oh boy
It seems like we just dropped sd8 off to bm. And now in a couple days she'll be back. And honestly I'm not looking forward to listening to her opininated self. Always throwing herself into anyone's conversation. And she always thinks she's right yur 8 not 88. When I say something to her like mind your buisness no one's talking to you. Hubby gets irratated,I'm like tell her to stop then. When he's not around watching she shows her true colors. I basicaly have to tell her if she can't listen to call bm to come get her. When you tell hubby about her behavior al kinds of excuses come pouring out. I told him just recently I hope those excuses hold up in court and principal office. He says what you mean by that. I told him seeing how you making excuses while she's young instead putting your foot down. The behaviors and attitude will get worse as she continues to get older. He just looks at me like to say how dare you. Then he says well your kids are mouthy and I said yup they are and when they do I put my foot down right then aand there. Plus I don't make any excuses for bad behavior or disrespect. He walked away all pissed off. Sd8 is the reason sometimes my ss19 and ss17 don't visit. They've told me it's because he won't put his foot down when she misbehaves. They come to me or I'll have to interven and make her stop. They'll tell her to stop but she keeps on while dad just sits there. When she comes I will make sure my own children are busy with activities. They pretty much can't stand her behaviors I still make them be nice to her. Which at times is hard but I won't let them be mean even if she is a brat. I know a lot of it comes from bm and the kind of enviroment she has sd8 in and around. Bm let's sd8 watch r rated movies, be around adult conversation, and bad mouth dad and I right in front of her. So that starts my delima with sd8 because none of that is allowed here. So we bump heads the whole visit then she begins to do things to be spiteful. Which gets on my nerves none of the house rules are new to her. But she conviently forgot when asked why did you do that. But she can tell her company all the rules. Go figure! Well I just got to pray and stay prayed up and ask GOD to be with me so ill get through this visit.
- lovebounderies's blog
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