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Anyone else think this is stupid?

prozac_nation's picture

BM called today and told SO that he needed to help buy school supplies for skids. Nothing wrong with that under normal circumstances. EXCEPT BM gets PLENTY in CS and right now lives with her mother so she has no expenses what-so-ever. I guess between the drugs, bar outings, and tanning there's not enough for school supplies. I told SO I really didn't think it was necessary considering we are struggling as is with the expenses WE have and he agreed with me.
BM gets more than enough in CS to cover school supplies for them as everything else is her life is paid for by her family or the government. I would feel different about helping her if she actually had a JOB and didn't go and blow everything she has at the bar every weekend.
Am I in the right or just being irrational?


Kes's picture

Like your SO, my DH pays a fortune in CS, and if he ever gets any requests for "extras" he would go and buy whatever it is for the SDs, and then take the money OFF her next installment of CS. This is what I advise you to do.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I'm in total agreement. I'm custodial parent for my DD8- I totally knew what that entailed when I took on that role & so did she!!!! She's just looking for "free money" here- don't give it to her!! I go to staples each year to buy supplies- less then $20 later- it's all done. I'd remind her that she knew what "custodial" or "residential" meant & what it entailed!!!

I get furious at BM for the skids. She acts as tho she's strapped for cash all the time yet she fought for & won custody. Not only that- but c'mon people- im a BM too- I definitely knew raising a child would be expensive long before our divorce. I knew the second we planned to have her. I don't know where these certain BMs get off thinking not a dime of their money should be spent & frankly, as long as they are asking AND getting free money from the Dads- why not? It's silly on our Men's part if they give it!!!!! Say no- use the child support!!

just tired's picture

My DH pays a ton of CS, and BM is always bitching at him about needing more....but it's never for things like school supplies. It's for things like: "You need to pay $500 for 1/2 of the cruise SD is going on!" or "You need to pay $x for 1/2 of the Taylor Swift tickets since SD is going to that concert." or things equally non-essential.

Or he'll get a nasty-gram voice mail about how she can't provide the same kinds of things for YSD that OSD get when she was that age, and YSD deserves the same opportunities.

Well, maybe she does. But should have thought about that before you started having all your lesbian affairs, snorting coke up your nose, drinking til you passed out every day, smoking weed every day as soon as you got outta bed and all day every day.

BM wanted & fought for custody....but she doesn't think she should have to try to do it with just CS....she should keep draining DH for everything she can get her hands on.

Nope....sorry. He pays you plenty of CS. You have no clue how to manage money. Get a life.

12yrstepmonster's picture

We got this line:

I can't believe you don't even buy a pencil for school! You are letting your children down, do you know how excited they are for school.

No BM, we were the ones that bought the supplies mid way thru.

We also got the you are worthless because you won't pay for car repairs, your child is in danger driving that car. I wanted to say to da my whole family is in danger because my car needs new breaks.

Standard answer: I'm sorry but that is a CP responsibilty.

And when she said you don't send enough support we say- does it really take 19k a year to raise two kids, when she said you don't pay that, we said. Right we pay our portion, you cover yours.