend what was left after CS was paid. If the skids clothes started to look ratty or they needed a haircut DH would remind her that the CS was for the skids not the entire household of lazy bums. She would always say "Oh, I was going to take them shopping next week."
If dad is not sure his kids
If dad is not sure his kids are getting the supplies and bio mom cannot be relied on to spend CS on this kind of stuff, then he is just being a really good dad to his kids. Since he also buying for his much better can he be? I could see if he didn't for the steps, but he is just a good guy. Nothing wrong with someone pointing out to the OP that just because she may not like it, it does not necessarily make it wrong. If she makes a big deal about this and fights start, next thing he will resent buying for hers, and no one needs that to happen. Leave good enough alone. He sounds like a good caring dad and stepdad. Forget about biomom, not worth your time and stress.
Very true, but how do you fix
Very true, but how do you fix the problem without the kids suffering? If BM won't buy the needed items and BD refuses to "pay twice", where does that leave the kids?
It's easy for the stepparent to say no, stick to your guns. But really, how many Bioparents are willing to see their kids go without just to prove a point to the other parent?
It's also easy to say no when you know in the end, BM will provide. What about those that won't?
My SKs never go without. BM has alway found a way to get the extras that she begs for and DF refuses to supply.
^^^This^^^ That's what I am
That's what I am sayin'. How far is DH supposed to go? Put his foot down and say NO, but then what if BM really DOESN'T go out and get these things for the kids? Then what?
It is easy for me to sit back and tell DH to "put his foot down". But I am a lot of times fearful that BM really doesn't have the money (for whatever irresponsible reason) to do for SS, so if we don't, who will?? I know that I couldn't just let my girls go without. I would suck it up and buy it if their dad didn't. I lucked out with a decent exH when it comes to those things...
Rolling my eyes sorry
Rolling my eyes sorry stepfamilyfriend but your argument doesn't fly! The dad ALREADY PAID for things like supplies in CS! So what does it matter if he CHOOSES to buy supplies for his steps? It doesn't as the dad has already paid for the things that his kids need by paying his CS. It is NOT his fault that the bm is a POS! I still don;t get why he can't just say no that is what CS is for and MAKE her step up! What is so wrong in that??? Really seriously? Poor guy is already paying his part and everyone acts like he should pay more just b/c bm is a bitch!
Maybe I really am missing
Maybe I really am missing something here, but if he can "choose" to buy for his steps, can't he"choose" to buy for his own, irregardless of CS?
Should he only spend for CS, and nothing more, even if he is ok buying more? What if he wants to, does he have to say no to make a point with BM? What about what he thinks is right for his own children?
I'll go back and read the ever growing number of posts and maybe I'll see what I am missing. But please, I am not jumping on anyone, nor am I being harsh, so keep that in mind. And....I am not a bio mom, nor am I part of another forum isomething. I just don't see too many things as black and white, which makes life way more difficult, believe me.
EXACTLY. There's the legal
There's the legal minimum.
For his steps, that minimum is NOTHING.
For his bios, that minimum is CS.
He is doing more than the minimum for BOTH "categories" of kids.
It's just that OP seems to be ok with him spending money on her kids, just as long as he puts the kibosh on spending on his own kid.
Purple, I get both sides.
Purple, I get both sides. HONESTLY-to me it depends on how much CS is being paid, how many children, what's in the decree, does he exercise his full visitation weeks and provide care during that time, etc.
LIke I said-I asked if he could help w/some extra-he did. But the 'scenarios' behind the request-even if he does pay CS are quite different honestly.
See my post-so it's all relative IMO.
Many custodial parents sometimes want to do extra for their kids for things they don't NEED-do we allot a certain amount of $ for those that live w/us and refuse to do more on principle? So as long as it's not putting them in the poor house a $50 supply trip (if it was even that) not a mountain worth dying on. PARTICULARLY when the man is FULLY financially supporting a woman NOT working and her two biological children from another man. It just sounds hypocritial a bit to me. At least in this case it does.
Still fuming... I recently
Still fuming... I recently attended my step-daughters baby shower. After being there for over an hour, the door bell rings. Much to my surprise in walks my husbands (we have been married 8 years now) ex-girlfriend. To my embarrasment all eyes turn to see my reaction. My husband and this woman did not have a nice breakup and she continued to badmouth him and even me for years to the family. I personally feel it was bad manners to invite us both to the same shower. They have never done this before so I am confused as to why now. To make matters even worse, the girlfriend decided NOW it was the time to "Clear the Air". She then proceeded to announce to me that my husband REALLY had never really meant that much to her afterall and she was OK with things now. REALLY??? I took the high road, was nice to everyone including the girlfriend and stayed until all had left and helped clean up. However, I cried all the way home as I was simply humiliated that these people did not inform me she was coming beforehand so I could have made the decision to go or not... My hubby which tries to see the good in everyone says it was just an oversight.... I have decided to never attend another function of these people as I feel this was intentional and unkind. I will provide a gift as it is the proper thing to do but will not be treated like this again. I wanted to say something to my step daughter but hubby says don't make waves...that by saying something I would just look crazy... What would you have done?
