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So Ready for it to be Over!

dragonfly5's picture

How long can it possible take to get a court date in Florida? I love my BF he is wonderful, attentive, loving, goes above and beyond anything I ever dreamed of. But his EX is crazy, selfish, and a drama queen.

Crazo came into our church on Christmas Eve and took the kids...she wanted them, even though they were not suppose to be returned until Christmas at noon. My FDH filed contempt charges against her. It is May and he has heard nothing from the court. It just sucks! He going to get a communication clause so that she cannot continue to call 10 times and day and send 20 text calling us all names when she feels like it.

Two weeks ago she had sd10 call him and ask for the child support early so they could rent jet ski's on vacation. Of course he told her sweetie the child support is due at the end of the month, your mom knew you all were going on vacation, she need to budget her money better. She has a great job but spends every dime she makes. It is unbelievable to me how this woman uses her kids. What a piece of crap.

I am ready for this to end. I told my BF that she needs to be put in a cage. She needs to be made as small as possible in our lives. I am sick of all her drama. I want to marry this man. But I can't. I cannot choose to bring this drama into my life everyday. He is wonderful, the kids are great, but she is crazy!

To make matters worse, this morning I had a doctors appointment. YUK! The kind we all hate. I was dreading it, and sure enough I heard what I didn't want to hear. We need to do a biopsy and see where we are at. I am hurting, at work and angry.

Maybe I need to just be alone...Is that the answer?
I raised my daughter, she is a successful, loving, responsible woman. I will never, never, never date a man with young kids again.

It is so silly. I dated him thinking I just wanted someone to go out with, someone to carry on an intelligent conversation with. Never did I imagine I would fall in love. I am not wired that way.

Guess what I did. This is why you don't date someone you are not prepared to spend the rest of your life with. You can fall in love with the right man/situation, just like you can fall in love with the wrong man/situation.

Oh if I could go back...would I choose differently.


Totalybogus's picture

Did he file it himself or did an attorney file it for him? If he filed it, he just needs to set the motion for hearing. If an attorney filed it for him, he needs to call his attorney and tell him/her to set it for hearing. The court doesn't spontaneously set the hearings. It is the responsibility fo the party who filed it

dragonfly5's picture

He filed it himself. How do you set the motion for a hearing? They told him it would be 4-6 months when he filed the paperwork.

aggravated1's picture

DH filed a motion for contempt in Florida himself, and we were in court in 3 months. It is odd that is taking so long, what district is it? You can ask at the courthouse, or call the court clerk and see what the issue is. Plus, you can check most filings online now. I think we are the 4th Judicial Circuit.

dragonfly5's picture

We are in the 4th as well. He went to the court house and waited for 2 hours and was not seen. He let a note the box for an update He has called the clerk and left maessages,and sent emails.

Were do you go to check the filings on line?

Thank you all for your help!

dragonfly5's picture

Motion for contempt, Please do not tell me has to also file a petition to modify. We are new at this.

Crazo didn't start this until he met me.
They have been divorced for 5 yrs, but she knows we are serious and she hates the thought that he will re-marry even though she has.

The kids love me and we have a great relationship. She is eaten up with jealousy.
It is so sad, I love her kids, and I know I am not their mom, I don't want to be. But I do want to make a positive difference in their live, just as I have with my 3 god children. Why can't she just be glad that her ex is with someone who wants what is best her their kids.

We like her new husband and we are thankful that he is good to the kids. Jealousy is a very ugly thing.

Totalybogus's picture

No, he doesn't need to file that too. What he does need to do is to call the judge's judicial assistant and schedule the hearing. Family court judge's calendars are very crammed so it may be scheduled a few months out. But, he needs to schedule it and then prepare a notice of hearing for the date, time and place of the hearing and mail a copy to the BM or coordinate the date with her attorney if she is represented. The forms are all on your county clerk's website.

Yme's picture

We too are in is a busy state...we found luck in a friendly chat with the judge's JA.....careful treading because some JA's are they own the judge...We were luck.... DH may have luck in working with the persons in the clerks office...they have a department dedicated to Custody issues....give them a call....
Good Luck!

dragonfly5's picture

Thanks, he is going down there again Monday.
What a mess, it is so unfair to the kids.

She can withhold the kids and they take forever to respond but from what I hear if he would miss a CS payment, the world would come to an end.

He has never missed a child support payment, and
he pays it on his own is not through the court systems. He is a good father, she is a piece of trash.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

I don't know what it is about FL but my FDH, as well as 2 other men that I know that live in Florida are currently going through custody battles and let me tell you..if this isn't a a LONG and DRAGGED out process! Sad We are getting married on May 20th...I had hoped for the agreement to have been signed before then but no cigar. UGH! My man filed for contempt and a modification for primary custody in November and here we are in May....

dragonfly5's picture

November, really? That is so unfair. The system is broken.

Primary, wow I wish you luck. Our lawyer said she would have to be a drug addict and be found with the drugs in her possession and the kids with her before my FDH could be the primary. But that was 5 yrs ago.

By the way Congrats! to you! I am afraid to take the plunge. The ex and skids are a scary thing.
We have dated a little over 2yrs. I am in no hurry for marriage.