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Don't the little things drive you CRAZY!?

cocoxo's picture

It's sometimes the smallest things that drive me crazy! But I need to vent some (the ones from the past few hours) and hopefully, some of you can post what drives you crazy and make me feel normal/ get it off your chest too!

Tonight I wanted to go to church. My husband, SD5, and I went first to to pick up SS8. On the way back I asked if he could take his kids (his daughter also lives with us) to the park for an hour while I went to church because we didnt have enough time to go drop the kids at home. Upon hearing this, his son starts saying "I'm hungry" over and over. So I tell my husband that I don't need to go to church tonight and that I'll just go tomorrow.

On the car ride back, SS8 hears that I'll be grilling chicken/fish and vegetables and making tater tots. He complains that he doesn't like the way I make tater tots. My husband asks me to cook them longer. I oblige.

At dinner, SS8 complains that he doesn't like crunchy tater tots. At this point I'm ready to pull my hair out. (I'm also 9 months pregnant so everything irritates me a little more than usual).

Finally, when the fish (that my husband and I caught yesterday) gets off the grill, SD8 demands that he gets half AND my husband gives it to him! What do I get? A bite.

PLEASE, share the little things that may have driven you crazy today. Make me feel like I'm not alone! Also, share any ways that you manage to keep your sanity!


Eyes Wide Open's picture

God, yes!!!!! Everyone else has the same ring tone, but hers is "special". Soooooo friggin' annoying!

dakotamom's picture

ss16 is the same way!!! i've told him i bet he eats faster than my dog. Dh makes jokes out of "if he tasted it" i find it absolutely disgusting!
he eats like someone who has been in prison. elbows out around his plate as if he's protecting it while shoveling in food.

stepmom2011's picture

OK, get this... SD(13) cannot keep out of the ice cream. In two days it is gone. So I bought plain vanilla to make mudslides and chocolate chip mint for her so she would stay out of the vanilla. APPARENTLY I DO NOT EAT MY ICE CREAM FAST ENOUGH TO SUIT HER! She plows through hers and the next day after dinner she pulls out the vanilla. I casually mention to my DH that she already had ice cream that day and the rest is for mudslides for us. Because we are all afraid of her violence, he tells her to go ahead and eat it that he will go to the store to get more for us. HE JUST CAME FROM THE STORE NOT EVEN AN HOUR PREVIOUSLY! We both knew if he said no, SD would either A)throw the ice cream at me for saying anything or 2)spit in it and then put it back in the fridge so nobody but her can eat it (we throw it out after she walks away).

DH chose to not make a big deal. SD weighs about 210 and is 5'2" and only 13 years old. I love my hubby but DAMN! We just got a lock for our deep freeze to help control her eating a little. I get angrier and angrier everyday. This is the kind of situation that makes me want to wring her neck! I love my husband and it is hard to stay angry at him when he is just as afraid of our budding sociopath as I am. She is on my last nerve!

MrsFitMama's picture

OMG honestly, I never thought little kids would try to weedle their way into things! I never thought of things like my SD5 does! She continually lieeeeeeeeeeees!!!
She's been sick with a flu lately. Well DH calls her at her mom's house to find out how shes been. She says she's been sick and all she had to eat was ice cream and juice all day. She said BM was going to get her soup but she forgot. Of course this upsets DH so he demands for BM. BM says SD has had a surprisingly large appetite and even ate chinese food. DH asked SD about why she said she didn't eat and she didnt respond. Obviously for the attention. Sad thing is that she gets a TON of attention. My skids get more attention than I see BP give to their own kids. And Ive caught her in lies so many times so that she looks like "poor me" to daddy. Now I really feel and sound like an evil stepmom for talking that way about an almost 6 yo... but sometimes she's such a brat!
I'll tell her not to do something and she blatantly disobeys... right in front of me.

stpmom2b's picture

When BM says, "You just can't understand because you're not a MOM", with a HUGE emphasis on the word mom....I throw up a little in my mouth every time.

Mousie1972's picture

Ugh, the way SD13 used to cock her head to the side and says "daddy" and BS and I know it's because she wants something.....otherwise she ignores him.
Nice thing is that he's not falling for it anymore! She wants to ignore him, he doesn't do anything for her!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

SD4 repeats herself constantly until she gets the reaction she wants, which lately has been replaced by a quick squirt in the face with a water bottle.

SS12 texts constantly and then gives us a play by play of everything he's telling his sister via text. He also texts one of us constantly if he isn't here.

SD8 never answers questions when I ask her something. She stares off into space and puts her finger on her face like she's in deep thought. Over a yes or no question. Refuses to answer no matter what I say. Such as "Did you brush your teeth, YES or NO?". She has to really think about it. For a looooong time.

SD8 getting up in the morning and not coming straight out of the bedroom to throw away her pissy pullup and get in the shower. When she is the only kid here, she will hide out in there pretending to be asleep for as long as she can get by with it. In a wet pullup.

Having to remind SS12 to shower. Seriously? Wash!

SD4 lies like she draws breath, just like her mom. BM is a pathelogical liar, and SD4 lies just to hear herself talk. I can watch her do something, and she will see me watching her, and she will then say she didn't do it, and stick with her story. She's just like BM in the sense that once the lie leaves her mouth, it's become her reality.

Ninja chick's picture

SD4 still can't wash her own hands, use the rest room saint our help/get dressed/every other daily task, crys constantly talking about how much she hates our house cause she has to shower and clean up her toys and eat, wakes up at 7am and screams bloody murder till you go in there and it's cause she wants out of bed, tells me whatever, I don't have to at mommies, cries some more, tells me what to do, has absolutely no manners and best of all FDH isn't even bio dad just got fooled for years. I hate the little shit some times.