Here's another point! In MY
Here's another point! In MY case, DH pays CS for his daughter. SS18 lives with US. BM pays us NO CS for him. On top of that, DH is responsible for ALL transportation of BOTH kids when it's visitation time. What I mean is when it's our weekend with SD10 DH drives the 35 miles to pick her up and the 35 miles to drop her off. TOLLS included. When it comes time for SS18 to visit his mother DH pays for SS18's ROUNDTRIP ticket to and from BM's EOW. On TOP of that, ANY and ALL expenses, school trips, Karate, bookbags etc...BM expects my DH to pay for it. So at what point is BM responsible for HER children? How is that fair? The principal is and should always be THAT IS WHAT THE CS IS FOR and BM should not get ONE CENT more than that. PERIOD.
I did read all th posts, and
I did read all th posts, and I just see it differently. When DH and I got together, he had 2 kids half time and I had my daughter. Dh was paying some CS, not court ordered, but an agreed amount. When we joined families and his ex moved in with her new partner, we had a face to face confrontation in which my Dh told the ex and BF quite harshly:
" You tell me why the F. this family (us) should have to support your family (to the two of them)". After that he paid much less.
Dh and I both worked, but he made more money, so he definitely paid for a lot of my daughters expenses. He never, ever resented a dollar spent on her, even though we were low on money when he had less work. ( My daughter's dad is out of the picture completely). At times bio mom asked for money for something or other for the kids and DH asked a lot of questions about it and mostly gave her the extra. At times I did have that feeling of dislike and upset, since bm has a med condition and has not worked for years, while I work non stop. I did feel some resentment, but I tried to see it as just that. I never gave DH a hard time about anything he gave or bought his kids. He is not a Disney dad, so he did not just waste money on them, not at all.
I think he just did right by them and my letting him be a good dad, probably has something to do with none of us hating each other now.
Not flaming, not trolling, not just trying to argue. I am just giving my opinion on this. Besides, who knows what really goes on in any of the lives that we get little bits from here.
Unfreakingreal...I get your
Unfreakingreal...I get your point-we will all be upset and jaded and more apt to side on whatever side we are experiencing. Personal bias.
I know my exh by court decree is ordered to handle transportation-but 90pct of the time we split it. I handle one way, him the other. Only a handful of times have we not split it. I'm MORE then fair with him-and he has more then slacked his responsibilities time and financial with the boys for years. Hence his strained relationship w/them.
I din't think an 18yr old qualified for CS (unless you're in one of those shitty states)? WHy is the 18yr old counting on dad to pay his visiation to mom at this age?
There are one too many entitled women in this country-and they think men should provide them everything, fully support not only the kids but their grown asses too-even after's nothing but entitlement, princess complex. It's disgusting, I know.
Overit I'm in the SHITTIEST
Overit I'm in the SHITTIEST CS state ever. NY!
CS is until age 21!!! SS18 just got a job for the FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE last week. First paycheck will be this Friday. I will assume that starting now my DH won't pay for the bus anymore. But one never knows.
Yes, I am jaded to be quite honest. Angry at times, jaded at others and outright postal at other times. I guess it goes with the territory. Blended families are so tough to manage. Thankfully we all have this site so we can let it out here and not have to take it home to our families. That wouldn't be good for anybody.
Oh ARE in one of
Oh ARE in one of the worst then! We are all jaded w/our circumstances -I guess it goes w/the territory in blended family lives you're right!
YOu know though-all this concern about kids going w/out....I don't know about where you gusy live but the school is ALWAYS asking for extra supplies-or ask to send it non-labeled stuff, know redistribution for the poor that can't buy school supplies after all the freebies and handouts. So those kids DO get supplies provide from the school normally-thanks to you and me
Either way they wont be without.
I noticed a huge difference in middle school this year-every day my son comes home with notes about "need this supply-that supply, that supply"...I'm thinking-he HAS everything on that list (LABELED thank you very much!)...but I guess they are strill struggling for all the kids whose parents aren't sending in stuff. OR hoping some parents think to send stuff twice to provide for those in need. WHat a mess we are in.
Last year our school actually
Last year our school actually had this great option available where the PTA made a school supply box with EVERYTHING the kids needed. They sell the entire box for about 25.00 if I am not mistaken. Most people went that route. Saved the having to deal with the crowds at the store. I'll have you know that our BM didn't have money for my SD's school uniform this year, but the little girl is rocking a $250.00 bookbag. Can somebody say PRIORITIES????
Wait... a $250 bookbag?? WTF?
Wait... a $250 bookbag?? WTF? :jawdrop: