time out
Well my sd is 8 and has just made it hard for herself she believes the only one she has to listen to is bm. Well I told her that her choice and if she choses not to obey the rules here. She forfiet all privildges that belong to this house. That means computer,tv,movies etc.... my hubby will be lil upset oh well. I'm done. I've done for this kid ever since I met her. I will get my respect I never ask bm for anything. What ever she need I get. Hubby wasn't working when we first got together so the things I have including items in home I purchased. Even had my home before we got together. So sd & bm will respect me or bm can supply all her needs when she drops sd off for visit. We will see how long that last. I'm a good sm
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my step children lived with
my step children lived with us for 3 years and the BM had supervised visits. Sometimes my DH would let her see them unsupervised for a little bit and whenever this would happen the SC would come back to the house and have nothing but contempt for DH and myself. It turns out that while they were visiting with their eggdonor she was TELLING them not to listen to me and that they didn't have to do anything i said if they didn't want too. Long story short, i know it's frustrating having a child in your home that believes that she doesn't have to do anything you say or show you any kind of respect at all because your not her "real" mom, but try not to take it too hard or get too upset because unfortunately neither you nor your DH can control what BM tells that child to do when she goes back home. BM could be telling her NOT to listen to you or to give you grief or whatever and trust me that kid is going to listen to the BM, it sucks and hate that you're going through it but maybe with time it will get better. Good Luck!
You are a good SM! Take the
You are a good SM! Take the stand and put your foot down. Your house, your rules. That's how it should be.
Go get em girl!!
Thank u both I try not to
Thank u both I try not to take it to personal. But at this point something has to be done. I've noticed her behaviors creepy back in. They were gone for atleast a year. And now they back, bm needs to chill out
Good for you! That's right-
Good for you! That's right- your house, your rules. We go through a similar thing- BM so desperately wants control of what goes on here but has very little knowledge of discipline, and no follow-through to back up any threats she makes- so SSs constantly scream and act out with her. Here (knock on wood) there are no discipline problems, oher than the fact that we have three six-year-old boys!!! And of course DD5 does no wrong (I can see DH rolling his eyes at that one
Good luck and stay strong!!!