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disney had it wrong, its the stepKIDS who are evil!

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

here's the picture:

woman meets man. man and woman fall in love. man has kid(s) from previous relationship. woman knows this but falls in love anyways. man expects woman to lovehis kids and accept them. woman falls into trap and is now losing herself because of skid and bm drama.

disney, u are an asshole. u make the world think that just cause a new woman comes into a childs life that she must be evil. oh u must have been drunk and high while writing ur cute lil movies. cause in real life, the skids and bm and hell even the fathers are evil and to blame.

Lauren1438's picture

There are a few out there that have a "good SM" and a "bad SM" like the Au pair movies, there was an evil girlfriend in the beginning and then the nice one at the end....

Disneyfan's picture

I get not loving the kids. But if you can't accept the fact that the guy has kids, why stick around?